Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : Daluo shot, 1 book page, really no one in my college

An ancient black palace stands in a gloomy place.

This is... the magic palace!

The gathering place of the high-level Demon Dao, the powerhouses of the Ten Demon Dao Sects are basically gathered here.

And just as the Qi in the remote Luohou Ancestral Land was rising, a monstrous demon aura suddenly burst out of this magic palace.

This devilish energy is enough to make the stars turbulent and shocked!

An old man suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with anger.

"What a madman of Chu, he actually wants to wipe out the best Tianjiao realm of my magic way!!"

"Okay, okay!!"

The old man was extremely angry, with magic flames burning in his eyes.

He groaned for a while, then gritted his teeth, "Even if it is eroded by causality, we must not let the Mad Chu succeed, otherwise, my magic way will probably decline!"

He urged the magic energy, and saw a huge magic energy vortex formed above the magic palace.

An extremely terrifying white-bone demon claw protruded from it, and abruptly grabbed it toward Luohou Zudi after hundreds of millions of miles away!

After the old man finished his hand, his body couldn't help trembling, his seven orifices bleed, and his body broke.

He couldn't help letting out a scream.

He was taken back by cause and effect.

The entire magic palace shook.

Immediately, a sigh sounded.

"Bone Demon King, the magic way will remember your contribution."

"The hateful Madman of Chu, who forced Daluo Jinxian to intervene in the dispute of the world, was affected by cause and effect, it is really hateful!"

And on the other side.

In a certain glorious palace, a man sitting cross-legged in the clouds condensed his eyes and snorted coldly.

"Chu madman! Want to kill my Eastern King Sect's first world, you are so courageous!"

"Even if you are entangled in cause and effect, you can't just sit back and watch."

The strong man of the Eastern Kings snorted, and between his fingers, a line flew out of his fingertips.

And at the moment he shot.

There was an extremely powerful force acting on him.


This Dongwangjiao expert couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was extremely pale.

On the top of his head, three magnificent fantasy flowers faintly appeared, and one of the flowers was quickly withered.

"Just by shooting, I was hurt by causality to such an extent. On top of Sanhua, one flower was cut off..."

The strong Eastern King couldn't help but smile bitterly.

In the Devil Palace, the Da Luo powerhouse of the Eastern Kings Sect took action together in an attempt to prevent the Madman Chu from killing Zhuo Donglai, Shi Tianxuan and others.

The bone demon claws, the golden streamer swept towards Luohouzu's land at an extremely fast speed.

This is the power of Da Luo Jinxian.

In the fairy world, many great abilities have felt this power, and their faces have changed slightly.

"Eastern Kings Church, Demon Palace, what are they going to do?"

"It's such a strong breath, Ronaldo has taken action."

"Their goal is... Hey, that is the Luo Maw Ancestral Land that Mo Dao is exploring recently?!"

There is a powerful ability to quickly release the immortal consciousness to perceive the Luohou ancestral land.

They also noticed what was happening in Luohou's ancestral land.

"Tsk tusk, interesting, no wonder the Eastern Kings Church and the Demon Palace can't sit still."

"This Madman Chu can actually do such a thing, and this is actually just a clone of him!"

Luohou ancestral land.

The madman of Chu laid a huge array of ground energy, and was about to kill Shi Tianxuan, Zhuo Donglai and others.

And Zhuo Donglai and the others also sensed that the huge earth-qi formation laid down by Madman Chu was extremely powerful, and it was simply not something they could contend with.

This is the power that even true immortals can kill!

"First, it caused me to be in chaos in the magic way in just one month, and now I use my example as bait, wanting to wipe out my magic way, what a madman!"

The corner of Shi Tianxuan's mouth showed bitterness.

Regardless of his strength, talent, or strategy, he has nothing to compare with Madman Chu!

Was hit in all directions!

This made his Dao heart turbulent.

"He won this battle. Who can fight against him in this battle of the world?"

In Shi Tianxuan's view, even those Xian Ting Shao Yu, He Dao heirs are far less terrifying than Chu Kuangren.

"Well, it's time to send you on the road now."

Madman Chu said lightly.

But at this moment, he seemed to perceive something, looking into the distance, his eyes gradually became cold.

In his perception.

In the distance, two extremely powerful forces swept directly and quickly.

The strength of that power actually caused the great array of earth energy he had laid to turbulent before it arrived.

The pillars of earth qi gradually showed signs of falling apart.

"This power contains the meaning of Daluo, yes, Daluo Jinxian shot!!"

Madman Chu has seen Lu Zi, Bei Ming, and the Qingling Taoist of the Sanqing Dao Sect. These people are all Da Luo Jinxian.

And their big Luo Yi, he also felt.

Therefore, his perception of Da Luo Yi is very keen.

Needless to say, he could guess with his toes that it was the Eastern King's Church and the people of the Demon Palace.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Interesting, Da Luo Jinxian forced a shot regardless of cause and effect, and he didn't know what price he paid."

In front of the power of Da Luo, he could not resist.

However, he is not afraid.

After all, what is here now is just a clone of him, which has been destroyed, and it will not take much effort to make another one anyway.

It's just that he took down this grudge.

Daluo shot to bully the small.

When he reaches a certain level in the future, he will definitely visit him in person!

Boom, boom! !

The void was shocked.

A giant white bone claw filled with surging demonic energy and a golden light have reached the sky above everyone.

That endless coercion shook the entire Luohou ancestral land.

"This is, the bone demon king of my magic palace!!"

"And my Eastern King teaches the King!"

Zhuo Donglai, UU reading www. uukanshu. com Shi Tianxuan and others were overjoyed and felt like they were coming to life from a desperate situation.

And at this moment.

In the distance, a page of a book flicked up, fluttering in front of the two powerful forces of Luo.

Yes, that is a book page.

A page that looked mediocre, but it was this page that was blocked by the two forces of Luo but was not destroyed.

The next moment.

The pages of the book bloomed with brilliant light, and they turned into infinity in an instant, covering the sky and the sun!

Each character above is the size of a mountain.

The combination of those words seems to be a paragraph, a paragraph of ordinary, like a dialogue in a script.

boom! !

Giant white bone claws and golden light hit the pages of the book.

In an instant, the giant claw shattered, the golden light dissipated, and the page gradually collapsed and turned into paper scraps.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.

A piece of paper blocked the joint blow of the two big Luo!

This is what a powerful shot.

And in a small town in the fairy world.

A middle-aged man dressed in a blue shirt and elegant temperament is riding a donkey, holding a book in his hand, looking with relish.

However, the book he was looking at had traces of torn, with a page missing in the middle.

The middle-aged man looked at that page, his eyebrows frowned, "It's really troublesome. I would tear it up after reading it. I'm going to buy another script."

He looked into the distance and snorted softly: "Eastern King Church, Demon Palace, is there really no one in my college?"

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