Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Breaking through the 11th, Deyang Fusang, the family has lost money

The madman of Chu stretched his bow, and an immense might pouring out from him, shaking the void of the universe.

If it were other times, it would be very difficult for him to shoot down the nine days with an arrow, but now, he can!

When he was tested by the Sky Demon King, he drew the sun-breaking arrow technique, which was exactly what Da Yi was famous for.

He is this arrow method, shooting down the ten days of the golden crow.

With the current cultivation base of Madman Chu, it is natural that there is no way to maximize the power of this arrow technique.

However, it was enough to deal with this formation.

After all, this is not the real Golden Crow's big day.

"How could such a breath come, how could it..."

Prince Jinwu's face was a bit ugly, he had already guessed something faintly.

Immediately, he urged a ten-day volley formation, igniting the endless stream of flames around him, blending into the power of the Fusang, turning into an extremely ferocious fire dragon, and biting away at the Madman Chu.

This fire dragon is powerful and amazing.

A ray of flame is enough to burn the void.

Not to mention the ferocious fire dragon formed by the flood of flames and the power of Fusang, ordinary true immortals can easily be killed.

"Die to me!!"

Prince Jinwu roared.

In the face of the fire dragon, Madman Chu's expression remained unchanged.

But the endless auras around him rushed toward him, gathering almost all the auras in the 10,000-mile radius.

Open the bow and pull the string.

A golden arrow formed out of thin air.


Madman Chu gave a soft drink, then let go of the bowstring!

The string moved with a sound.

The arrow came out and swished through the air.

The golden arrow was like a stream of light, engulfing the boundless storm that tore the firmament, making all the monsters present tremble.

The arrow collided with the fire dragon.

But see the arrow is like a broken bamboo, and a broken fierce dragon!

The next moment.

The arrow flew into the sky on one of the ten days.

boom! ! !

Accompanied by an unprecedented loud noise.

The whole world was shaken!

One of those ten days was broken!

Endless fire can vent from it, and the waves of fire spread out like ripples on the lake.

Fire energy is raging in the world.

The big array was shaken.

"The first one."

Madman Chu's voice sounded.

Then, he opened his bow again and the sun-breaking arrow was used again.


Arrows burst out like streams!

There was another loud noise.

The second big day, broken!


Prince Jinwu's pupils were trembling, frightened, angry and frightened.

He drew surrounding Yan Liu, holding Fusang in his hand, and attacked Madman Chu again.

"Don't worry, it's not your turn yet."

When the madman of Chu raised his hand, the meaning of reincarnation of life and death flowed, turning it into a picture of life and death, temporarily suppressing the Golden Crow Prince.

Then he continued shooting the sun.

The third...

The fourth...

The fifth...

Along with arrows shot from the longbow of Madman Chu, the big sun in the sky shattered one after another.

Endless fire can collapse quickly.

Everyone felt that it was refreshing a lot.

But inside, there was a sharp increase in chill.

too frightening.

In their opinion, Madman Chu was terrifying to the extreme.

One after another, one after another, like a bottomless hole, no one knew what he was hiding.

Just like that Huang Huo.

Another example is this sun-breaking arrow method.

No one knew that Madman Chu would still do this.

The madman of Chu stood proudly, holding a white jade longbow, condensing boundless spiritual energy as arrows, the arrows are like shooting stars, shooting down the sun.

At this moment, he is like that human hero, Da Yi reappears!

After a while.

The ten big suns have all been crushed by the madman of Chu.

Prince Golden Crow also broke the life and death chart and broke free.

He looked at the collapsed formation and the orb fragments scattered on the ground, with anger in his eyes, staring at Madman Chu.

But in this resentful look, there is fear!

Ten days volleying formation, this is his strongest hole card, but in front of Madman Chu, it is still not worth mentioning.

What is he doing now to fight Madman Chu? !


Prince Jinwu thought secretly, his figure flashed, and flew away, ignoring Tianjiao's face, turning around and fleeing.

"I said, today I will shoot...Eleventh!"

"You, that's the eleventh day!"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

He was holding a white jade longbow and his eyes were piercing.

Stretch the bow again.

At this time, the Golden Crow Prince had escaped thousands of miles, but he still had a creepy feeling.

Hurry up, hurry up! !

The celestial element in the golden crow prince's body was energized to the extreme, and even a certain secret method of burning life element was increased.

He was burning with golden crow fire, like a fast walking day, wherever he went, the mountains and rivers dried up and the earth was cracked.

"go with!"

Madman Chu loosened the bowstring.

The golden arrow was like a meteor, engulfing the boundless storm, bursting out of the sky, and swept out tens of millions of miles in an instant.

"no no!!"

The expression of Prince Golden Crow was extremely frightened.

He could feel that the arrow was approaching quickly.

Infinite Arrow locked him down, and he couldn't escape at all! !

The arrow has torn apart the Golden Crow fire.

The Prince Golden Crow transformed into his body, with his wings spread out to cover the sky and sun. He wanted to use this huge body to resist arrow power.

But this is useless.

The sun-breaking arrow fell on him, power erupted, and the terrifying arrow disintegrated his body inch by inch.

Large swaths of blood feathers were scattered and blood splashed across mountains and rivers.

"Mad Chu, I curse you!!"

"I curse you not to die, never to be overborn!!!"

On the dying day.

Prince Golden Crow roared, cursing with immense resentment.

Madman Chu didn't care when he heard this.

"The destiny is reversible, so why should I fear this little curse?"

His figure flashed, and he came to the place where Prince Golden Crow had fallen.

A golden red sapling is falling on the ground, Xianhui brilliant.

"This is Yang Fusang."

Madman Chu took it in his hand, looked at it for a while, then flicked his sleeves and threw it into his sleeves This thing is useful to him, maybe he can find Fuyin after meeting with the clone and study Give out the full power of Fusang.

"Next, it's your turn."

The madman of Chu looked at Taotie, Baihu and several other Yaozu Tianjiao.

"Kuangren Chu, how can you let us go?"

Baihujiezi said.

The situation is better than people, and now, they have no qualifications to contend with the Mad Chu, only to surrender and beg for mercy.

"I want a drop of your blood, as well as the practice method, and all the opportunities that I have gained from coming to the Heavenly Demon Cave!"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was confused.

This is more than a big mouth from a lion!

This is simply knocking bones!

Don't even leave them any scum!

"Kuangren Chu, do you really want to do so absolutely?"

Taotie said in a gloomy tone.

The madman of Chu didn't say much when he heard it.

With a move of the sword finger, a sword aura shot out.

This sword spirit is extremely tyrannical.

Taotie was hard to resist and was beheaded on the spot.

"You can choose to say no, anyway, killing you is just a matter of turning over my hands."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Seeing the gluttonous corpse on the ground, the demons were silent.

Now they ruined their intestines all green.

If they knew it, they wouldn't bother with this monster.

It's all right now, stealing chicken won't lose rice.

No, even the family's money was lost.

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