Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : 2 yin and yang pictures, Wu Tian's attack, the source of poison

The demon, the gentleman, the demon, the evil fairy, and the arrogance of all forces fiercely fought the madman of Chu, but even if everyone gave their all, it was difficult to shake the first madman in ancient and modern times!

The terrifying power made everyone present palpitations.

"This man is really a monster!"

Linghuzun took a deep breath and said.

Hum! !

At this time, the void is in chaos, and a large area of ​​Taoism is intertwined, which contains the meaning of majestic and endless Yin and Yang.

Everyone is looking at the source of this yin and yang meaning.

I saw Zhuo Dong stepping out, and a large number of Dao patterns spread around him, intertwined to form a huge picture of Yin and Yang, covering the universe!

"Madman Chu, see the power of these two yin and yang diagrams!"

Zhuo Donglai said loudly, the aura on his body was extremely surging, like a supreme fairy king mastering the power of yin and yang.

Every move, counter chaos yin and yang!

When Madman Chu saw this, a strange color appeared in his eyes, "Liangyi Yin-Yang Picture, is this the incidental magical power of Liangyi Immortal Body?"

He smiled faintly and stepped forward.

A series of patterns intertwined on his body surface, the white light on his left hand flickered, and lifelessness appeared on his right hand.

Put your palms together, the spirit of gods and demons, the power of life and death blend.

A huge Tai Chi picture, also constructed in black and white, emerged.

It's just different from Zhuo Donglai's full-bodied yin and yang power, what this picture contains is more the power of life and death!

"Then give it a try, can your yin and yang map shake my life and death map!"

Madman Chu pushed out his hands horizontally.

The image of life and death hovered, covering the sky, and the force of life and death shattered large areas of space.

In an instant!

The power of yin and yang, the power of life and death, and the Tai Chi diagram composed of two completely different forces collided in the void.

Black and white are intertwined in the air.

This sky, as if turned into black and white, alternated back and forth between night and day.

Yin and Yang chaos, life and death alternate!

The incomparable Dao pattern mixed with the immortal yuan flowing in the air, even if it only escaped, it was enough to break the mountains and the earth!

"It's so powerful, is this the power of the Supreme Immortal Body?"

"It's so powerful!"

Above the sky, yin and yang, life and death!

The two forces were colliding, but seeing the power of life and death gradually gaining the upper hand, a figure flew upside down from the chaotic energy, it was Zhuo Donglai.

At this moment, his drape was exuding, his face was pale, and even the immortal aura on his body was quite disordered.

"Is this the Liangyi Immortal Body? I am disappointed."

Above the sky, a white robe stood proudly, staring at Zhuo Donglai, high above him.

And Zhuo Donglai's expression was extremely ugly, his fists clenched, his eyes split.

"Damn it, even if you have mastered Liangyi Immortal Body, isn't it his opponent yet?!"

"His strength, to what extent!"

Zhuo Donglai thought of it unwillingly.

In order to defeat Madman Chu, he did everything he could, elevated himself to the extreme, and even mastered the Supreme Immortal Body.

But even so, he is still not an opponent.

The big gap between the two sides seems to have never been reduced, and even continues to widen!

"If you only have this, then I can only send you to death!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

When he raised his hand, the majestic fairy yuan whizzed out, intertwined in the void, turning into a terrifying monster!

Gourmet, Qiongqi, Baihu, Jiuying...

Heads of fierce beasts condensed out of the void, and each one came to life, as if a real beast had descended!

It is the Ten Thousand Demon Figure in the form of Ten Thousand Demons!

"What kind of practice is this?!"

"Oh my God, so many fierce beasts are actually turned out by Madman Chu. This is too real."


The countless fierce beasts that Madman Chu had transformed made all the cultivators present inhaled a breath of air.

Even Tianjiao evildoers such as the sword of Buddha couldn't help their pupils trembling slightly.

It's scary!

This power is really too scary.


I saw a stream of light flying by, coming behind Chu Kuangren at lightning speed.

That is, Wu Tian!

At this moment, a faint gray light shrouded his body, and this gray light almost concealed his breath to the point of almost nothing.

That gray light is a treasure that hides the breath!

In addition, Madman Chu's attention had been on the Buddha's Sword and others, and for a while, he could not be detected in time.

boom! !

Wu Tian came to the front of Madman Chu and slammed out a palm!

The earth-shaking palm was enough to smash ten big stars and directly hit Madman Chu's body!

With a loud noise, circles of air wave spread around Madman Chu, and an inch of air directly exploded into countless space debris!



"Friend Chu!"

Several exclamations sounded.

Lan Yu, Cao Yun, Wang Shentian, Su Yun and others all changed their faces.

No one thought Wu Tian would do this!

After this blow, the gods of the ten thousand demons gathered by the madman Chu disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the arrogant people couldn't help but jump their eyes. Madman Chu, are they going to lose? !

The Buddha's sword, Zhuo Donglai and the others smiled, and their eyes revealed expectation.


Wu Tian was also a little excited.

But then, he was astonished.

He found that Madman Chu's body, who had been hit by his palm forcibly, only trembled slightly, and then he didn't even move.

Actually, no step back!

Not only that, the feeling of this palm is also very strange.

As if blasted on a piece of fairy gold.

His palms were numb due to the back shock.

"Have you not eaten? What's the use of this soft palm?"

An indifferent voice sounded.

Madman Chu looked at Wu Tian, ​​his eyes indifferent.

Wu Tian's heart trembled, UU reading scalp numb.

I rub!

What a monster body is this! !

Actually, there is no harm at all! !

"Try this again!"

A black poisonous gas in Wu Tian gushed out of his palm and injected all into Chu Madman's body.

This is Huaxianpo! !

Kuangren Chu's eyes lit up, and he did not refuse to inhale all the immortal poison.

Thousand Poison Demon Body launched!

A large amount of poisonous gas is used to nourish the nutrients of the internal organs!

"Some more."

Madman Chu chuckled lightly, with Dao patterns intertwined on his body, and the body of the poisonous demon was moved to the extreme by him.

Wu Tian felt that the Immortal Poison in his body was pouring out uncontrollably towards Madman Chu.

"how come?!"

Wu Tianzhu circled.

It was the first time he saw someone taking the initiative to absorb Huaxian Poison!

No matter how immune to toxins, it won’t be so, what kind of monster is this!

Natural enemies! !

Now Wu Tian only thinks that Madman Chu is his nemesis!

It is the nemesis of all poisons in this world!


Wu Tian wanted to leave quickly.

But how could Madman Chu make him wish, he directly grabbed the opponent's hand, and it was useless to let the opponent struggle.

"Since it's here, leave all your poisons behind!"

Madman Chu said that he sensed that the immortal poison released by Wu Tian had a source, and that source would have a great effect on his body of ten thousand poisons.

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