Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : 2 great supernatural powers kill all the arrogances, Zhuo Donglai falls

The big world of six reincarnations opens, the cycle of life and death!

The two supernatural powers newly acquired by Madman Chu exploded, and unparalleled supernatural power filled the space between the world.

All the Tianjiao facing these two supernatural powers couldn't help but shrink their pupils, and took a breath of air, with an incredible expression on their faces.

Even those Tianjiao Realmists who stayed far away couldn't help their pupils trembling after feeling the breath of the two supernatural powers.

"This, what power is this?!"

"My God, I feel that in that invisible force field, even if there are ten of them, I will be easily killed!!"

"Is this the power Tianjiao can display?!"

The Sword of Buddha, Hui Jue, Wang Tianba and others are all urging Xian Yuan to resist the crushing of the Six Paths of Samsara.

But even so, their power is still severely suppressed.

Originally, they were not the opponents of Madman Chu, but now they are suppressed by the world of six reincarnations, not to mention.

Especially when they saw the wheel of life and death, which was composed of black and white and consisted of countless Dao patterns, exuding celestial glory in the void, they couldn't help but feel terrified.

The feeling that life and death cannot be controlled by oneself, came to life spontaneously!

"You are honored to be the first group of arrogances who lost their lives under these two supernatural powers!"

Madman Chu's voice sounded, resounding across the world.

Standing under the wheel of life and death, he has reincarnation power flowing around him, like a supreme immortal king who holds life and death, making his heart tremble.

"No, I won't die here!"

"Demon Shura, kill me!"

Tianba, the bully king of the immortal, was unwilling to die here, urged the immortal to the extreme, and once again cut out a knife, and the light of the sword transformed countless evil spirits.

As if turning the world into purgatory.

But Madman Chu stood still, and the wheel of life and death on his head lightly turned, and a terrifying force of life and death spread out.

That endless knife light was easily broken!

The evil spirits dissipated and Rakshasa fell!

The power of life and death is like the vast ocean, to destroy this world of heavens, and crush it toward Wang Tianba!

boom! !

The space bursts into pieces one after another!

And accompanied by Wang Tianba's screams, his immortal body was easily disintegrated in front of this force of life and death!

"no no……"

Wang Tianba shouted in horror.

It is hard to imagine that he, known as the bully in the immortal, would have such a panic.


A blood mist exploded!

In front of the power of the wheel of life and death, Wang Tianba seemed to collapse, without any resistance!

In this scene, watching all Tianjiao's scalp numb.

But at this time, Madman Chu moved again, the immortal yuan surged, and the wheel of life and death in the worlds turned again!

Endless celestial glory blooms!

The power of life and death was released one after another, as if to destroy the heavens and the world!

Zun Linghu urged the magic sword in his hand to the extreme, and almost all the blood in his body was absorbed by the magic sword, in exchange for more powerful power.

But even if he paid a great price, it was of no avail.

Cycle of life and death!

The sword demon fell!

There was only a handful of devil clangs, and it stuck to the ground.

"Mad Chu, spare my life, I am willing to pay any price! I, I am willing to follow you!"

The gentleman Langya lost his demeanor and quickly begged for mercy.

"You deserve it too?"

Madman Chu raised his hand with a wave, covering it with the power of life and death.

The demise of another top arrogant!

"Damn it, **** it!!"

Huijue roared, bodhicitta revolved, the light of the Buddha rushed into the sky, and the form of a solemn Bodhisattva condensed!

But the next moment was crushed by the power of life and death!

There were also cracks in his shapeless glass body, like a piece of porcelain, with a snap, the whole person was directly turned into fragments.

Both the flesh and the fairy soul died in an instant!

"Buddha's sword, kill and forgive sins!!"

The sword of Buddha holds the golden sword of lowering the devil in his hand, urging the sword energy and Buddha light on his body to the extreme!

Click! Click!

The Buddha's light shattered and the sword aura dissipated. Although the golden armor on the Buddha's sword was advanced, it could remain intact under the power of the six reincarnations.

But the sword of the Buddha cannot!

His body collapsed every inch under the huge counter shock!

"Kuangren Chu, I am not your opponent, but if you kill Huijue and me this time, Buddhism will not let you go!"

"Heir to Bodhisattva, son of ancient Buddha, they will find you for revenge!"

The Buddha's Sword said in a harsh tone.

"Let them come, just like you, and I will give them a death!"

Madman Chu chuckles.

In the end, the armor and the sword of descending demons fell to the ground, and the sword in the Buddha, the immortal body broke, leaving only a relic.

"Next, you will be the only one left."

Madman Chu looked at the last Zhuo Donglai, and smiled faintly.

At this time, the opponent was using Liangyi Immortal Body to resist the impact of the power of life and death.

I have to say that Liangyi Immortal Body is worthy of being a supreme immortal body. Even the enchantment like the Sword of the Buddha can't last long, but Zhuo Donglai can continue to support it hard.


"Kuangren Chu, why on earth can you get so much love?!"

Zhuo Donglai stared at the Madman Chu with staring eyes, his face full of resentment and unwillingness.

He had worked hard to gain strength, but in the end he was still vulnerable in front of Madman Chu.

The strength of the opponent is beyond the scope of Tianjiao!

Why is this? !

He hated the injustice of the sky, as if giving all the generous resources in the world to Madman Chu.

"Why? Just because I am better than you! Better than all of you!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

The supreme fairy shrouded him, the boundless meaning of reincarnation of life and death, illuminating the nine heavens and ten earth!

"No, you are just luckier than me!"

"If you and I change places, I will be stronger than you!!"

Zhuo Donglai said unwillingly.

"Do you think it's possible? I'm undefeated after tens of thousands of battles, and the adversity of heaven and earth cannot make me surrender! But can you?"

"If you and I change places, you will only die faster!"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

Behind him, the wheel of life and death turned slightly, and the power of life and death suddenly increased.


When Zhuo Dong came, the fairy body suddenly burst!

In the void, there was only a heart that was still beating, shining with black and white fairy radiance.

This was left by Madman Chu deliberately, and was going to be used to analyze the material of Liangyi Immortal Body.

So far, Buddha, bully, gentleman, demon, monster...

All the enchanting Tianjiao who besieged the madman of Chu are all dead, not one left!

In contrast, Chu Madman.

Standing in the air, UU reading www.uukanshu. com's white clothes are like snow, still innocent.

The clothes are flying, the fairy is brilliant, and the mountains and rivers are broken!

When Tianjiao all around saw it, his pupils trembled, showing incredible, shocked, and awe-inspiring expressions.

And some female sisters looked with bright eyes, and their hearts trembled.

"There are such strange men in this world!"

"It's so overbearing that it's almost impossible, it's so powerful that it's desperate, and its immortal look is can't stop it!"

And secretly.

Some powerful people who are observing the starry sky arena can't help but feel sorry for it.

"This Madman of Chu is really invincible among the younger generation?!"

"I don't know if those top enchanting worlds have a way to resist him. If this person continues to grow, this immortal world may really become something in this person's pocket in the future."

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