Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : Kunwu evolution, sword light breaks mountains and rivers, Tiangang star changes

The seal of the eight hundred proofs emptied into the sky, filled with celestial glory, magnificent, like eight hundred golden immortals descending, shocking the world!

Cao Yun, Wang Shentian and others couldn't help being a little frightened.

Madman Chu was also quite surprised.

The seal of these eight hundred proofs was even better than those he had encountered before.

"If these seals of proof can be integrated into the Kunwu Sword, Kunwu's power can definitely increase by several levels!"

Madman Chu whispered.

Kunwu, who sensed a large number of seals of proof, couldn't help but tremble, revealing a sense of excitement.

"Kun Wu, don't worry, these are all yours!"

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

Then, he began to incorporate these seals of proof into Kunwu.

This is not a difficult task for the Mad Chu who is proficient in the way of runes and refining tools.

time flies.

One month passed.

In this month's time, the madman of Chu gradually integrated the seal of proof and law into Kunwu one by one.

In this process, Kunwu's quality has been continuously improved.

"The seven hundred and ninety-seventh!"

The madman of Chu inlaid a seal of proof into Kunwu.

Kunwu at this time is very different from before.

On the white jade-like sword, there were a series of mysterious runes circulating, surging with a heart-palpitating wave of Tao.

Those runes are the seal of proof!

"The material of this thousand magic iron is really extraordinary, and it can carry so many seals of proof."

Qianhuan Iron is the material of Kunwu sword body.

This is a top-notch god-level material, and the entire universe can't find several ores that can match this material.

Carrying hundreds of seals of proof, it seems that it is far from the extreme of Thousand Magical Iron!

"The eight hundredth!"

As the madman of Chu inlaid the last seal of proof into Kunwu, Kunwu's sword body trembled, and an extremely strong sword aura spontaneously spontaneously swept through nine heavens and ten earth like a violent wind! !

Unparalleled sword pressure, covering the world!

Even if it was Cao Yun and Wang Shentian, they were amazed when they saw a top talent like Wang Shentian.

"It's so powerful, the chief has this kind of refining technique."

"What is there that the chief doesn't?"

"Now even if you say that the chief will have children, I believe it."

Everyone was amazed.

The powerful fluctuations that pervaded the Kunwu Sword also attracted the attention of many people.

For a time, many monks swarmed.

Seeing that Kun Wu standing in the sky, filled with infinite sword pressure, bright and shining, all eyes were full of amazement.

Especially some sword repairs, they are a little bit ready to move.

"What a powerful sword, the mystery of the runes contained in it is amazing."

"That is... the seal of proof?! The sword that blends the seal of proof... is really a strange fairy."

"Wait, why is this sword familiar to me?"

A monk frowned when he looked at the sword.

Immediately afterwards, someone's pupils shrank slightly, "Isn't this Chu Madman's sword?!"

Everyone was shocked when he said this!

They looked down the Kunwu sword, and they saw Madman Chu standing with his hand holding his hand.

Originally, some of the monks who were still planning to get rid of them suddenly stopped thinking.

Since this sword belonged to Madman Chu, it would give them ten courage, and they would not dare to mess around!


The Kunwu Sword was suspended in the void, filled with sharp and majestic sword pressure, and a burst of crisp sword chants contained the clouds!

Kunwu has spirit!

And now, Kunwu is very excited!

For a long time, it followed the madman of Chu to fight from the south to the north, not knowing how many enemies it defeated.

However, in recent years, it has found that it has been unable to keep up with the evolution of Madman Chu. The enemies that Madman Chu has encountered have become more and more powerful!

And the treasures of opportunity he got are quite a few.

Among them, there are even many big compasses, each of which is better and more powerful than it.

This makes Kun Wu desperately want to evolve and become stronger.

But it is an immortal tool nourished by Madman Chu with his own immortal essence, and the speed of independent evolution cannot surpass the progress of Madman Chu.

This makes it very sad.

It felt that it was of no use to Madman Chu.

Even if Madman Chu discards it at some point, there will be no accidents.

For the monk, this couldn't be more normal.

It's just that Madman Chu didn't like this, he still took it with him as always, and never left it.

This moved it, and its desire to become stronger became stronger.

And now, it has finally successfully evolved, after absorbing 800 seals of proof, how can it not be excited? !

Kun Wu shuttled in the void, the sword energy swept across, and the sword light broke the mountains and rivers!

Pang Ran's sword pressure, soaring into the sky, making the heavens and stars sway!

At this moment, Kun Wu felt that there was an extremely terrifying power in his body, and it was finally able to use this power to help Madman Chu.

"Kun Wu, come!"

At this moment, Madman Chu gave a soft sigh.

The inspired Kunwu turned into a streamer and quickly fell into the hands of Madman Chu.

Starting with the sword, the white clothes are flying.

As soon as the sword aura rose, the awe-inspiring sword aura swept thousands of miles, and saw a huge crack torn on the surface of Dikui Star!

The power of its sword aura is shocking to see countless sword repairs.

And this, this is a sword qi sent out by Madman Chu at will, he hasn't even used any cultivation method!

But that's it, its power is enough to make the true fairy jealous.

"Ha, good sword spirit."

"Kunwu, you are much stronger."

The madman Chu gave a chuckle, his sword fingers stroked Kunwu's sword, and he looked at the Dao pattern made up of the seals of proof, his eyes flashed with a different color.

In addition to the seal of proof that he had inlaid on Kunwu before, there are as many as nine hundred of the seal of proof of Kunwu sword at this moment!

With 900 seals of proof, it would be a terrifying thing if his immortal technique could be blessed by the seal of 900 proofs.

Even if he used the most common kendo technique, he would have the power to destroy the world.

It's just that, with his current strength, he can only spur a hundred of them at most. If he wants to completely spur 900 of them, he will at least reach the golden fairy realm!

At this moment, Kunwu can already be compared to shoulder to shoulder!

If the madman of Chu can continue to get the seal of proof and integrate into Kunwu, Kunwu will be stronger.

It is not impossible to surpass the Da Luo Qi, the Dao Qi, and even the innate source treasure.


At this time, Kun Wu in the hands of the Mad Chu Chu, UU Reading Book, seemed to sense something. When the hilt moved, he pointed to the distant starry sky autonomously.


Madman Chu was a little surprised.

He looked in the direction of Kunwu, only to see a starlight gleaming in the starry sky.

It was an ancient star surrounded by countless ancient Dao patterns and shrouded in many restrictions.

At this moment, the restrictions on this ancient star are gradually dissolving.

Not only that, from the dissipated restrictions, a sharp sword aura swept out, stirring the surrounding stars.

Some small ancient stars were even torn apart and turned into cosmic dust!

Madman Chu saw this, with a different color in his eyes.

"According to the constellations, it should be... Tiangang star!"


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