Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : Ling Yu, Huang Tianqi, Huang Nuyin, Long Zhen's Dread

All Tianjiao was restricted and isolated, and they could only watch Chu Hong harvest the inheritance.

Even if it was a monster like Long Zhen and Huang Yuyi, he couldn't break through the restriction left by the great power of He Dao.

"Hmph, I don't believe that she can stay in the prohibition and not come out, as long as she comes out, then the inheritance on her is mine."

Huang Yuyi said coldly.

"You have a share, the benefits cannot be monopolized by you."

Long Zhen said lightly.

"We have to pass on first, and then talk about distribution."

Huang Yuyi knew that the inheritance was not in his own hands, and that others had to fight with him, especially the evildoers like Long Zhen. It was not a simple matter to monopolize all the benefits.

And Huang Huozhong.

Chu Hong had completely absorbed the Phoenix Fire left by Huang Panic, and successfully awakened the bloodline seven times, even one step away from the eighth awakening.

Her combat power has made great progress.

Not only that, but in my mind, there is also the content of the subsequent four changes of the Nirvana Sutra.

This Nine Transformation Nirvana Sutra was the divine phoenix technique she obtained in Wutong Mountain before the immortal realm was merged. It is a divine sutra that can only be practiced by a pure-blood divine phoenix. In fact, it is also a divine sutra passed down from generation to generation in the Phoenix Nest. What she got before was only the contents of the first six changes, but now, this fairy sutra is finally complete.

In addition to this, there is also the practice experience of Huang Jing Pan, and the fairy techniques learned throughout his life. These are also part of the inheritance.

It can be said that this opportunity directly caused Chu Hong to soar into the sky, stepping from the top Tianjiao into the ranks of the evildoers, even not too weak among the evildoers.

"Let's enter the palace and explore now."

Chu Hong looked at the palace not far away, and learned from Huang Jing Pan's inheritance memory that there were some treasures left by Huang Jing Pan.

Now, outside of the prohibition, Tianjiao is eyeing her, and the treasures in this palace may help her.

Stepping into the palace, I saw the precious light scattered inside. What appeared in front of her was a fiery red feather, a banner engraved with the mysterious Dao pattern, and a golden red jade seal!

"Born Lingyu, Huang Tianqi, and Huang Nuyin!"

Chu Hong had inherited memory and immediately recognized these three treasures.

Among them, the natal Ling Yu was left by Huang Jing Pan. This Ling Yu could call out part of Huang Pan's power at a critical moment and save Chu Hong's life!

This is a very powerful feature.

Part of the power of Hedao, it is estimated that ordinary Da Luo can not resist.

"Here is the Starry Sky Arena. There are rules set by the will of the fairy world. Here, there is absolutely no power of the Da Luo level. So although this Lingyu can be used, it can't be fully utilized, and it cannot exceed the Starry Sky Arena. The upper limit of power, but it is also enough for me to deal with the arrogance of the outside world."

"It's just that this Lingyu can only be used once. If it is used on those Tianjiao, it would be too wasteful. If it is not a last resort, it is better not to use it."

Chu Hong thought to herself and looked at a treasure.

Huang Tianqi.

This is a big compass, although it is not Huang Jing Pan's tool for combining Dao, but it is also a treasure used by Huang Jing Pan when he was young.

This flag is the treasure of the fire attribute, and it has a greater effect on the divine phoenix, which controls the fire of the phoenix.

The last treasure, Huang Nuyin!

If the Phoenix Sky Banner is an attacking weapon, then the Phoenix Female Seal is the treasure of defense.

In the phoenix nest, every phoenix girl will have a phoenix girl seal, and before she became the power of the phoenix nest, she was also a phoenix girl. This phoenix girl seal was the treasure she used when she was young. This thing is unparalleled in defense, comparable to some large compasses specially used for defense.

More importantly, this phoenix female seal is still a status symbol and has extraordinary meaning in the phoenix nest.

"Some time ago, someone from the Phoenix Nest came to ask me to join, but I did not agree. Now I have the inheritance of Phoenix Panic. It seems that I will inevitably deal with the Phoenix Nest in the future. The foundation of the Phoenix Nest is extraordinary. Being able to get help will also help me in my future practice..."

Chu Hong thought to herself that perhaps joining the Phoenix Nest would be a good choice.

Then, she glanced at the arrogant talents outside.

The crowd was crowded, and the crowd was crushing.

Especially the few Tianjiao in the front, judging from their aura, they are definitely figures of evildoer level.

Although her strength has greatly improved, if she goes out like this and is attacked by a group, she will not end well.

"The top priority is to refine the Huangtian Banner and the Phoenix Female Seal first. If you have these two treasures to help you, you will be more confident in meeting these people."

"If it still doesn't work, use Senior's life Lingyu when necessary."

Chu Hong whispered.

Although he was reluctant to use Lingyu on these Tianjiao's bodies, his life was obviously more important than these.

Next, she began to refine the treasures in the palace.

Anyway, there are restrictions left by Huang Pan, and she is not afraid of people coming in and destroying them.

In addition to the three treasures, there are some immortal medicines in the palace, she didn't think much about it, and refining and assimilating them when she encountered them, and increasing her strength before going out as much as possible.

Time passed, and two months passed.

Outside the palace, not only has the number of people not decreased, on the contrary, they are increasing.

"This guy, won't come out yet, is she really going to stay inside for a lifetime?!"

Huang Yuyi's beautiful face brought a trace of anger.

"Don't worry, she can't stay for the rest of her life. During this time, I have been constantly attacking the restraint. The restraint left by Huang Panic is indeed powerful, but after all, it is a product of the last era. I don't know how much its power has been weakened. After our torment, the ban will be completely broken before long."

"Compared to this Chu Hong, I am more worried about another person."

Long Zhen said lightly on the side.

Hearing his words, Huang Yuyi's heart moved slightly, "What you worry about is, is it the Chu Madman behind Chu Hong?"

"Not bad."

Even Long Zhen's evildoer, when he mentioned Madman Chu, his eyes couldn't help showing a trace of solemnity.

Especially after the opponent's record in the Mausoleum of the Sword Immortal spread, it made him even more jealous.

I believe that in this starry sky arena, no evildoer has the confidence to beat Madman Chu in a single fight.

Long Zhen is no exception.

"Humph, Madman Chu, if he dares to show up, I would like to meet him for a while."

Huang Yuyi snorted coldly. UU reading

As the noble girl of the Phoenix Nest, Huang Yuyi is undoubtedly proud, and she even despises the arrogance of the human race.

"I advise you to be careful with this person."

Long Zhen reminded him.

"I have my own measures. Besides, it has been a few months and Madman Chu still has not come. It is estimated that he is either entangled in something and unable to get away, or he is afraid of us and dare not come, no matter which one it is. , He has no threat to us for the time being." Huang Yuyi said.

"I hope so."

Long Zhen nodded slightly, and then stopped thinking about it.

Although Madman Chu made him jealous, he didn't want to be afraid of the other party. After all, he was also the evildoer of Dragon Palace.

at this time.

There was a surging breath fluctuation in the palace.

A phoenix sound followed through the sky!

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