Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : Qingqiu Fox King, unknown substance, nemesis of all monks

"I found this Jizhou Ding, the Jizhou Ding, at a site, and later gave it to Qingjun. It is our token of love. However, we have no human luck in our bodies, and we cannot use this thing. It's perfect to be in the hands of Fellow Daoist Chu."

Queen Tushan smiled faintly.

Then, everyone continued to move forward and soon came to Qingqiu.

Knowing that it was Queen Tushan's visit, Qingqiu's senior officials paid great attention, and the current Grand Elder Qingqiu came forward to receive it.

"This time I came here just to form an alliance and eliminate the gap between you and me. Nowadays, the immortal world is merged, the pattern of the 100,000 mountains is complex, and there are many strong clans. If the fox clan can't be united, it is very likely that other strong clans will be The annexation, the Golden Crow Tianshan's gaze at me, Tushan Mountain, is an example. It is hard to guarantee that their next target will not be Qingqiu..."

Queen Tushan said lightly.

Grand Elder Qingqiu's eyes showed a pensive look.

Tushan Queen, one of the most prestigious fox demon of the fox clan in the past.

Her words were very convincing, and the elder Qingqiu and the others couldn't help but waver.

Suddenly, he found the little fox next to Queen Tushan, "She is..."

"She is the offspring of Qingjun and me."

Qingjun is the name of the Qingqiu Fox King.

Queen Tushan did not avoid any taboos, and admitted it generously.

"What, the king's offspring?"

"No wonder I felt a familiar breath from her."

Grand Elder Qingqiu's expression was a bit complicated, "I didn't expect you and the king to have descendants."

Then he said: "It's not impossible to form an alliance."

This meeting was discussed for a long time.

Both parties have a clear understanding of the structure of the Shiwan Dashan Mountain, and the return of Queen Tushan makes this alliance almost a certainty.

"May I take Xiaoyue to see Qingjun."

After the meeting, Queen Tushan made a request.


Grand Elder Qingqiu nodded after hesitating for a while, and then led a few people to a sealed land.

I saw a handsome man in blue shirt sitting on a stone platform, his body was entangled with chains, and there were countless mysterious runes around the stone platform.

"This breath is you, Yan."

Qingqiu Fox King opened his eyes and looked at Queen Tushan and the little fox.

When the little fox saw Queen Qingqiu Fox, the memory deep in his mind could not help but rushed forward, his tone trembling a little, "Father!"


"Father, I finally found you..."

"Sorry, Satsuki, how have you been all these years?"

"Very well, Sanniang and the others are very good to me."

Queen Tushan also walked up, her eyes red.

The three began to reminisce about the past.

It turned out that when the Qingqiu Fox King and Tushan Queen went out to practice, there was a little fox. Later, when exploring a site, Tushan Queen was hit hard, and Qingqiu Fox King was also corroded by some cursed material Enter the body, and then you will fall into a state of madness from time to time.

Queen Tushan barely gave birth to a little fox when she was hit hard, but she fell asleep because of this. The King Qingqiu Fox brought him back to Tushan. The reason why she concealed the existence of the little fox was because of the distance between Tushan and Qingqiu at that time. Unexplained, the two fox kings, one is asleep, the other is crazy, if they are brought back to the immortal world, they will inevitably be used by those who are interested.

Therefore, it is temporarily left outside.

Madman Chu listened, and at the same time began to analyze the status of the Qingqiu Fox King.

He found that the Qingqiu Fox King was in good condition, in good health, disease-free and disaster-free, and his cultivation base was the summit of Da Luo Jinxian...

However, there is a cloud of black energy in the opponent's body.

A very strange black air.

This black gas is not Xianyuan or poisonous gas.

Even Xiao Ai took a while to analyze, analyzing this black energy is much more difficult than analyzing the Qingqiu Fox King.

"Unknown matter has the effect of eroding the mind. This matter contains the power of the origin of the universe. For the monks of this universe, it has a nemesis effect. This matter is not strong, but its essence is superior to All the powers known in this world..."

The madman Chu had the information that Xiao Ai had parsed in his mind, and he couldn't help frowning.

Unknown substance.

It is something that has not been recorded in the universe.

And the nature of this thing is surprisingly powerful, surpassing all known powers.

"It's too weird, is there any solution to this thing?"

Madman Chu had a strange premonition.

Maybe I will deal with this thing in the future.

That being the case, it would be great if you knew how to deal with it in advance.

"Analyzing the power of the master, trying to find the answer..."

"The master has two powers to resist this black energy, one is the way of self-improvement and the other is the power of the small universe."


Madman Chu couldn't help being a little surprised.

In Xiao Ai's analysis, the essence of this black energy was so powerful that even an existence like the Fox King Qingqiu couldn't resist its erosion.

So even if he had no way to deal with it, he would not be surprised.

But now Xiao Ai tells him that he has two powers to resist the erosion of this black energy?

This is interesting.

"Why can these two forces erode black energy?"

"Black Qi contains some kind of cosmic origin power, so monks who practice this cosmic origin power will be eroded by it, but the master’s way of self-improvement and invincibility is not a power derived from this universe, so is the small universe, so This black air erosion is useless to the owner."

"But judging from strength, the master wants to deal with black energy now, only the power of the small universe can work."

After listening to the explanation, Madman Chu showed a pensive expression.

In other words, this black energy is the nemesis of all monks in this universe, and he is the nemesis of this black energy? !

It's really a wonderful thing.

"Father, daddy, what's the matter with you?"

At this time, the little fox's panicked voice came.

I saw the face of the Qingqiu Fox King on the stone platform suddenly became distorted, as if trying to suppress something.

"Quickly leave me!"

Qingqiu Fox King said painfully.

Queen Tushan seemed to have thought of something, her face changed. Leaving inferiorly with the little fox.

I saw black energy rising from the Qingqiu Fox King, and his eyes were gradually stained with an ink-like color.

As the whites of his eyes were all dyed black, he couldn't help but let out a long roar, and the violent demon energy swept out, containing a sense of destruction.

In an instant, the runes on the stone platform bloomed with brilliant brilliance, and the chains were stretched instantly, sealing the Qingqiu Fox King firmly in place. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Father, how could this be..."

The little fox looked at the Qingqiu Fox King who was in a crazy state with a sad expression.

"It's all my fault. If I could prevent Qingjun from exploring the ruins, maybe things wouldn't change like this."

Queen Tushan said reproachfully.

"Mother, what should we do now?"

"Hey, I can only wait for Qing Jun to vent the power in his body, and wait for him to calm down slowly."

"That's not necessarily true."

At this moment, Madman Chu said lightly.

Then he raised his foot and walked towards the stone platform.

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