Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : 0-foot worms die but not stiff, the inheritance of the demon concubine Daji

"not good!!"

When the poison gas was stuffed into his mouth, Jin Xie's complexion changed drastically.

This poisonous gas is a fusion of five poisonous toxins. Although they can be manipulated, it is difficult to resist, because in addition to their poison, there are four other toxins.

Not to mention, what Madman Chu had put into his mouth now was the blood of the snake demon.

After a while, the golden scorpion wailed on the spot, his body began to rupture due to the severe toxicity, and the Dao pattern on the immortal body gradually fell apart.


Wu Tian looked gloomy after seeing this scene.

But at the same time I was frightened.

Madman Chu is immune to toxins, this is their nemesis! !

This is really terrible.

"Go together, I don't believe that he can't be destroyed!!"

Wu Tian said coldly.

Toad, spider woman, and poisonous snake turned into their bodies one after another, biting away towards Madman Chu.

But Wu Tian, ​​who said he was going to go with them, had already pulled away from the formation when the three attacked Madman Chu and flew away.

The demon clan Tianjiao saw him, and couldn't help being taken aback.

"Hey, Wu Tian is really a good teammate."

"I said I was going to go together, but turned around and ran by myself. I really don't have any arrogance at all."

"Oh, in the face of a monster like Madman Chu, what kind of arrogant demeanor is needed, naturally it is important to save your life."

"It seems so."

All the monster races are not too big to watch the excitement.

But after seeing Wu Tian running away from the other three poisons of Madman Chu, his face turned blue with anger, anger and fear.

"Wu Tian, ​​you bastard!!"

"You must not die!"

"Don't worry, he can't leave just like you."

The madman Chu gave a chuckle, and then his sword fingers condensed. The sword energy blessed by Qingye Jiantong was like a surge of waves, killing the remaining toads, spider women, and snake monsters!

Then, his eyes fixed on Wu Tian who had escaped extremely far and smiled coldly.

Kun Wu unsheathed his waist, and a blade of sword grass appeared behind him. When the blade of grass moved, the sharp sword energy cut through the sky, as if to chop down the sky full of stars!

Sword Qi broke through the air, as if crossing the distance of time and space, and came to Wu Tian in the blink of an eye.

He tried his best to resist, but it was also useless.


A lot of poisonous blood spilled out.

Wu Tian was cut in half by this sword abruptly, transforming into his body, and the body of a huge millipede fell to the ground, causing a thousand feet of smoke to billow.

The other demon cultivators around looked at Madman Chu with great dread.

Any one of these five poisons is a Tianjiao in a hundred thousand mountains, especially Wu Tian, ​​and even the top Tianjiao Realm.

But the combination of the five poisons still couldn't stop the Chu Madman's three moves and two moves. This kind of strength was too terrifying.

"The Golden Crow Prince, the Fighting Sacred Ape is probably far inferior to this person."

"Hey, compared to this, I'm even more curious about how his human race entered this ancient cave of the demon. This is really weird."

No matter how many doubts many monster races have, Madman Chu left the place after solving the five poisons.

His figure flashed and disappeared in place.

And after he left.

In the distance, there was a large amount of poisonous blood surging in the huge corpse of the centipede.

Wherever the poisonous blood goes, all spirits wither.

And in a cloud of poisonous blood, a black centipede with the thickness of a thumb crawled out of it.

"Damn it, **** it!!"

"This sword destroys my body. If I hadn't planted a virgin poison in my body beforehand, I'm afraid this time I would really die."

The natal poison seed is a life-saving secret technique of the Celestial Centipede family.

The centipede is dead but not stiff.

Not to mention this thousand-footed centipede.

It's just that once this life poison seed is used, it will lose more than 90% of the cultivation base, and the cost is unimaginable.

But compared to losing one's life, what is the big sacrifice?

"Chu Madman, you wait, when I recover, I will definitely find a way to get revenge on you!!"


"Miss Feiyu, I have some detoxification pills here. Take it first."

After arriving in an uninhabited land, Madman Chu released Tu Shan Feiyu and others from his sleeves and took out some detoxification pills for them to take.

But the toxins of Wu Tian and others are very powerful, and the usual detoxification pills have little effect.

Fortunately, in addition to understanding Poison Pill, Madman Chu also had an unpredictable horrible medical technique, and he completely detoxified everyone in a short while.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist Chu."

Tu Shanfeiyu solemnly saluted the madman of Chu.

Plus this time, the other party had saved her twice, and she didn't know how to pay back this kindness.

She even wondered, would Fellow Daoist Chu agree to her promise?

But it didn't take long for her to forget this idea.

It's too superficial.

How could Fellow Daoist Chu be such a superficial person.

It's really unforgivable that he has tainted Fellow Taoist Chu with such thoughts.

"It's okay."

Madman Chu didn't know what Tu Shanfeiyu was thinking.

For him, saving the other party was just a matter of doing things randomly. After all, because of the little fox, he now has a friendly relationship with Tu Shan and Qingqiu.

Perhaps in the future, this Qingqiu Tushan can also be used by him.

If other people knew his thoughts, they would definitely sneer.

Qingqiu Tushan, what kind of power is that?

Its background is no less than that of any ancient immortal power, and the two fox kings are even top-notch Daluo Jinxian powerhouses. How can they be easily used by others? ?

But Madman Chu had this confidence and confidence.

With his talent and strength, the achievement of Da Luo Jinxian is just a matter of time.

His goal is the supreme master of the universe!

Even the Lord of the Immortal Realm could not satisfy him.

He didn't tell anyone about these ideas, but they were slowly being realized. UU reading

"There are many opportunities in this ancient demon cave. My fox clan also has great abilities left here. We are going to find it. Why don't you go with us as a fellow Taoist Chu?"

Tu Shan Feiyu invited.

Madman Chu pondered for a while and nodded, "Yes."

He is not familiar with this ancient demon cave, and Qingqiu Tushan, as a veteran force in the hundred thousand mountains, is much more familiar with this ancient demon cave than him.

Acting together, there may be unexpected gains, but not necessarily.

In this way, Madman Chu left with Tu Shan Feiyu and the others, and went to the fox family power they said.

The origin of this fox clan is also very extraordinary.

The reputation in the human race is very big, much bigger than most monsters.

It is the rumored enchantress, Daji!

In the ancient fairy world era, the human race had an emperor, established a kingdom, and ruled the human race.

Among them, there was a dynasty called Yin Shang, whose man was the emperor, and he was called the king of Zhou!

In ancient rumors, King Zhou was infatuated with the demon consort Daji and harmed the loyalty of the human race, making the sky angry and people resenting, which indirectly led to the demise of Yin and Shang.

After the demise of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, the enchantress Daji also disappeared.

Unexpectedly, this demon concubine Daji actually left her own inheritance in this demon cave.


"The rumor has it that the enchanting concubine Da has been all over the country and her face is peerless, which makes people quite curious."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, with some expectations.

Not really expecting what the other party will look like, but curious about what kind of inheritance this rumored enchantress will leave behind.

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