Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Zhuo Donglai's madness, the method of melting heart and blood

In the depths of the Earth Spirit Star, within the star source.

Madman Chu felt the abundant star energy surging around, and a strange color was revealed in his eyes.

"Interestingly, this kind of abundant stellar energy can just provide help for my celestial immortal body."

He smiled, and then released Lan Yu.

Perceiving the energy of the stars around him, Lan Yu was also very surprised.

"Is this the star source? I feel that if I practice here, it is dozens of times more than in the outside world."

"There are plenty of stars here, let's practice together."

Madman Chu said, and then he waved his sleeves, and a golden light flew out from between his sleeves.

That is a clone of him.

With a avatar watching over, he and Lan Yu can practice in the star source with peace of mind.

Coming to the depths of the star source, the madman Chu's star immortal body revolved, absorbing the power of the surrounding stars into the body one by one, strengthening the immortal body.

Lan Yu also found a place and sat cross-legged.

As the time goes.

The monks who coveted the source of the Earth Spirit Stars also left one by one.

With the clone of Madman Chu, they couldn't do anything they wanted.

"Hey, Madman Chu's strength is too strong, what he is fond of, there is no way we can get involved."

You Tianjiao couldn't help but said with emotion.

Cutting the top arrogance is as simple as eating and drinking water. Such strength is beyond reach.

"In this starry sky arena, apart from those evildoers, I am afraid that no one can really compete with Madman Chu."

"I am afraid that even those enchanting evildoers may not be able to do it."



Two embarrassed figures stumbled out of the void.

These two people are Zhuo Donglai and You Ying.

"Damn it, **** it!!"

Zhuo Donglai roared, the Yuanyang Xianyuan on his body poured out, and dozens of mountains around him were directly shattered!

As a result, the earth was devastated and burned to a piece of scorched earth by the scorching Xianyuan.

"Madman Chu! Why, why?!"

"Heaven, how unfair you are, why do you love the Madman Chu, Qingye Jiantong, the reincarnation celestial body, the power of Fusang, the inheritance of the human emperor, the body of the chaos **** and demon... so many good things, you have all given the Madman Chu , What about me?! What about us?!!!"

"Damn it, **** it!!"

Zhuo Donglai's eyes were bloodshot, red, and his complexion looked like a beast.

A strong and extreme resentment filled him, and even You Ying couldn't help feeling shuddering when he saw it.

But when he thought of Madman Chu, his eyes couldn't help showing despair.

Is that kind of existence really something they can match?

Is it really something they can chase?

"Liangyi Immortal Body!"

"I want Liangyi Immortal Body. Only with Liangyi Immortal Body can I have a chance to defeat Madman Chu!!"

Zhuo Donglai raised his head and stared at You Ying and said.

And You Ying Meiyu frowned, "We have used so many methods, we can't upgrade the physique to Liangyi immortal body, I'm afraid we can't do it in a short time."

"No, you can!" Zhuo Dong said: "I have one last way?!"

"any solution?!"

"The method of melting heart and blood!!"

"How to do?"

"Very simple."

Zhuo Donglai slowly walked towards You Ying, and You Ying suddenly felt a chill in her heart.

The next moment.

Suddenly, Zhuo Donglai made a move and grabbed his five fingers into claws. The terrifying Yuanyang Xianyuan broke out, penetrated You Ying's fairy body, and grabbed his heart out.

"Zhuo Dong, you..."

You Ying's face was horrified, with fear, dazed and puzzled.

"The method of melting heart and blood, as long as you merge your heart and blend your essence and blood with me, then I will have the opportunity to elevate Yuanyang Immortal Body to the level of Liangyi Immortal Body!"

Zhuo Dong said, his arm shook.

The violent Xianyuan completely cut off You Ying's vitality.

A generation of Demon Dao Tianjiao fell.

Zhuo Donglai held the warm, beating Demon Heart in his hands, and there was a crazy color in his eyes.

The method of melting the heart and dissolving blood is a very dangerous practice.

If you are not careful, you will die because of the sudden burst of two blood pulses, and your soul will disappear.

Therefore, the previous Zhuo Donglai has not dared to try easily.

But now, he can't care so much.

The existence of Madman Chu made him restless and made him almost crazy!

In order to defeat the Madman Chu, even if there is a risk of falling, he has to give it a try. Besides, if he doesn't try, he will definitely die against the Madman Chu in the future.

It would be better to get a chance now! !

"Mad Chu, you wait for me, I will definitely come back to find you!!"


the other side.

On a mountain.

Wu Tian of the Tianwu clan looked at the pool of blood on the ground and fell into contemplation.

It was a top-notch arrogant that was killed by him with Huaxian Poison.

The opponent had no resistance at all in front of Huaxianpo.


"Why Madman Chu can resist Huaxian Poison?!"

"Even if he has strong poison resistance, it is impossible to be completely unaffected."

Wu Tian murmured.

He took out a dark green orb, which contained an incomparably astonishing toxin. Just looking at it made people shudder.

"Sure enough, it's the reason why I haven't thoroughly refined this poisonous heart and brought the poison to the extreme."

"Dacheng's Immortal Poison, even a trace of poison gas can turn hundreds of millions of creatures in a star of life into blood, very powerful."

Wu Tian clasped the dark green orb in his hand, his eyes revealed a touch of firmness, "I must completely refine this poisonous heart and poison the madman Chu!!"

He even had a certain premonition.

If his poison could even kill a Madman Chu, then there would be nothing in this world that he could not poison himself.


The battle of Earth Spirit Star quickly spread throughout the starry sky arena.

A name that was about to be forgotten, once again appeared in a way that everyone was so amazing.

"Mad Chu, this person has finally come to this starry sky arena."

"In two years, this person has been in retreat for two years, and many Tianjiao realmists have also experienced in this starry sky arena for two years. Unexpectedly, they still can't catch up with this person."

"This person's combat power is beyond reach."

"Two years ago, he could easily kill the true immortal, and now he is even more unfathomable."


In an ancient star palace.

A Xianting Shaoyu dressed in a purple robe was refining a chance for an ancient powerhouse in Xianting.

"Chu madman, kill my Xianting four realms one after another, are you really in the same line as me Xianting?"

"If I meet you in the future, I will kill you!!"

Ziwei Shaoyu said coldly.

How many Xianting Jiezi died in the hands of Madman Chu?

He is not clear.

But Madman Chu is now on the opposite side of Xian Ting, and it is impossible for him to sit back and watch the other party continue to grow.

Another place. UU reading

On a mountain full of ancient swords.

A young man holding a green bamboo stick closed his eyes, and a trace of sword energy escaped from his body.

The jade slip on his waist shook.

There was news about the madman in Chu.

"Oh, Fellow Daoist Chu has finally arrived."

The closed-eyed young man murmured that he is the strongest realm Yezhu of the Sanqing Dao Sect.

It is also the owner of the Supreme Immortal Body, Aoba Sword Eye.

However, his sword pupil is not complete.

"Compared to Fellow Chu Daoist, I guess there is still a big gap. The most urgent thing is to find the Mausoleum of the Sword Immortal. Only there, I will have the opportunity to completely complement Aoba Jiantong. There is a chance to compete with fellow Chu Daoist!"

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