Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : The Emperor's Amazing Jue, Scarlet Sword and Armor

The emperor is equal to heaven!

The sky here refers to the ancient will of the fairy world!

In the ancient times, the human emperor, even if he did not have a half-level cultivation base, as long as he was the human emperor, then he was equal to the sky!

But after the two great fairy courts planned the war of conferring the gods, after King Zhou, there is no one in the world!

I heard that in later generations, there was a Qin Emperor who wanted to reproduce the power of the ancient emperor, but unfortunately he failed.

King Zhou is the last human emperor in the world.

"I fell in the battle of the Conferred Gods, but there is a trace of immortal consciousness left. Daji brought me out of the battlefield. At that time, she was the daughter of the Fox King of Qingqiu, and Xian Ting did not embarrass her. Later, She came to the Sky Demon Ancient Cave and put her inheritance with me."

"I can't reverse the fate of the human emperor disappearing, but my high priest has predicted that one day someone will be able to replace me, and the human race will reappear the glory of the human emperor!"

"I have reason to believe that that person is you."

King Zhou looked at the Madman Chu with piercing eyes.

To be able to fully master his sword of Zhou in just three days, this kind of comprehension, it is far from enough to describe it as a evildoer.

He had reason to believe that Madman Chu was the one he was waiting for.

The one who can reproduce the glory of the emperor.

Not to mention, he felt human luck in Chu Madman.

"Revived the glory of the emperor?"

Madman Chu murmured, and then he took a deep breath, "No matter how strong the emperor is, he will wait with the sky, and my goal is to be above the sky!!"

Above the sky!

Be the emperor of that man, the sky beyond the sky!

"In the sky..."

"Haha, interesting, interesting, you are more ambitious than I thought, then, are you ready to inherit this heritage?"

King Zhou's eyes condensed.

"bring it on."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Then, I saw King Zhou's figure disillusioned, turning into countless spots of light rushing towards the Madman Chu.

Suddenly, an extremely mysterious practice appeared in his mind.

The Emperor's Amazing Secret! !

This is a practice on Qi Yun.

Practitioners can't use this practice method to achieve the slightest level of cultivation, but they can use this method to condense human luck and condense the emperor's real dragon! !

This is the most important practice of the emperor, and only emperors of the past can practice.

As the last human emperor, King Zhou now passed this exercise to Madman Chu. In other words, Madman Chu is the only person in the world who knows this practice.

He has undertaken the mission of the Emperor!

"In the sky star, I am the king of humans, come to the immortal world, I am the emperor of humans, this is quite a wonderful cause and effect."

The madman Chu had a smile on his mouth after comprehending the Human Sovereign Shocking Jue.

Inside the palace.

The black fox saint came out of the light group first.

She frowned slightly, a little annoyed, "After all, she didn't get the inheritance of Daji."

She looked at Tu Shan Feiyu, who was still accepting the inheritance next to her, with a cold killing intent in her eyes. Would you like to kill the opponent here?

"I advise you not to mess around."

A soft voice sounded.

Daji was standing behind her, her expression calm.

"Why didn't you choose me to be your heir."

"Black Fox is not suitable to be my heir."

Da Ji said lightly.

The black fox saint's face changed slightly, "You can see my body."

"It's not difficult for me."

"Hmph, one day, my black fox line will replace Qingqiu Tushan and become the orthodox fox demon."

"It doesn't matter who is orthodox. What's important is that if the black fox can't make up for its own shortcomings, one day it will destroy itself."

"You don't care about this."

The Black Fox Saint said coldly, and then she was about to leave.

But she suddenly saw Madman Chu, and she couldn't help shivering, "Why is this guy here?"

"He is accepting the inheritance."

"Is it the Emperor?"

The black fox saint's heart moved, thinking that Saint Tengu once told her that there were royal relics here.

She glanced at the dark red armor and the big sword, there was a hunger in her eyes, but she then pressed her inner greed.

No matter how she thinks about it, neither of these two things can be used by her.

Not to mention the Madman Chu, Daji's threat, just the human emperor's relic, means that it is not easy for the monster race to get involved.

"This Madman of Chu was already enchanting enough, but now with the inheritance of the Emperor, it will be even more powerful."

"Are you so sure that he can get the inheritance of the Emperor?"

Daji said curiously.

She didn't know or heard of Chu Madman.

"Oh, if it's someone else, I don't know, but if the other person is a Madman of Chu, it is very likely to be possible. This is a monster that cannot be measured by common sense."

The black fox saint said lightly.

Although it was the first time that she saw Madman Chu, she had heard a lot of rumors about him.

That is definitely an existence that is difficult to measure.

Most of the inheritance is based on talents, and the madman Chu's talents are naturally needless to say. If the Emperor does not give him the inheritance, who else can he give it?

Besides, thank God that a human Tianjiao can come in this ancient cave of the demon.

Don't you still keep it waiting for him to dissipate?

"Really, if it can be inherited, it would be a wish of King Zhou."

Daji said.

And the Black Fox Saint did not say anything else, she looked at Madman Chu, frowning.

Do you want to deal with each other now?

After thinking about it, she still gave up the idea.

"Such a nice little brother, it would be a pity if he died."

Moreover, she was not sure whether Madman Chu or Daji had left behind.

Doing it here is too risky.

Maybe, my life will be lost here.

She turned and left the palace.

"The black fox family is also a poor line."

Daji shook her head with emotion.

at this time.

Madman Chu slowly opened his eyes.

His consciousness returned to the physical body, and then he looked at the crimson armor and the big sword in front of him, and his heart moved.

The battle armor and the big sword had already entered his body actively.

Obviously, these two big Luo fairy artifacts have recognized him as their master.

Both the sword and the battle armor are called Scarlet Scarlet Blood Sword, Scarlet Blood Armor, this is the Da Luo fairy tool that followed King Zhou in the battle, although it is not as good as Jiuzhou Ding and Xuanyuan Sword. Humanity is a treasure, but it is also extremely good.

Coupled with King Zhou's own cultivation base, he is no worse than any other emperor.

"It seems that you have got his inheritance."

Daji looked at Chu Madman and smiled.

"um, yes."

"Very well, so that he and I also have a wish."

Daji looked at Tu Shan Feiyu next to her, "She has a good talent and can almost completely accept my inheritance."


As soon as she finished speaking, Tu Shan Feiyu opened her eyes, and there was a flash of light in her eyes.

The light group around his body also dispersed.

A smile appeared on her face, "I succeeded, I finally got the inheritance of Daji."

In Qingqiu Tushan, many fox monsters wanted to acquire Daji's inheritance, but they came back with a feather, only she finally succeeded.

Madman Chu noticed a slight change in her breath. More noble and glamorous.

"Friend Chu, I didn't expect you to come in too. By the way, where did the black fox saint go?"

Tu Shan Feiyu doubted.

She and the Black Fox Saint accepted the test at the same time, but now, the other party is gone.

"Should have already left."

Madman Chu said lightly.

What surprised him was that the black fox saint didn't take advantage of him while accepting the inheritance to deal with him.

Although, even if the other party does it, it will not help.

The other party is a smart one.

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