Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : Chu Hong's chance, Divine Phoenix's test, Huang panic

Chu Hong's figure flickered, and it swept directly into the big star in front of her like a bolide.

There are many opportunities in this big star.

After Chu Hong searched here, her strength was one step closer, but these did not make her strength leap substantially.

She is still a tiny distance from the evildoer.

"The seventh bloodline awakening must be carried out as soon as possible. Only the seventh bloodline awakening can I be able to compare with those evildoers!"

"You really have the strength to catch up with your brother!"

Chu Hong whispered.

She had already heard about the Mad Man Chu coming to the Star Arena.

The opponent used his own power to kill all the arrogances, including several enchanting things, which have also been spread during this time, which made her feel a sense of urgency.

My brother is getting stronger and stronger.

She must also become stronger, otherwise, how will she follow each other in the future?

She doesn't want to fall behind too much, at least, so that she has the strength to stand next to each other.

With such thoughts in mind, Chu Hong continued to look for opportunities in this big star. Vaguely, she followed the resonance of her bloodline and moved towards a certain place.

On this day, she came to a valley.

Here, her Divine Phoenix bloodline was an unprecedented agitation, as if desperately wanting something.

"There is definitely a great opportunity for me here!"

Chu Hong whispered.

In the valley, there are bans everywhere, and the force that caused her blood pulse turmoil is hidden in the deepest part of the ban!

"Now, it depends on your performance."

Chu Hong took out a golden bell.

This thing is one of the treasures she has obtained through experience in the starry sky arena.

As the name suggests, it is a treasure specially used to break the barriers of formations, and it is a rare artifact!

Chu Hong urged Xian Yuan and injected it into the broken array bell.

Immediately, the bell was broken, and the crisp and sweet ringing was engulfed in a strange wave, which impacted the prohibition in the valley.

Bang, bang!

The whole valley shook.

Countless prohibitions have surfaced in the void, constantly being disintegrated and shattered!

In the end, in the deepest part of the valley, a palace built by countless fairy crystals appeared in front of Chu Hong.

The Taoist patterns on the palace are intertwined, the treasure is brilliant, and the fairy medicine is everywhere.

And as if sensing the arrival of Chu Hong, in this palace, a golden-red flame suddenly rose into the sky, transforming into a gorgeous and beautiful divine phoenix in the clouds!

The divine phoenix is ​​flying in the sky, the Dao pattern appears, the fire is soaring into the sky, and the phoenix screams through the sky!

"Sure enough, it is the power of my Divine Phoenix line!"

"This breath is at least the power of the Divine Phoenix who has experienced eight bloodline skills!!"

Chu Hong's face was a little excited.

Her figure flashed and flew towards the palace, but then she encountered a burst of golden red phoenix fire!

The phoenix fire lifted it flying, as if resisting her approach.

"Oh, is this a test left by this senior Divine Phoenix? Very good, then let me try it!"

Chu Hong's eyes showed a bitter intent to fight.

A golden-red armor appeared on her body, which was an extremely rare large compass.

It is one of the treasures that the madman of Chu got in the Jade Lake in the past.

He has several pieces of this women's battle armor. In addition to one jade for the saintess of Yaochi, Lan Yu and Chu Hong also got one.

Relying on the power of the big Luo weapon, Chu Hong once again rushed into the Phoenix Fire.

However, as she got closer to the depths of the palace, the Phoenix Fire's offensive became stronger and stronger. Even with the protection of the big compass, she still felt extremely strong pressure.

"No, no."

"No matter how far I go, I will never get this opportunity."

Chu Hong looked at Huang Huo in front of him, anxious.

She forced herself to calm down and looked at Huang Huo, suddenly a flash of inspiration.

"This is Phoenix Fire, and I am Divine Phoenix, why not try to manipulate this Phoenix Fire?"

Do whatever you want, Chu Hongxianyuan urged, actively absorbed a ray of phoenix fire into his body, suppressed it with his own phoenix fire, and then manipulated it.

This phoenix fire was left by the divine phoenix in the realm of Harmony, and it was very powerful.

Even if it was just a little bit, it still made Chu Hong feel unbearable. She tried her best to control it.


After controlling a strand of phoenix fire, Chu Hong felt that the phoenix fire around him was no longer so terrible.

There is even an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

She thought for a while, once again absorbed the phoenix fire into the body, followed the method and manipulated it.

As time went on, she became more comfortable.

Vaguely, she seemed to have some kind of sentiment, she actually put away the big Luo armor on her body, transformed it out of the body, and soared in the sea of ​​fire!

The surrounding phoenix fire roared, seeming to swallow her!

But she is awe-inspiring!

With a long cry, she covered her whole body with the Phoenix Fire that she had refined, as if she had merged with the surrounding Phoenix Fire.

"You finally understand."

A faint voice sounded.

I saw a beautiful divine phoenix emerge from the sea of ​​fire. This divine phoenix had a gorgeous posture and a sense of grace and luxury.

It seems to be Huang Zhonggui!

In front of her, Chu Hong seemed to be an underage child.

"I have seen seniors."

Chu Hong came to this Divine Phoenix and said respectfully.

"The phoenix is ​​a divine beast born in the ashes. There is no need to be afraid. It is our instinct to manipulate the flame."

"But you use the fairy weapon to resist the phoenix fire. If you can't realize it in time and still rely on the shelter of that big compass, the phoenix fire I left behind will burn you to ashes!"

This Divine Phoenix said lightly.

And Chu Hong also felt a little ashamed, "It's the juniors who are dull."

"If you can realize this in time and give up the protection of Da Luo Qi, you are not too dull. You are qualified to accept my inheritance."

"Thank you senior."

Chu Hong smiled with joy.

"Young Divine Phoenix, after accepting my inheritance, I hope you can carry it forward and don't humiliate my name of Phoenix!"

The Divine Phoenix said.

Then, I saw endless Huang Huo frantically rushing towards Chu Hong.

And Chu Hong did not resist either.

As the Phoenix Fire poured into his body, Chu Hong felt that his bloodline was undergoing a certain transformation!

at the same time.

Some memories about Huang Panic also came to her mind one by one.

The phoenix was panicked. During the ancient times, the most stunning and brilliant Divine Phoenix in the Phoenix Nest was known as the most promising one to hit the bloodline awakening nine times and compare with the ancestor of the Phoenix!

However, afterwards, because of a catastrophe that swept across the entire fairy world and even the universe, Huang was panicked and had to leave the Phoenix Nest to resist the catastrophe.

Hou Xin felt something, and left a legacy in this starry sky arena.

Huang's panic life can be described with the word “astounding”. At birth, he was a Divine Phoenix with five blood awakenings. Later, as he practiced, he gradually reached eight blood awakens, which is comparable to the nine blood awakens of the ancestor Huang It's only one step away, and it can be described as a rare rival in his life.

If it weren't for the catastrophe, she might even reach the height of Huang Ancestor and become one of the peak existences under Hun Yuan.

"The legacy of the predecessors, I take it for myself!"

"I will definitely complete the predecessor's will and awaken the bloodline nine times!"

Chu Hong knew in his heart that Huang's panic's greatest wish was to compete with Huang Zu.

As for what the other party did not complete, she, as a successor, should do her best.

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