Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : I use it more familiarly than you, it's really revealing

"It is rumored that Fellow Daoist Chu once killed Zhuo Donglai. I wonder why he hasn't died yet?"

On the mountain peak, Fu Yin asked curiously.

Madman Chu said lightly: "That's just an incarnation of him."

"So, I don't know if Daoist Chu fights with his deity, what is the winning rate?"

"Killing refers to a battle with back and forth, and I really want to kill him, just one move is enough, how can I kill him?"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

Hearing what he said, Fuyin's expression was shocked, shocked by the other's courage.

But immediately, she shook her head and smiled: "Friend Chu said and laughed, and then Zhuo Donglai is also a realm of the Ninth Stage Celestial Immortal realm, and he has a Yuanyang immortal body, and there are many Dongwangjiao's unique skills to kill him. How could it be that simple thing."

She only considered Madman Chu to be joking. After all, Madman Chu played with Zhuo Dong just now and it was not an absolute crush.

Madman Chu did not explain anything.

At this moment, a powerful aura quickly approached in the distance.


"No, how come there are so many people?!"

Fuyin's face changed.

She could perceive that apart from Zhuo Donglai, there were more than a dozen powerful auras, and each of them was in the realm of heavenly immortals!

Not only that, but there are even several breaths that are not worse than her.

"Devil energy is extremely powerful!"

"It's a man in the magic road!"

Fuyin said solemnly, looking at Madman Chu, and said: "Friend Chu Daoist, let's leave quickly, so many people are not something we can handle."

"Why are you leaving? A mob."

"Friend Chu, you..."

Fuyin didn't know what to say.

She felt that Madman Chu was trying his best.

A Zhuo Dong is enough to deal with, not to mention there are so many Tianjiao with magic ways, and they are definitely not opponents.

She wants to leave.

But Madman Chu stayed where he was, motionless.

She gritted her teeth and stayed.

No matter, this life was saved by the other party anyway, and it would be returned to the other party in a big deal.

Madman Chu watched Fuyin stay, with a smile on his mouth. Although he didn't care whether the other party stayed or not, if the other party could stay, at least it could prove that he was not saving a white-eyed wolf, which made him feel similar. The feeling of value for money.

"I found you!!"

Zhuo Donglai, Shi Tianxuan, Chi Zhong and others rushed up to surround the mountain.

Zhuo Donglai held the shadow-seeking mirror in his hand and sneered: "I said, it's useless for you to escape to the ends of the world!"

There is a shadow mirror, no matter where Fuyin goes, he can find her.

"Thank you fellow Zhuo for your guidance."

Shi Tianxuan smiled.

Then, he looked at Madman Chu with an icy killing intent in his eyes, "It's you who caused the chaos in my entire magic way."

"Who called you stupid."

Madman Chu said lightly, and at this moment there was a layer of spiritual light on his face, and everyone did not see his true face.

"Hmph, the guy who hides his head and reveals his tail is causing me to be in trouble in the magic way. I will definitely break your corpse into pieces!!"

Jie Zi Chi of Chi You's line said coldly.

Then he stepped out, holding a long-handled broadsword in his hand, with a fierce wave, Chi You's unique skills, and a ferocious black dragon rushed out!

It is Black Dragon Slash!

Madman Chu refused to give up, his sword fingers condensed, and his demon energy swept through, and the same sword was drawn out.

boom! !

Two black dragons collided in the air, and the surrounding mountains shattered!

And Chi Zhong was blasted out by this trick, looking at Madman Chu with a look of surprise, "How could this be!"

Madman Chu could cut the black dragon, he was not surprised.

After all, he already knew that the other party would have a few magical skills.

But the opponent's Black Dragon Slash is more proficient and more powerful than his Chi You's realm, which is too much!

"This Black Dragon Slash, I use it more familiarly than you."

Madman Chu chuckled lightly, with a mocking tone.

"Huh, try this!"

Sima Han, who was in the Yuhun line, made a move. He raised his hand and blasted out, and countless ghosts and undead broke out, swept out like a torrent.

It is the peculiar knowledge of Yuhun's line, calling the soul palm!

Madman Chu raised his hand, also showing his soul-calling palm.

Countless Dao patterns are intertwined, thousands of evil ghosts and ghosts are reflected in the void, and its scale is actually much more terrifying than Sima Han's.

The torrent of dead souls bombarded one area, and Sima Han flew out directly. Compared to Chi, he was injured more severely, and he spit out blood, his face pale as paper.

"The magical skills he has mastered are even better than ours."

"what is this??"

"This guy, how can there be so many magical skills?"

Shi Tianxuan's eyes narrowed slightly, "Then let me come and meet you for a while!"

He stepped out one step and pointed out, the horror demon energy gathered and turned into a giant finger burning with pitch black demon flame!

The fingers are vertical and horizontal, the devilish energy is rolling, and the mountains and rivers are broken for thousands of miles, and the demon flame is even more distorting the vast void!

"Sky Demon Flame Finger!!"

Shi Tianxuan let out a low voice, this is a unique technique in the line of the demon, a powerful golden magic!

Only a few people can master it.

Madman Chu was not to be outdone, with devilish energy gathered at his fingertips, and he pointed out the same way.

It's just that he used the Yin Ming fingers of the Yin Ming vein!

The yin qi converged, and the huge fingers wrapped in the boundless cold breath to point out.

boom! !

The two forces collided, and both sides retreated.

"It's Yin Ming Finger, such a strong Yin Ming finger!"

You Ying exclaimed.

He would also point out that this is just a true fairy law.

But in the hands of the madman of Chu, a powerful force no weaker than the Golden Immortal Law broke out.

This shocked him.

What kind of evil spirit is this? !

"The strength is not bad, it seems that you are the descendant of the line of demon."

Madman Chu looked at Shi Tianxuan with a faint smile. UU Reading

He had also heard of the other party during his time in Luohou Ancestral Land, and he knew a little bit about it.

The opponent's strength is no worse than Zhuo Dong.

"Who are you?"

Shi Tianxuan looked at Madman Chu and said coldly.

He could see that some of the magical techniques that the other party had mastered were mostly true immortal techniques. As for the golden immortal techniques that only a few people knew, he didn't.

In other words, the opponent's position in the magic way is not high.

How could there be such a character among the lower-level demon monks? Why was he unknown before that?

This made Shi Tianxuan very puzzled.

How would he know that Madman Chu's demon-dao techniques were recently obtained from the dead demon-dao monks, and they were just learned.

This kind of thing is so unbelievable that he can't guess it because of his ingenuity.

"Why talk nonsense with him, go together! Kill him!"

There was celestial radiance surging from Zhuo Donglai, and the majestic celestial essence condensed into a round of fierce blasts.

And Shi Tianxuan also shot together.

The strongest realm of Demon Dao and Zhuo Donglai joined forces, and an aura of horror enveloped Madman Chu.

Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and a huge sword shadow condensed, "Magic sword, Fenghuo Jue!!"

The storm is sweeping, the magic flame is overwhelming!

It is the practice method of the sword demon.

The three forces converge, the road pattern covers half of the sky, and the surrounding mountains and rivers are broken.

Madman Chu also retreated dozens of feet.

The aura on his face gradually dissipated because of the powerful impact, revealing a stunning appearance that made the world look pale!

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