Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 120: : To become a master of alchemy, go to the alchemy pavilion to practice hands

   Defeated the five young emperors with a gesture of action. The powerful combat power of Madman Chu shocked everyone. Even the Venerable Xuanqi, Elder Ruyan and others were mentally prepared, but it still felt incredible.

   "In just three years, the madman's cultivation level has not made much progress, but his deep understanding of the Taoism is amazing. Several holy kings have reached the perfect level, which is incredible." Venerable Xuanqi said.

   The elders next to him also agree.

   Ruyan elder said: "Even if he doesn't have the Xuanhuang Emperor Qi, his own talent is stronger than any foreign object."

   "Not bad."

   "With the chief, why worry if my Xuantian Sect is not prosperous?"

   "Haha, in this world, Xuan Tianzong is destined to prosper!"

   the head, the elders all smiled openly.


   Ao Cang, Lin Batian and the others left, came happily, and walked away dejectedly. Today's defeat not only made them remember the power of Chu Kongren, but also cast a shadow over their Taoism.

   In the future, he will face the madman of Chu. If there is no fight, I am afraid I will be timid by three points.

   And the news that the madman of Chu had defeated five young emperors in a row also spread all over the world the next day, and the monks were shocked by all Taoism.

   disappeared in three years.

   When everyone thought that Madman Chu could no longer shine, he went out strongly, and once again told everyone with absolute strength that he was still the madman who suppressed the arrogance of the world!

   "A blockbuster, a blockbuster!"

   "In three years of retreat, I lost the opportunity to win the Xuanhuang Di Qi, but Madman Chu is still the Madman Chu back then, so you should not underestimate it."

   "Too strong. Defeating five young emperors in a row, this kind of combat power is really incredible, is he really just a warlord??"

   "The madman of Chu left the pass, and the world is going to be surging again."

   "When he first entered the world, he killed the Supreme, killed the saints, and led the world. At this time, he left the customs, I don't know what will happen again."

   People all over the world are talking about the three words Chu Kuangren.

   Countless people recalled that three years ago, the peerless white-clothed boy who overwhelmed all the arrogances in the world with their own power could not lift their heads.

   Now that the teenager leaves the customs, what waves will it cause again?

   Everyone does not know, but they are all looking forward to it.


   "Princess walk slowly."

   In front of the gate of Xuantianzong Mountain, the madman of Chu is sending off Princess Linglong.

   Princess Linglong smiled and said: "Then I will go back first. If the horse is free, you can come to Qingyun Dynasty to find me at any time."

   "Definitely." The madman Chu smiled faintly.

   "Then, goodbye."


   After sending away Princess Linglong, Madman Chu returned to Xuan Tianzong. He had no plans for the next plan.

   It’s okay to stay and practice in Xuantian Sect.

   One month after the turn of time.

   "Congratulations to the host for drawing a star item, and the alchemist has a permanent experience card." The sound of the fantasy roulette sounded.

   Chu Madman's eyes lit up, "A star item again."

   Over the past month, with the lucky halo on his head, he has drawn a lot of good things. Among them, there are ten silver-level prizes, 12 gold-level prizes, three star-level prizes, and the lowest black iron level is only seven.

  Before the lucky halo, it was not bad for Madman Chu to get a gold-level item once a month. Now, nearly half of the prizes in a month are gold-level, and Xing Yao often appears...

   This kind of European emperor's feeling makes Madman Chu feel refreshed.

   "Use the alchemist experience card."

   The Madman Chu took out the card and crushed it.

   I saw a stream of light digging into Chu Madman's mind in a blink of an eye, and suddenly a lot of information about alchemy broke out.

  In just a moment of effort, he became a rookie who knew little about pill medicine and became a rare alchemy master in the world.

   "Alchemy, this is a good skill." Madman Chu absorbed the memory in his mind and showed a smile.

  In the world of spiritual practice, there are various resources for practice, and elixirs are undoubtedly one of the largest proportions. Smart alchemists are often sought after by various disciplines and are popular wherever they go.

   In Xuan Tianzong, there is a pill pavilion dedicated to training alchemists.

   The elixir used by the disciples of Xuan Tianzong for cultivation came from there, and their status in the sect is very important.

   "I have mastered this skill. If I don't find a place to use it, it's like walking at night in Jinyi, no one will watch it." Madman Chu murmured, then he could not restrain the inner commotion, and went straight to the Dan Pavilion.


   Dan Pavilion, the fire is strong, and the fragrance of medicine is permeated.

   A group of alchemists come and go, quiet and busy.

   Chu Madman came here for the first time and looked around curiously.

   "Hey, it's a big brother." An alchemy disciple noticed Madman Chu, and he couldn't help but sigh slightly.

   The rest of the people looked at it.

   "It's really big brother, why did he come to Dan Pavilion."

   "Is it here to get the pill?"

   "That's not right, every month's pill is distributed to the disciples on time and in quantity, and the big brother is still short of pill?"

   A deacon in the Dan Pavilion hurriedly greeted him and said with a smile: "The chief is here, I don’t know what to advise."

   The madman of Chu smiled, "I recently had a whim, wanting to practice a pill, so I came, right, where is the fifth elder?"

   The five elders are in charge of the Dan Pavilion.

   But Madman Chu swept around and didn't find him.

   "The Fifth Elders went out. It is said that the Grandmaster Gu Jiang was found in the Xuantianzong territory, and he went to invite the other party."

   "Oh, Grandmaster Gu Jiang?"

   "Yes, the other party is one of the best alchemy masters in the sky star. He usually travels all over the world. The fifth elder invited him to be a guest."

   Speaking of Gu Jiang, the deacon's eyes showed longing.

   In the sky star, those who can be named as masters are all big people who have reached the extreme in a certain field.

   Dan Dao Master, Qi Dao Master, Array Dao Master and so on.

   And these characters, each of them is a talent that all the great traditions are eager for, even the saints do not necessarily have them.

   "That's it." Madman Chu nodded.

   "Does the chief want to make alchemy?"

   "Yes, do you have a spare alchemy room?"

   "Some and some." The deacon nodded again and again, this madman of Chu wanted to make alchemy, even if he had no spare time, he would build another one.

   The deacon led Madman Chu to a pill refining room, "I don't know what pill you want to refine, chief, I will send someone to prepare it for you."

   "I have Zhang Danfang, just press the top to grab the medicine."

   The Madman Chu took out a pill and handed it to the deacon.

   This pill was drawn by him in the lottery a few days ago. It was a gold-level item, and it happened to be tried today.

   The deacon took Dan Fang and took a look, and was taken aback.

   Depressed ecstasy pill?

   This is the first time I heard this name.

   I took a closer look at the ratio of the medicinal materials above, and I couldn't help but feel even more surprised. Each of these medicinal materials is very valuable.

   "Is the chief alchemy for the first time?"

   "Yes, is there a problem?"

   "No, just ask me if I'm curious." The deacon was even more dazed, dare to use so many precious medicinal materials the first time he made alchemy?

   This is too courageous.

   Forget it, who calls someone the chief?

   Even in the Xuantian Sect, the prestige is not lower than that of Venerable Xuan Qi, how dare he be a little deacon to disobey.

   Soon, the deacon arranged medicinal materials for Madman Chu.

   The madman of Chu rolled up his sleeves and prepared to start work.


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