Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1204: : Tell me if you like it, Little Fox’s parents

"This is Tushan."

Madman Chu followed the map in his mind and brought the little fox to Tushan, and his arrival attracted the attention of many foxes.

After a while, several fox races gathered around.

These foxes are all handsome men and beautiful women.

Of course, it's not comparable to Chu Madman.

His face is almost the most perfect creation of the Creator.

At least in all humanoids.

"This human being looks even better than the best-looking male fox in the Tushan family. It's incredible."

The fox demons were subconsciously surprised when they saw Madman Chu.

Some female fox demons even swallowed their saliva secretly.

Beautiful and delicious.

Not only for men, but also for women.

"Who is here?"

Although surprised at the appearance of the Madman Chu, they did not neglect their duties and immediately asked his origin.

"The madman in Xiachu brought Moonlight Fox to visit Tushan. This is my agreement with Tushan Feiyu."

"What, the agreement with the saint?"

Some fox monsters were a little surprised.

"Bring him in."

At this time, a voice came from the depths of Tushan.

That is the elder of the Tushan clan.



"Chu Kuangren killed as many as hundreds of Tianjiao in that battle. Some of them were not weaker than their sisters. They were very powerful. Among the young generation in the fairy world, no one can compare with them."

By the lake, Tu Shan Feiyu said.

In front of her, Xiaoyu had already listened fascinated, and said emotionally: "If I want to marry in the future, I must marry such a hero, even if he is a human race, it doesn't matter."


Tu Shan Feiyu said with emotion.

She thought of Madman Chu, how the other party killed all the enemies with one sword, and how they saved her from the hands of Xue Jiu Crow...

Even, thinking of the other side's handsome appearance...

Everything is so perfect.

Even perfect to a little impractical.

"If you can marry such a person, it must be very good."

Tu Shan Feiyu whispered.

Then, she shook her head, "How is it possible, if there is no accident, I am afraid that I will marry Prince Jinwu."

she knows.

Tushan is now unable to resist Jinwu Tianshan.

In order to keep Tushan, even the elders will let her marry no matter how unwilling, even if it is only temporary.

Thinking of this, a wry smile appeared on her face.

"Fei Yu, Madman Chu is here."

At this time, a fox demon came to report.

"Okay, I get it now."

Tu Shan Feiyu was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

"Is it Madman Chu? I want to go see it too."

Xiaoyu said quickly.

She felt like she was going to see an idol.

"Let's go."


Tushan is not the natural scenery imagined by the Mad Chu.

Here, there are also many buildings.

It's not even much different from the city where humans live, except that all the fox demons live here.

At this time, in Tushan's lobby.

Several Elder Tu Shan was meeting Madman Chu. They already knew about the other party's visit, and they didn't dare to neglect.

After all, this is a strong and almost unreasonable Tianjiao, the battle in the Kunlun Secret Realm, they have more or less heard of it, and the great power of the fox family has even spied the battle.

However, they are more interested in the little fox than the Madman Chu. They can feel the thick blood of the sky fox in the other party.

"Heaven Fox, Moonlight Fox, this is rare."

"Well, Tushan hasn't appeared a few times in history, and it's the first time it has returned from the outside world."

The elders of the fox demon looked at the little fox with great interest.

And an elder fox staring at the little fox, suddenly frowned and said, "Do you guys feel that this little fox looks a little familiar."

Hearing this, the other elders seemed to react too, looking at the little fox in surprise.

"Don't tell me, it looks really familiar."

"Is it really the illegitimate child of a high-ranking one of our Tushan? That's really incredible."

"No, she looks like a queen."

Suddenly, an elder said.

As soon as the words came out, everyone was stunned, and then watching the little fox's eyes gradually became serious.

"It is indeed somewhat similar."

"What the **** is going on?!"

The little fox was a little startled by the elders of the fox clan, and couldn't help hiding behind Chu Kuangren.

Madman Chu rubbed her head and soothed.

"Friend Chu Dao, I have sent someone to get the blood vein spar, and then I can identify whose blood vein comes from."

"ok, I got it."

After a while.

The blood spar did not come.

But Tu Shanfeiyu came here first.

She nodded to the madman Chu, "I have seen Fellow Daoist Chu."

"It's polite."

Madman Chu also smiled.

Then he found that behind the opponent, a small head was poking out and looking at himself curiously.

It was a girl who was carved with powder and jade, very cute.

"Xiaoyu, this is the Madman Chu I told you. I haven't come to meet him yet." Tu Shan Feiyu smiled.

"Xiaoyu met Fellow Daoist Chu."

Xiaoyu walked out and said in a decent way.

Madman Chu smiled faintly, "Friend Xiaoyu is polite."

"Friend Chu, you are exactly the same as my sister."

"Oh, what is your sister?"

"My elder sister said that you are very powerful, and you are a elder brother who is more powerful than her. You are also very beautiful. If you can marry you, UU reading must be very good..."

Before she finished speaking, Tu Shanfeiyu covered her mouth with a flushed face.

"Child Tong Yan Wuji, please forgive me, Daoist Chu."

Her ears were red, and she felt like her cheeks were so hot that they were almost smoking.

"Sister, I am not young anymore, I am already two hundred and thirty years old."

Xiaoyu finally broke away from Tu Shan Feiyu's hand, and said with some dissatisfaction: "If you like it, you must say it."

"Say it again, be careful that I kill you."

Tu Shan Feiyu gritted his teeth and said.

Madman Chu smiled beside him, and did not take Xiaoyu's words to heart, but he suddenly noticed that the atmosphere of the elders beside him had suddenly become something wrong.

All of them were taciturn, and even a little gloomy.

When did this start?

It seems that it was when Xiaoyu said that Tu Shan Feiyu liked him. Is there any connection?

Shemales have different routes, so Tu Shanfeiyu is not allowed to like herself?

Or some other reason?

"Oh, hateful, if it weren't for the Golden Crow Tianshan, even if Feiyu likes a common man, I would support her."

An elder suddenly sighed and said.

Golden Crow Tianshan?

The Golden Crow...

Madman Chu kept an eye on himself.

After a while, a fox demon brought the bloodline spar and began to detect the bloodline on the little fox.

And the result just coincided with the conjecture of the elders of fox demon.

"It's really the queen's blood!"

"Why?! When did the queen have blood, and how could she be left out?"

"Qingqiu Fox King, if it is said that the queen has blood, it is very likely that she and the Qingqiu Fox King gave birth."

The elders looked at the little fox with complicated expressions.


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