Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 122: : Gu Jiang wants to apprentice a teacher, you can kneel if you like, I want to join Xu

   "Fifth Elder, please tell me, which Grand Master is this!" Grand Master Gu excitedly pulled the Fifth Elder's skirt.

   This is the great master of alchemy!

   He traveled all over the sky, visited famous mountains and rivers, various alchemy masters, and hadn't met a great master for so long.

   I didn't expect to encounter it here now.

   "Master Gu, calm down..."

   "How can I calm down? This is a great master."

   "Here is the madman Chu, the chief of my Xuantian Sect."

   "Fart, isn't Madman Chu a genius of cultivation? How come you become a master of alchemy? Are you playing tricks on me?"

   The five elders are also full of question marks.

   How can this chief practice alchemy? Where does he know? !

at this time.

   The alchemy room creaked open.

   I saw Madman Chu stepping out of it, and said, "I have used up that medicinal material, can I trouble you...Uh."

  Before he finished speaking, Madman Chu was taken aback when he saw the pile of Dange disciples who were crying like adults outside the door.

   Damn, what's the situation?

   He had already guessed inwardly.

   Is the ecstasy pill so powerful?

   Danxiang alone has such power. If this is to be subdued, wouldn't it make people cry to death? !

   "Really the chief!" The Fifth Elder was surprised.

   saw that the door of the room was opened, the ancient master rushed in and searched for it, but he couldn't see a half figure.

   "Where is the Great Master?"

   "What great master?" Madman Chu asked, frowning.

   "It's the person who made the alchemy just now."

   "I am the only person in this room from the beginning to the end, and the person who made the alchemy just now is also here." Madman Chu smiled faintly, he knew that the person in front of him was Gu Jiang, the famous alchemy master of the sky.

   "What, you?!"

   Gu Jiang circled the Madman Chu twice, his face was suspicious.

   "Are you Madman Chu?"


   "It looks like the rumored one, you really did the alchemy here just now." Gu Jiang had doubts in his eyes.

   "Really." Madman Chu nodded.

   "Can you do it again for me to see."

   is true or false, you will know at a try.

   Chu Madman did not refuse, anyway, he came to Pill Pavilion on this trip to test his alchemy level.

   He has just started, and he wants to practice for a while.

   Then, he asked people to bring new medicinal materials and began to make alchemy.

   Gu Jiang watched from the side, his face changed from initial suspicion, to solemnity, to shock, and finally opened his mouth wide and stunned.

The fifth elder next to    was no better than Gu Jiang. He looked at the Madman Chu who was making alchemy, and he only felt that it was a little fable.

   He hadn't heard that Madman Chu could make alchemy before. How could he become a great alchemist in a blink of an eye?


   A burst of pill energy rushed into the sky, and nine golden pill clouds were once again condensed, which means that this is another nine-grade treasure pill!

   "Great Master, definitely Great Master!"

   Gu Jiang came back to his senses, looking at Madman Chu frantically.

   Without saying anything, he rushed directly to the Madman Chu and fell to his knees with a thud, "Master, please accept me as a disciple!"

   The Pill Pavilion disciples outside the alchemy room were all dumbfounded.

  What did they see?

   Tangtang Alchemy Grandmaster actually kneeled in front of the big brother, begging to be an apprentice?

   Damn, this world is crazy.

   "Senior, this is absolutely impossible." Madman Chu was also taken aback, and hurriedly helped him up.

   But the other party’s knees are stuck to the floor. No matter how Madman Chu pulls, the other party just won’t get up, and said with a stubborn look: "If the master doesn’t accept me as a disciple, I can’t afford it."

   Fuck me, it's wrong with me.

   The madman of Chu looked at Gu Jiang in amazement. Is this really the world-renowned alchemy master?

   "Master Gu, what are you doing." The Fifth Elder was also taken aback, and quickly walked up to persuade.

   "Five elders, you don't have to persuade me. The realm of the great master is what I have wanted in my life. I have been immersed in the alchemy for thousands of years, but I have not been able to get in. I finally saw hope today and I will not give up."

   Gu Jiang said firmly.

   Dandao is too important to him. He can have today's status and achievements, all relying on Dandao.

   He is not good at spiritual practice, so he can only enter the Tao with a pill, as long as he can go further on the pill, he will do whatever it takes.

   "Senior Gu, if you like to kneel, then just keep kneeling, goodbye." Chu Madman said lightly.

   Actually, it is not impossible to ask him to teach Gu Jiang, but the other party's mannerism makes him a little unhappy.

   Do you think you can let me accept you as a disciple by kneeling?

   You can’t get up if you don’t accept it?

   Is this forcing you or forcing me?

   This is simply a threat in disguise. Madman Chu didn't catch a cold with this behavior, and turned around and left.

   The Dange disciples saw this, their admiration for the madman of Chu was like a surging river, endless.

   Master Dan Dao is an apprentice, this is so arrogant.

   What about big brother?


   You want me to accept it, but I didn't accept it, no matter what kind of alchemy master you are, no bird will kill you.

   "Here, Master Chu, wait." Now, Gu Jiang couldn't help but got up quickly, chasing after him anxiously.

   The madman Chu looked at each other, "Why, don't you kneel?"

   Old Gu Jiang blushed and said, "Master Chu, forgive me, I was indeed offended just now, please don't take it to heart."

He also recollected that what he did just now was really something that was difficult for others. In Senior Gu, if it's just a Dandao exchange, I welcome it at any time, but accepting a disciple will be avoided. Right. "

   Chu Madman smiled faintly, and then left.

   Gu Jiang was stunned in place, this is not chasing, nor is it not chasing.

   "The ancient master, the chief, he lives in the Lingtian Taoist Palace and exchanges alchemy matters. There will be opportunities in the future." The fifth elder stepped forward.

Hearing this, Gu Jiang glared at him fiercely, "Fifth Elder, that's why you are not kind. You invited me to be a guest of Xuantianzong, but you didn't tell me that there is a great alchemy master, which made me disrespectful. "

   "Now I offended Master Chu, what do you want me to do?"

   "Hmph, let me tell you, if Young Master Chu creates a gap with me because of this, I will be the first to end with you."

   What kind of anger is in Gu Jiang's heart? He had known that there was a great master in Xuan Tianzong, so he should have done more preparations before coming.

   at least not as reckless as before, leaving a bad first impression.

   The Fifth Elder also looked innocent, and said: "I didn't know that the chief had such an ability before."

   Gu Jiang was too lazy to tell him more, turned around and walked outside the Dan Pavilion.

   "Hey, Master Gu, where are you going."

   "Go to your head."

   "What are you looking for? He doesn't know how to make alchemy."

   "I want to join Xuan Tianzong!"

   Hearing this, the five elders suddenly lit up.

   Gu Jiang is the alchemy master, if he is willing to join the Xuantian Sect, that would definitely be a great thing.

   "Wait, ancient grandmaster, I'll go with you." The fifth elder hurriedly followed. This ancient grandmaster was brought by him, and at this point, the head must appreciate some spirit stones for him.


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