Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Entering the ancient cave, the monster clan is dazed, even more monster than the mo

In the depths of one hundred thousand mountains, the ancient cave of the sky demon.

All the monster races looked at Madman Chu in unison, with questions in their eyes.

This is a hundred thousand mountains, and this ancient cave of the demon is a place where only the demon race can come to experience it, but now a human race has suddenly emerged. How can this be accepted by the demons?

If it weren't for this person to be Madman Chu, they would have already killed the other party.

Madman Chu looked at the demons in front of him, his expression indifferent.

And in the void, there are also celestial consciousnesses converging.

That is the strong men of the hundred thousand mountains.

"What does it mean for the fox to bring a human?"

King Golden Crow said lightly.

"Friend Daoist Chu wants to see the magnificence of the ancient sky demon cave. Why should I let someone bring him to see him?"

The Fox King said flatly.

The ancient cave of the sky demon is a special place. It is not affiliated to any power of the 100,000 mountains. It is reasonable to say that as long as it is a demon race, it can be entered when the ancient cave of the sky demon is open, but these years, under the control of some beast king races , There are very few low-level monsters to enter.

But no matter what, those who came here were all monsters.

As for the human race, it was the first time to appear here, which made some monster races a little dissatisfied with the actions of the fox race.

"Fine, it's coming when you come. Anyway, it's just a human race. It's not enough to be afraid of not entering the ancient cave of the sky demon."

A powerful monster said lightly.

The rest of the monster race thought about it, and felt that it was such a truth, so they ignored it.

"Well, let Prince Golden Crow and the others go in first."

There is a powerful voice.

Immediately, the demon races were not targeting the madman Chu, and entered the ancient cave of the sky demon one by one.

"A human race is also delusional to covet the opportunity of the ancient cave of the sky demon, it is simply overwhelming."

The Tianjiao of the Centipede clan smiled coldly that day, and immediately plunged into the ancient cave of the sky demon.

"Friend Chu, we entered first."

"it is good."

Madman Chu smiled lightly.

Tu Shan Feiyu took the fox and others into it one by one.

After all the demon races were gone, Madman Chu looked at this ancient demon cave with a pensive expression, "Let's give it a try."

In fact, he was not completely sure that he could enter this ancient cave of the demon, but this did not prevent him from giving it a try, even if he was restricted by Ronaldo?

Anyway, he is immortal and can't die.

He walked toward the ancient cave of the sky demon, and some demon races could not help laughing when seeing this.

"Funny, this guy actually dared to go to death."

"It's too arrogant. These restrictions are set by Da Luoxian. How bold is he to covet the opportunity in this ancient cave."

"Arrogant, really arrogant."

"Sure enough, this person is easy to be proud and complacent if he always stands on a high place, and he is arrogant, Xiao Tianxian, dare to challenge Da Luo, it is very funny.

"This Madman Chu is about to die here today."

Some monster races can see Madman Chu walking towards the ancient cave of the sky demon, and they feel amused and excited.

They were very happy to see the Mad Man Chu die.

After all, the other party is too enchanting, so enchanting that as long as he exists in this world, then the other worlds will not have any early days.

The same is true of their demons.

If Kuangren Chu died here, then it would be a good thing for them, for all the worlds in this immortal world!

"Go in, go in, and be smashed by Daluo's prohibition!!"

All the monsters looked at Madman Chu and thought to himself.

As they expected.

Madman Chu had already stepped into the light curtain outside the ancient sky demon cave.

The light curtain trembled.


The eyes of all the monster races lit up, in their opinion, in the next instant, countless Da Luo bans completely killed the Madman Chu.

But the light curtain only trembled, and then there was no more movement.

Madman Chu didn't listen and walked into the ancient cave of the sky demon.

This scene completely stunned the demons.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Why didn't the Da Luo prohibition be activated?"

"This guy, what method did he use to deceive Daluo's prohibition..."

"Impossible, the Da Luo ban in the Sky Demon Ancient Cave hasn't had any flaws for so many years. How could it happen that Madman Chu has failed? This is impossible!"

"Fox King, what is going on?"

There was also a great demon clan who pointed the spear at Qingqiu, the two demon kings of Tushan.

But even they are quite puzzled.

However, in the face of the demon kings’ questioning, they did not guilty and said indifferently, “If Fellow Chu can enter the ancient cave of the sky demon, doesn’t it prove that he has been approved by the demon kings of the past, can he enter to fight for the opportunity? Ask me, then Why not ask the demon kings of the past?!"

Hearing this, the demon kings almost spewed out blood.

Go ask the demon kings of the past?

The demon kings of the past have fallen, they go ask a fart!

But what the Fox King said is not unreasonable. If it weren't for the approval of the demon kings of the past, how could the madman of Chu enter the ancient cave of the sky demon? !

"Is it possible that this Madman of Chu is actually a demon race?"

Suddenly, the Yaozu can guess.

And this statement immediately shocked the power of the monster race.

"How can it be."

"Something's wrong, there is really a monster in his body."

Suddenly, some monsters were able to release their evil spirits to spy on the aura of the Madman Chu, and they actually discovered the existence of evil spirits.

It's just that this evil spirit is very mixed.

There is the breath of Jiuying, there is also Qiongqi, and even Divine Phoenix...

"This is too weird."

The power of the monster races is puzzled.

And this time.

Inside the ancient cave of the sky demon.

Madman Chu, who successfully passed the ban on the ancient cave, smiled on his face, "It really succeeded. It seems that my idea is feasible."

The reason why he was able to pass the prohibition of the Sky Demon Ancient Cave was because he was able to freely change his physique.

One of the functions of the only source body is to simulate the power of the constitution that is fused by itself.

He has a Divine Phoenix body, and has also studied the physique of other fierce beasts, such as Jiuying, Qiongqi, and Baihu.

Therefore, he simulated the breath of these fierce beasts with the only original body.

It really made him escape Daluo's restriction and enter the ancient cave of the sky demon.

Do not.

It can't be said to be a lie, because of the book of constitution and the mystery of the only original body, as long as he is willing, he is the real monster race!

More monsters than monsters!

There is no doubt about this.

"Those great powers of the monster race should have been stunned, then, next, let's see what chance treasures are worth exploring in this demon cave."

Madman Chu said lightly.

He looked into the depths of the ancient cave of the sky demon, immortal consciousness circulating, covering a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

Soon, he found something, his figure flashed, disappeared in place, and came to a cave.

There are many restrictions circulating in this cave.

And at the entrance of the cave, a line of words was written, "Poor strangers can enter, non-poor strangers, die!!"

Obviously, inside this cave is a fallen poor and powerful man, who specially left a chance for his descendants.

"It's a pity, met me."

The only original body of Madman Chu was launched, and the physique simulation of Qiongqi was successful, and he immediately stepped into the cave to find some inheritance about Qiongqi.

Most of them are the experience of some practice, and there is also the fascinating knowledge of immortality.

If this is for some poor and strange arrogances, it may be of great benefit to their promotion.

But for Madman Chu, it was useless.

The experience of spiritual practice?

His way is ancient, and only he can walk in ancient and modern times. The cultivation experience of this poor and powerful person is like a tasteless to him.

Xianfa jerk?

Isn't he still lacking in magic skills?

"It doesn't matter, there are a lot of opportunities in the ancient cave of the demon, there are always some useful to me."

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