Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1193: :Chu madman goes out, 9th grade great perfection, 5 official successor


Kunlun Secret World, in a certain mountain range.

A white beam of light skyrocketed.

A beautiful white figure walked out.

The jade legs are slender, the figure is graceful, and every move has an indescribable aura, like the head of the former female fairy.

This person is Yuzhi, the saint of Yaochi.

"Suddenly I have reached the Eighth Stage Celestial Immortal."

Yuzhi sensed his own strength for a while, secretly amazed.

In today's world, it is considered a first-class cultivation base to reach Tianxian, let alone these eighth-rank Tianxian.

"I don't know how far Fellow Daoist Chu has broken through."

Yuzhi whispered.

Madman Chu got the chance not much worse than her.

It's just that, because she was already a fifth-grade goddess before, and Madman Chu is only a first-grade goddess.

So she estimated that Madman Chu could only reach the sixth-rank Tianxian at best, and no matter how high it was, she would be the same as hers.

"It's very exciting."

And this time.

In a cave in the mountains.

There was fairy radiance circulating in Madman Chu's body, and powerful aura fluctuations condensed, as terrifying as a supreme fairy king.

After half a year of practice, he absorbed most of the chance he got in Kunlun Secret World.

Its cultivation base has already exceeded that before.

It's not Yuzhi's guess of the sixth and seventh products.

Instead, he reached the Ninth-Rank Celestial Immortal in one go!

Even, still improving!


Suddenly, Madman Chu opened his eyes, and there was a shocking gleam in his eyes, and his aura skyrocketed.

"Nine-Rank Great Perfection!"

"It's only one step to break through to the real wonderland!!"

What is a true fairy?

Ming Wu is really a real immortal!

Returning to nature is true!

The gap between the real celestial and the celestial celestial being is more than ten times larger than the gap between the celestial being and the earth celestial being.

This step is extremely difficult to cross. I don't know how many immortals are stuck at this last moment and are consumed alive.

But Kuangren Chu had no such worries. His deep understanding of Tao had already surpassed the category of ordinary true immortals.

Breaking through the real fairy is just a matter of time for him.

What he lacks is accumulation.

"Nine-Rank Great Perfection, not to mention invincible in the world, but this cultivation level alone is enough to sweep the younger generation."

"Not to mention, I still have a lot of hole cards in my hand."

A smile appeared on Madman Chu's face.

Then he opened the fantasy roulette draw.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing the golden medal of God-level reward."


The madman Chu gave a soft voice.

The golden rule is one of the three great visions of the academy.

With the addition of his hundreds of schools of scholars and the vision of Xueshan Wenxin, now he has obtained this golden rule, and the three major visions of the academy are all gathered.

"I don't know how much blessing I can get with these three big visions!" Madman Chu was expecting.

Then he walked out of the cave.

He swept away the immortal knowledge and found that Yuzhi had also left the customs.

"Big guy, big guy, you are finally out."

At this moment, the little fox jumped out from nowhere, and said quickly: "There is something wrong with Zhao Fangfei, Lan Yu and Cao Yun..."

She said briefly what happened.

Hearing this, Madman Chu's eyes flashed.

"Oh, they want to...find death."


In the valley.

The fierce fighting continues.

Although Lan Yu, Cao Yun and others suffered greatly under the influence of the Thousand Eye Array, they were all masters of the heavenly immortal level.

Although there are many zombies, they won't be able to take them for a while.

In addition.

The real purpose of the soul guardian is not them.

As long as Madman Chu didn't arrive, they wouldn't use the real hole cards, so Lan Yu and others could keep dragging them.

"It's just that they didn't expect them to last so long."

The soul guardian exclaimed.

Under the influence of his thousand-eye formation, the ordinary monks had long since lost their minds and let the zombies slaughter them, but it was not a simple matter for Lan Yu and others to maintain such combat power.

It can be seen how tough the will of the students in the academy is.

"It's a pity, they have a relationship with Madman Chu."

Inside the formation enchantment.

A pair of cold eyes looked at Lan Yu and others indifferently.

This person is a purple thunder from the line of Xianting Ziwei.

Except for him.

There are many people hidden in this enchantment.

These people were all recruited by Soul Guardians to deal with the Madman Chu.

"Mad Chu, don't you show up yet?"

An indifferent and hoarse voice entered the ears of the soul guard and others.

This is Immortal Knowledge Transmission.

"I'm waiting to gather together to deal with the madman Chu. If he doesn't come, this plan will be ruined."

"Not bad."

"Soul Guardian, I hope you don't let us down."

A sound transmission of immortal knowledge came.

But the soul guardian still has a confident smile on his face, "Please rest assured, Madman Chu will definitely show up, wait a minute."

He believed that the character of the Madman Yichu would never sit back and watch Lan Yu and the others get behind bars.

Moreover, even if the opponent could see that this killing array was set for him, the opponent would definitely come.

Because he is a madman of Chu.

The chief of the academy, the ghost emperor of Fengdu!

His pride does not allow him not to come.

"Perhaps, it's because the stimulation is not enough, or let's kill a few people to cheer up!"

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded.

I saw a dark figure walking out of the void. This was a pale-faced youth with a lifeless spirit.

Cold and dead.

This is the feeling this young man gives.

It is better than the descendants of the corpse demon.

"The descendant of Yin Cao's five sense organs, are you sure you want to shoot now?"

The Soul Guardian said lightly, this young man is a descendant of the Yin Cao Jifu, one of the ten halls of Yama, and the five senses.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, anyway, my Yin Cao Jifu and his ghost capital ghost emperor will meet sooner or later, and the same is true now."

The descendant of the five sense organs said indifferently.

Originally, the monks who came here to deal with Madman Chu would not easily show up when Madman Chu did not appear.

Because they were not sure whether Mad Man Chu would come after exposure.

If they were exposed, wouldn't it be embarrassing if the Mad Chu didn't come?

I will be worried about by the other party in the future.

But the descendants of the five sense organs don't care about this, anyway, they will be the enemy sooner or later, and it doesn't matter when they are exposed.

The descendant of the five sense organs stared at Lan Yu and the others like electricity. The next moment he shot, his figure was like electricity, cutting through the sky.


Lan Yu felt something and waved his backhand with a stick.

The light energy contained in the scepter blasted with a skinny palm, and two terrifying forces exploded directly.

Lan Yu stepped back hundreds of feet.

The descendant of the five sense organs is amazed, "Under the influence of this thousand-eye formation, you still have this kind of perception, you are indeed extraordinary."

"This kind of breath, you are from the underworld."

Lan Yu said indifferently, his eyes swept across the void, "The descendants of the underworld are here, so, there are others."

"Are you so afraid of the son?"

There was sarcasm in her words.

"A sharp tooth and a sharp mouth can't help you survive."

The face of the legend of the five sense organs sank, his eyes were cold, and a powerful force of reincarnation burst out from raising his hand, blasting into the void.

A whirlpool of ghost gates emerged Yin soldiers and soldiers rushed out.

Including black and white impermanence, bull head horse face and other gods.

"Kill them on the spot!"

The descendant of the facial features said coldly.


Yin Bing Yin will whizz out.

But suddenly, they seemed to feel something, and their bodies trembled, looking towards the sky, with fear and horror in their eyes.

boom! !

With a loud noise, the entire formation enchantment began to vibrate.

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