Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 124: : The hospitality of the Feathers, the magic well, the symbolic meaning of the scepter

  Chu madman, Lan Yu followed Yanbo and went straight to the Yu Clan.

   On the way, I also learned a lot about the feather tribe.

   For example, the current Yuren clan is basically divided into two factions, one is headed by the current Yuren clan chief, and the other is headed by the awakened ancient Yuren Tianjiao Jue Tianlan.

   Although there is no conflict between the two factions on the surface, they are still fighting each other secretly.

   Yanbo belonged to the clan of Yuren patriarch. This time I came to Lan Yu, not only wanted to save the Yuren tribe, but also wanted to win over the other party, looking for a Tianjiao who could contend with Jue Tianlan.

   Madman Chu was not very surprised by this situation.

   The ancient Tianjiao's awakening is good for some forces, but the same will also have an impact on internal forces.

  Especially, the Yuren clan is not as strong as the sage, and it is weak and second only to the supreme sage.

   They need a supreme arrogant who will lead the Daoism to advance in the future, but this ancient heavenly arrogant has been sleeping for many years, and has no deep feelings for the existing Daoism, so naturally he has to take certain risks.

   Soon, Madman Chu, Lan Yu came to the territory of the Yu Human Race.

   That is an extremely huge city, the buildings in the city are quite distinctive, most of which are dome design, mainly white.

   Pedestrians come and go in the city, in addition to the Yu people, there are also many foreign merchants, monks, etc., which is very lively.

   Came to the center of the city. There is a white palace. There are armored guards patrolling back and forth. The guards are very strict.

   "Lan Yu, you are finally here."

   When he came to the palace, a handsome middle-aged man dressed in a white robe with white temples met several people.

   This middle-aged man is the current feather patriarch.

   "I have seen the patriarch." Lan Yu bowed slightly, even if she didn't want to return to the Feather Clan, she still felt a touch of kindness when she saw so many of her clan.

   There are many elders behind the clan leader of Yu, the young masters in the clan, everyone is looking at Lan Yu, very curious.

   After all, a supreme Taoist body suddenly appeared in their clan, but no one knew it. This was a very strange thing.

   Not to mention, this tribe also mastered the scepter of light, which is the supreme authority recorded in the ancient books of their tribe.

   But soon, everyone's eyes were attracted by the Madman Chu next to Lan Yu, all of them showing amazing colors.

   Even in the Feather Race, which is rich in handsome men and beauties, the appearance and temperament of the Mad Chu is still outstanding, no one can compare.

   "Who is this person, is he also Yuren?"

   "No, he doesn't have the breath of Yuren."

   "But he looks even better than our Yuren. He came with Lan Yu. I see, he is a madman from Chu."

   "It should be him."

   A group of Yuren whispered, and while everyone was looking at Madman Chu, Madman Chu was also looking at them.

   said that in addition to being rich in handsome men and beauties, the Feathers are also good at fighting. He looked at them, and they all had a certain sturdy aura, which was by no means comparable to those spoiled arrogances.

   Besides, he also noticed that even though Lan Yu belonged to the feather family, his appearance was a little different from ordinary feather people.

   Ordinary Yuren, even if they are the patriarch of Yuren, they are no different from ordinary people except for the extra pair of wings.

   is blue feather, long silver hair, eyes like sapphire, sacred and bright temperament, all these make her add a little strange beauty to this group of outstanding feather people, which is especially attractive.

   The corner of the madman's mouth was slightly raised, and there was an inexplicable little pride in his heart.

   Sure enough, his Lan Yu is the best-looking everywhere.

   "Presumably this is Big Brother Xuantian." The clan leader Yu walked up to the Madman Chu and bowed slightly, not daring to neglect.

   "The patriarch is polite."

   "You are welcome, Dao Fellow Chu, I have prepared a banquet for you to take care of you." Patriarch Yu said with a smile.

   A banquet was held in the palace, and all the elders of the feather tribe, Tianjiao, were present, including Young Emperor Jue Tianlan.

   Jue Tianlan, who was born in Yuren, naturally looks like the most beautiful person among the people that Madman Chu has ever met.

   Of course, except for him.

   And Jue Tianlan was also very surprised. He looked at Chu Kuangren twice at the banquet. Didn’t expect that there is a better-looking man in this world?

   Thinking of this, Jue Tianlan felt a little uncomfortable.

   Especially when he saw Lan Yu's meek and well-behaved appearance next to Madman Chu, an unnamed anger surged in his heart.

   You need to know that when he went to find Lan Yu, the other party treated him coldly. How could there be any kind of gentleness towards Chu Madman?

"Lan Yu, you can figure it out and return to the Yu Human Race. This is really great. In the future, you and I will join hands to bring the Yu Human Race to a whole new level. I toast you a cup." Jue Tianlan suppressed his heart to Chu Madman In jealousy, he raised his glass and smiled slightly towards Lan Yu.

   But Lan Yu didn't raise a glass, she said: "I came to the Yu Human Race to solve the problem of the Demon Well. After the matter is over, I will leave. Leading the Yu Human Race is your and the patriarch's business."

  'S words made all the elders present look different.

   "Ha, I'll talk about Lan Yu's thing later, she was right, and now I'm going to stabilize the magic well." Seeing that the atmosphere of the banquet was a little dignified, the patriarch Yu hurriedly said.

   After the banquet, Madman Chu and Lan Yu stayed in the palace for one night, and the purpose of the trip the next day... the magic well!

   The so-called magic well is not a real well, but a kind of space crack. It is called a magic well because it is connected to the **** world.

The magic well guarded by the    Feather human race is on an altar in the palace ~ ~ is suppressed by four stone pillars engraved with runes.

   This stone pillar contains the power of the former Light King, but due to unknown reasons, this power has been greatly weakened. This requires the former weapon of the Saint King's Light Scepter to recover.

   "Lan Yu, trouble you."

   An elder Yuren looked at Lan Yu solemnly and said.

   He is the guard of the altar, but it is said that the altar array had a problem a few days ago, which caused the Mojing to be restless. He was seriously injured in order to suppress the Mojing, and he has not fully recovered yet.

   And on how to restore the power of the formation, he had already told Lan Yu on the way.

   "Well, I will do my best." Lan Yu nodded, then her figure flashed, spread her wings and flew to the altar.

   saw her take out the scepter of light, and a breath of sacred light radiated from her, and everyone present was moved.

   "That is the Scepter of Light, the old weapon of the Saint King."

   "It is said that this scepter symbolizes the supreme authority of our Feathers. Whoever holds the scepter can give orders to the Feathers."

   "This is only because the ancestors respected the Holy King of Light in such a way, but this scepter is a holy king, and it is true that it is infinitely powerful."


   All the feather races and even the patriarchs of the feather races looked at the light scepter in Lan Yu's hand, and their eyes were fiery.

   Chu Madman watched by the side, his brows frowned slightly.

   A piece of saint king artifact is enough to make a saint’s orthodoxy feel the heart, not to mention that the scepter of light has a symbolic meaning to the feather race. Will these people really make Lan Yu leave easily?

   Thinking of this, there was a cold light in the eyes of Madman Chu, hoping that these people would not do that meaningless act, otherwise, I would not blame him for being ruthless.


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