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Chapter 1006: : Break through the true immortal, the six worlds of reincarnation, the wheel of life

Within a hundred colleges.

Lu Zi is playing chess with a famous teacher in a college.

"Lu Zi, the Star Arena has been open for two years, but the chief is still in retreat, so will he fall behind?"

The teacher asked curiously and a little worried.攫欝攫

But Lu Zi just smiled faintly, and said: "I believe the chief has his own measures, so there is no need to worry, and even the strength of the chief two years ago is enough to disregard the younger generation."

Yes, it doesn't matter even if Madman Chu has been abandoned for two years.

His strength two years ago was beyond the reach of countless young monks.

Lu Zi even wondered if Madman Chu deliberately gave these young people two years to catch up with him.

Otherwise, this world-child battle is too boring to win.

Hum! !

Just as Lu Zi was playing chess with the famous teacher, suddenly, an extremely powerful wave broke out from somewhere in the academy.

This breath, accompanied by the sound of a dragon chant, rose to the sky!

Lu Zi, the famous teacher and even the many students and teachers in the academy all noticed this shocking aura, and looked at the source of this aura.

"That direction is... where the chief is!!"

"Oh, he finally got out."

Lu Zi smiled faintly.

A retreat for the madman of Chu.

Countless mysterious Dao patterns circulate in the air, turning into a phantom of Hundred Saints, rolling snow-capped mountains, rules and precepts, and the vastness of its breath shocks all directions.

These are the three major visions of the Academy.

And above this vision, the meaning of reincarnation of life and death is circulating, turning into a huge picture of yin and yang of life and death, covering the sky.

In this picture of life and death, all souls and things are wrapped in the power of reincarnation, alternating back and forth between life and death.

"This breath is too vast."

"The chief's breath is too strong, he has already broken through the real fairy!!"

"The ordinary true immortal is not worth mentioning in front of this power, and deserves to be the chief."

Seeing the three big visions and the reincarnation scene of life and death intertwined with the aura of gods and demons, no mathematician of the academy was full of wonder.

at this time.

An ancient towering giant tree phantom suddenly appeared in the void.

This giant tree is too huge, as if it is composed of two mulberry trees supporting each other. The branches are red, the leaves are gold, one yin and one yang, yin and yang blend, regardless of each other.

It is the hibiscus tree in ancient rumors.

This hibiscus, even a branch has a thickness of ten thousand meters, and the entire tree is as large as a million meters, as if it has supported the entire world.


A sound of dragon chants resounded.

I saw nine golden dragons flying out, hovering around Fusang.

Each of these golden dragons is close to ten thousand feet, condensed from countless mysterious Dao patterns, with a magnificent aura and an indescribable aura.

This is the emperor's true dragon, a symbol of the emperor, and the most noble thing in the world!

With the appearance of the hibiscus tree and the emperor's true dragon, everyone, including the famous teachers, couldn't help but sucked in air.

"Oh my God, this is the power of Fuso, and...the emperor's true dragon!!"

"The emperor's true dragon, isn't it that only the emperor can cultivate? The chief, he still has the inheritance of the emperor!"

"The power of Fusang, the inheritance of the emperor, coupled with various peerless physiques, the future achievements of the chief is unimaginable!"

"Haha, for two years, the chief has been in retreat for two years, and those tianjiao people also went to the Star Arena for two years, and they don't know if those people can catch up with the chief!"

"Don't say two years, even if you give them another two hundred years, it is estimated that they will not be able to catch up."

The three major visions of the academy, chaos gods and monsters, reincarnation celestial bodies, the power of Fusang, the emperor's true dragon...

The madman of Chu broke through the real immortal, his breath leaked, and various signs of Taoism evolved.

The strength of that breath directly shook the world.

Its magnificent weather is like a nine-day fairy king coming to the world.

A place of retreat.

The madman of Chu sat cross-legged, the vastness of his body, like a vast ocean, boundless.

The fairy radiance on him is very good.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes.

There was a mysterious power of reincarnation circulating in his eyes, like two whirlpools, as if even the soul could be sucked in.

Immediately afterwards, there were countless Dao patterns intertwined all over his body, turning into an invisible field. SuYiNgwANg.NeT戅

In this realm, there are six mysterious brilliance circulating.

The six brilliances are of different colors, each of which represents a very powerful force.

They are the mighty power of the heavenly way, the ever-changing power of the humanity, the treacherous beast way, the tyrannical Asura way, the gloomy **** way, and the hunger and thirst, as if to do everything All swallowed the power of the hungry ghosts.

"The second magical power of the reincarnation celestial body, the big world of the six reincarnations!"

Madman Chu looked at the force field around him with a satisfied smile in his eyes.

The reincarnation celestial body as the supreme fairy body is naturally not simple. This fairy body possesses three magical powers.

The first magical power reincarnation robs light.

And now, Madman Chu has broken through the real queen, and he has the second magical power, the world of six reincarnations!

The big world of six reincarnations contains the power of six reincarnations, which is very terrifying.

In addition to the second supernatural power developed by the reincarnation celestial body, the chaos **** and demon also has a second supernatural power, the name call, the wheel of life and death in the world!

This is an attacking magical power that is more powerful than the Yin and Yang life and death map.

Cycle of life and death, destroy all realms!

The life and death of all beings are in the grasp of the madman of Chu.

Regardless of whether it is the Big World of Six Reincarnations or the Wheel of Life and Death of the Worlds, this is a hole card for Madman Chu.

"I don't know who has the strength to let me use these two supernatural powers?"

"The evildoers in the Star Arena, are you qualified?"

Madman Chu condensed his supernatural powers, his eyes seemed to pass through countless cloud barriers, stars, sun and moon, straight through the star arena.

Regarding the appearance of the arena, although he was in retreat, he was still aware of the aura when the arena appeared.

Inside the college. UU reading

The three major visions, the emperor's true dragon and so on, disappeared.

Madman Chu, walked out of the retreat.

His breath converged to the extreme, not as terrifying as everyone imagined.

Many students also stunned for a while, and then suddenly realized.

"Go back to the basics!"

"Chief, this is to become a true immortal and return to nature."

"That's it."

Madman Chu glanced at the students and smiled slightly.

That smile is like a spring breeze.

"The chief is too handsome, right."

"The son is like jade, there is no one in the world, the chief look kills me."

Not a girl student sees stars in his eyes.

Madman Chu looked at the distant starry sky and waved his sleeves, his figure disappeared instantly.

"Chief, this is going to the arena."

"Haha, now, those arrogants in the arena are about to usher in despair."

Many students laughed.

Many students did not know how powerful the Madman Chu had broken through the realm of true immortality.

It's just that Madman Chu who has not broken through the true immortal has the strength to kill the true immortal.

Not to mention the current madman of Chu, for the younger generation of cultivators, that is definitely an extremely scary existence.

At this time, the monks in the Starry Sky Arena didn't know that a monster was coming soon!

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