Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Star Arena, Zhuo Donglai and You Ying

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"Is this the power of Fuso?"

Madman Chu had an imaginary tree shadow in his palm.

The shadow of this tree, the branches are red, the leaves are gold, and it is lush, and it is the shadow of two big mulberry trees connected together.

These two big mulberry trees are like two people supporting each other.

One is Yin and the other is Yang.

It is the hibiscus tree that contains the power of yin and yang.

Madman Chu could clearly feel the powerful power contained in the shadow of the hibiscus tree.

If it is well developed, its potential must be no less than any kind of supreme immortal body.

"In addition to the power of the hibiscus, there is also this world-destroying black lotus."

Madman Chu took out a dark black lotus.

The twelve petals of the lotus flower contain incomparable destructive power, and a scene of extinction appears vaguely.

It is the extinct black lotus, one of the four congenital lotus.

The madman of Chu once read the records in the ancient books of the academy. The four congenital lotuses are the treasures of the congenital origin. They are one of the ten congenital spiritual roots. The four lotus seeds in the first fortune green lotus are transformed by the four lotus seeds. World black lotus, karma red lotus, merit golden lotus and pure world white lotus.

Ordinary monks can get one of them, and it is a great opportunity.

"This world-destroying black lotus is the thing of the Demon Ancestor Luo Maw. Now I have recognized me as the master. I only need to refine it well, and I will have one more hole card."

"The power of the world-destroying black lotus, this is no less than the power of Fusang."

According to the rumors, if someone can get the Four Innate Lotuses, they may have a chance to reproduce the first spiritual root in the heavens and the earth, the green lotus!

According to Madman Chu's guess, the good fortune Qinglian had to be a super **** level thing.

The four lotus congenitals can get one of them, it is a great fortune, he does not expect to be able to collect them all.

With this probability, it might as well draw another super **** level reward.

Madman Chu began to refine and destroy the black lotus, and at the same time, he also planned to use the magic crystal mines brought back by the clone and the opportunities he obtained in the ancient cave of the sky demon.

He intends to break through the realm of true immortality in one go!

When the Madman Chu was in retreat, the outside world was not peaceful.

The battle between Jiezi is in full swing.

Never stopped.

boom! !

Somewhere, a huge energy burst out.

The two Jiezi who were dueling each retreated.

"There can only be one Lord of the Immortal Realm, and you are all going to die!!"

A sturdy man said coldly.

Opposite him, there is also a Jiezi, his eyes are also cold.

"Who is going to die? It's not known yet."

The two fought again, and the shocking energy fluctuations spread all over the distance, and the whole earth was turbulent.

But at this moment.

The two Jiezi seemed to feel something in their hearts, and they stopped at the same time and looked at the distant sky.

I saw that above the sky, among the billions of stars, there was a sudden haze of light soaring into the sky, and there was an immeasurable halo of light between the world, and most of the cultivators in the fairy world could see it.

"There is a strange movement in the starry sky of the fairy world!"

"How is this going?"

The immortal world has a starry sky of its own.

The starry sky is extremely vast and huge, dotted with hundreds of millions of stars, and among them, there are even many opportunities.

But after the immortal world merged, this starry sky was shrouded by an invisible force for some reason, and no one could enter.

Even Da Luo Jinxian is no exception.

But now, many people have discovered that that invisible force field has disappeared!

In the depths of the starry sky, there are stars filled with extraordinary aura, some stars are shrouded by countless Dao patterns, mysterious and extraordinary, and the shining light is so high. Many immortal realms can see good guys directly, and those stars are obviously Contains countless treasures of opportunity.

And among them, there are even some incomparable heartbeats by Da Luo Jinxian.

"From now on, the Star Arena is open!"

"Tianjiao Realm, everyone can enter!"

A magnificent voice spread throughout the fairy world.

This sound is very strange.

He couldn't distinguish between men and women, but he had an inexplicable sense of majesty. Even Ronaldo couldn't help feeling of surrender.

This is the will of the fairy world!

And the information revealed by the will of the immortal realm has made countless Tianjiao realms excited.

"Star Arena, is this a stage specially prepared for the Jiezi fight?"

"Ha, the starry sky contains a lot of opportunities, it's worth exploring, not to be missed."

"Yes, it's the first to enter it. If you can find some kind of great opportunity first to break through the realm of true immortality, then you can get rid of other worlds a lot."

In the immortal world, countless Tianjiao worlds are excited.

They rushed to the Star Arena.

Eastern King Church.

A man in a golden robe walked out of the palace, looking at the starry sky, with a cold look in his eyes, "Starry Sky Arena, I'm going there to find opportunities."

"go together."

Behind the man, walked out a strange and pale youth with a sickly pale face.

The breath of these two people was mixed.

Vaguely, countless Dao patterns appeared in the void, giving a feeling of yin and yang blending.

These two people, it was Zhuo Dong, a fellow of the Eastern King's Church.

As for the other person, he came from the Yinming line of the Demon Dao and possessed the Yuan Yin Demon Body.

"Well, you and my two bodies are close to success. If you can find some opportunities in the starry sky arena, you will not be able to compete with Madman Chu."

Zhuo Dong said.

Since the last time he was defeated by Madman Chu in Luo Maw Ancestral Land, he has always wanted to seek revenge against him.

But because Fuyin was rescued by Madman Chu, his plan to upgrade the Yuanyang Immortal Body to Liangyi Body by absorbing the spirit of Yin Fusang failed.

But at this time, UU read www. You Ying appeared.

He is the best-talented Yuanyin Demon in the history of Yinming and Ming, and his Yuanyang Immortal Body is the opposite power. If combined with this physique, his Yuanyang Immortal Body will also have the opportunity to be upgraded to Liangyi. Fairy body, even if the other party is a male, he can't take care of so much.

His hatred for the Mad Man Chu was too deep.

He can get revenge at all costs.

What about betraying the flesh for this?

And You Ying couldn't wait to improve her position in the Demon Dao, and she also had hatred against Madman Chu, so she agreed to Zhuo Dong's invitation.

During this period of time, the two have improved each other's physique by a great deal through the secret method of the Eastern King Church.

It's only one step away from becoming a fairy of Liangyi.

If the two stayed together and urged the immortal body together, they would even be able to exert the power of the real Liangyi immortal body.

He looked at You Ying beside him, his eyes were rather complicated.

Thinking of his dignified seven-foot man, he actually wanted to use this method to seek revenge against the Madman Chu.

This made him feel ashamed.

On the contrary, You Ying next to her did not have any psychological burden.

The people in the magic way act unscrupulously, and in the magic way, there are three teaches and nine people, and there are many of them who are good at Dragon Yang, and You Ying has seen a lot.

"There must be a lot of Tianjiao monks who went to the Star Arena before this trip. I am afraid that even those Xianting Shaoyu will do something. Let's practice the secret method a few times now, and improve our physical fitness as much as possible before entering the arena. "You Ying looked at Zhuo Dong and said expectantly.

Zhuo Donglai took a deep breath and nodded slightly, "Okay!"

The **** Mad Chu, you are all!

If it weren't for you, why should I, Zhuo Donglai, suffer such insult? !

I must kill you! !

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