Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : 30% strength, you guys look down on me too much

"Mad Chu, your opponent is us."

Out of the void, the realms of monster races.

Everyone was filled with a heavenly atmosphere.

Among them, there are fierce beasts from the Beastmaster race such as Qiongqi and Yinglu.

"Because I'm afraid of being contaminated with the cause and effect of the Jiezi dispute, do you plan to use Jiezi to deal with me?"


Madman Chu chuckled and said, "It's really stupid to let a group of realities come and die."

"Chu madman, don't be too arrogant. Who will kill you is not yet known."

I saw a jiezi of the Yingzu family took out a bronze mirror and threw the bronze mirror into the air.

The bronze mirror suddenly bloomed with celestial glory, forming a white enchantment in the air, covering Madman Chu completely.

An extremely powerful suppressing force smashed toward him.

"This is a forbidden fairy mirror. It is covered by this mirror. As long as your cultivation level does not reach the golden fairy realm, your strength will be limited to only 30%. You who have only 30% strength, how can you compete with us?" Jiezi sneered, looking like he was sure to win.

Madman Chu's strength had already spread throughout the world.

How could they not be prepared at all?

"Is it the only way?"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

Even if the cultivation base is restrained, his face is still as calm as ever.

"To deal with you, 30% strength...too much!"

When the words fell, his breath burst out, and a terrifying immortal wave spread out like a tide, crushing the void almost madly.

All the demons who came here couldn't help their expressions change.

"how come?"

"How could this be?"

"He only has 30% strength left, why is there such a power?!!!"

The madman of Chu stood in the air, his breath flowing, immortal brilliance, like a high immortal king, "I know that you have investigated me, but, have you never heard of the saying that hearing is false, seeing is believing No matter how much information is collected, why not experience it for yourself!"

When the words fell, he condensed his sword fingers and cut it towards the void.


The void was torn apart fiercely!

The will of heaven is like a sword, the will of heaven is turned into the intent of the sword, and the will of the sword is turned into the spirit of the sword!

Sword Qi swept out one after another, tearing through the sky, one by one Yaozu realmists were the first to bear the brunt, being torn apart by Sword Qi!

Not far away, the demons and golden immortals who came here changed their faces.

"Is his strength so powerful?"

"What a terrible guy."

Even if Queen Tushan saw this scene, her eyes couldn't help showing a splendor, "It is indeed a rare anomaly in the ages, this kind of talent strength is amazing."

Originally, she saw Madman Chu being besieged by so many monsters, and was restricted by immortal weapons, with only 30% of the strength left, thinking that the other party was in desperation.

Unexpectedly, the desperate situation she thought was not worth mentioning in front of Madman Chu.

"Yin and Yang life and death chart!"

At this moment, Madman Chu held the power of life and death, and his two peerless physique suddenly broke out.

Even the yin and yang life and death map of 30% power has extremely terrifying power, the meaning of life and death reincarnation ran over the void in the blink of an eye, and the worlds were crushed into blood mist and exploded!

Broken wings, snake scales, stubborn head...

One after another, the stumps of the demon clan's limbs fell around, blood stained the earth, and **** air rose into the sky.

And the so-called Forbidden Immortal Mirror was not manipulated, and it fell directly to the ground, Xianhui was dim, just like an ordinary bronze mirror.

The madman of Chu stood in the air, and the meaning of reincarnation of life and death gradually faded, like a demon **** who cannot be beaten.

"These are the tactics you use to deal with me? Do you just underestimate me?"

Madman Chu looked at those true celestial beings, golden celestial beings, his expression indifferent as ice.

Hearing this, these true celestials and Jinxian's expressions were extremely ugly. They wanted to use these worlds to delay Madman Chu’s footsteps, but they did not expect that the strength of the other party was far above their imagination, and they had not yet come out right. When Queen Tushan shot, these worlds were quickly killed by the Madman Chu!

"Damn it, you, stop him!"

At this time, a golden fairy said to a true fairy.

The real fairy's face became extremely ugly after brushing.

"Are you planning to let me take over the cause and effect of Jiezi?"

"If you block him, don’t kill him, the cause and effect will not be too great, and there is still hope to survive. If you don’t go, I can kill you now, and even your entire race will be destroyed, don’t Forget, this is the task that the Golden Crow Demon King confessed!" The Golden Immortal said coldly.

That true fairy's face was extremely ugly.

But in the face of this situation, he can only bite the bullet.

"Mad Chu, let you see what a real fairy is!"

The unlucky real fairy who had been selected snorted coldly, and immediately rushed towards Madman Chu.

The power of the true immortal exploded, and the entire void was almost shattered with just a fist!

"Is it a fairy? Interesting!"

Madman Chu's eyes showed a touch of interest.

It was the first time he played against a real fairy.


He did not retreat, and the same punch blasted out, and the strength of the Ninth-Rank Heavenly Immortal Great Perfection broke out!

The fist and the fist slammed together.

The strength of the two is actually equal!

"Oh, is that the only true power of the immortal? Don't be afraid, go all out!"

Madman Chu laughed.

Hearing his words, this unlucky fairy couldn't help but frown.

Although he didn't go all out with this punch, as a true immortal, he couldn't resist with a single punch. Madman Chu could stand up against him!

"The strength of this guy is even scarier than the rumors!"


This unfortunate real fairy secretly exclaimed.

the other side.

Those demon clan true immortals, Jinxian had already shot at Queen Tushan.

However, dozens of figures suddenly appeared in the void, and it was the guard that Queen Tushan brought to Qingqiu this time.

"Huh, sure enough."

"As expected!"

For these guards who suddenly appeared, everyone was not surprised, and they soon fought with them.

For a time, two points on the battlefield.

One is the golden immortal, the battlefield of the true immortals, the golden immortal to the golden immortal, the true immortal to the true immortal, the momentum is vast, the terrifying immortal wave spreads out, and the surrounding mountains are broken one after another.

Countless Dao patterns circulate in the void, brilliant and bright.

On the other side is the battle between Madman Chu and the true immortal.

The movement of this battle is much smaller than that of the Golden Immortal battle, but the shock to people is not inferior.

Because this is a fairy war!

It is a battle across a big realm!

As the battle progressed, the unlucky fairy from UU Reading felt that Mad Man Chu became more and more terrifying.

As an immortal, not only can he be equal to himself, but also as if he is not exhausted, the attack intensity has not diminished in the slightest.

On the contrary, the more high-pitched.

On the other hand, because of his fear of causality, he did not dare to make an all-out effort.

But after intervening in the Jiezi dispute, the power of causality in the dark still came to him, entwining him, constantly eroding his power.

"Damn it, no matter how far I go, not only will I not be able to stop him, I will even continue to weaken due to the erosion of causality, and eventually, I will die in his hands!"

"No more reservations!"

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