Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Reappearance of Time and Space Sealing Technique, Killing Dragon Zhen, Killing the

"Ten Thousand Demon God Form, Thousand Demon Image!!"

Madman Chu urged Xianyuan, only to see countless monsters and beasts appearing in the void.

Although Divine Phoenix phantom and Yanlong are powerful.

But in front of these ten thousand monsters, they are still inferior!

boom! !

With a loud noise, the surrounding void exploded directly!

The divine form of the Ten Thousand Demons directly tore the Divine Phoenix phantom and the Yanlong, and the two Huang Yuyi and Long Zhen were directly enveloped by this extremely powerful force.

Countless monsters bite towards them.

"Damn, how could this be, how could it be?!!!"

Huang Yuyi urged the Phoenix female seal to the extreme, and barriers isolated all monsters.

However, under the impact of these ten thousand monsters, even how tough her barriers were, gradually cracks appeared.

After a while, Huang Nv Yin's precious light dimmed, and the barrier shattered!

Huang Yuyi was completely exposed in front of Ten Thousand Monsters.

The endless ferocity made her shudder, and her beautiful face became distorted with extreme panic.

"Don't come, don't come!"

She urged the phoenix fire to the extreme, burning the divine form continuously.

But these gods are too many, thousands of them, they are simply inexhaustible to burn, inexhaustible!

In the end, Huang Yuyi transformed into his body and wanted to escape!

"Chu Madman, I will definitely find your revenge!!"

Huang Yuyi roared sharply.

And Long Zhen also knew that Guang relying on himself was not an opponent of Madman Chu, relying on his powerful body and Long Yan, he forcibly tore a hole from the monsters, and wanted to leave.


Madman Chu said indifferently, and he stepped forward.

Countless mysterious silver-white Dao patterns centered on him, spreading rapidly, covering this world in the blink of an eye.

This silver-white Dao pattern is too mysterious.

Even Tianjiao like Ziwei Shaoyu found these Dao patterns too obscure.

Not only that, but these silver-white Dao patterns reveal an incomparably powerful space-time force, which completely confines this space in the blink of an eye!

Exactly, Time and Space Sealing Technique!

Time and space sealing technique, the method of combining time and space attributes!

As soon as this cultivation method came out, the world shook, time and space was sealed, and the Phoenix Yuyi who was about to escape, Long Zhen and Long Zhen suddenly became unable to move.

"what happened?!"

"Damn it, move me!"

The expressions of the two suddenly became extremely frightened, madly urging the Xian Yuan in the body to resist the erosion of time and space power, but it was difficult to have an effect!

"Qingye Jianhai!"

There was a glazed glow in Chu Madman's eyes.

In the next instant, thousands of grass and leaves were like swords, and in an instant it turned into a sea of ​​swords, covering all directions.

And Long Zhen, Huang Yuyi was in the sword sea, and was suppressed by the time and space seal technique. There was no resistance at all, and he was bombarded and killed in an instant!

The two evildoers have fallen!

The pupils of all the Tianjiao who saw this scene trembled slightly.

"Sure enough, it's a monster, this evildoer, kill it if you say it."

"At that time, the cultivation method of the empty attribute was too terrifying, and even the evildoer could not get rid of the influence."


Due to the time and space sealing technique, the jealous of the heavenly arrogances for the madman of Chu has become even higher.

"My enemy of the Buddha, really cannot be underestimated, Bo Xun, will he be the seed of the Buddha you left in this world?"

The descendant of Guanyin looked at Madman Chu and muttered.

The extinction of the Buddha is a prophecy left by the ancient Buddha of Buddhism.

That is, Bo Xun, the master of the world of desire, planted the seeds of exterminating the Buddha before he fell, and one day in the future, these seeds will blossom and bear fruit, and eventually, destroy the Buddha!

For countless years, Buddhism has been looking for these seeds of extinction, wanting to destroy them.

However, there was no result.

But now, Chu Kuang has Bo Xun's power in his body, which makes Guanyin's descendants suspect that he is the seed that Bo Xun left behind to destroy Buddha.

"There is a mark of Bo Xun on the body of the Seed of Extinguishing Buddha. This mark is difficult to detect. To judge if he is the Seed of Extinguishing Buddha, I have to observe this talent closely..."

The descendant of Guanyin whispered.

the other side.

The monks in the line of gods and demons saw Madman Chu raising hands to kill Long Zhen and Huang Yuyi's scene, his pupils shrank slightly, "It is really strong, Madman Chu, you are indeed qualified to compete with the godless brother, but, I just don’t know how far you have cultivated with the power of gods and demons."

In this battle, Madman Chu used the power of the physical body and the abilities of Qingye Jiantong the most. As for other methods, they were useless.

Therefore, the **** and demon monk did not know how powerful Chu Madman's **** and demon body was.

It's just that Aoba Jiantong is so strong, the chaos **** and demon body will not be bad.

Thinking of this, his eyes showed expectation, "I heard from the adults that the madman Chu’s chaotic body is the most advanced in the history of the gods and monsters, even if it is not much better than that of the adults. , It is expectant, only such a **** and demon body is qualified to be our...king!"

Then, the **** and demon monk turned into a black smoke and disappeared in place instantly.

"Madman Chu, a rare enemy in his life!"

"It's really a very challenging thing to kill you."

Ziwei Shaoyu looked at the Madman Chu and muttered.

He was not scared by Madman Chu's strength, or that Madman Chu could kill Huang Yuyi and Long Zhen, which was also in his expectation.

After all, the other party can kill so many evildoers, and killing one or two more is nothing.

"I am not suitable for a direct confrontation with him now, so I should find that thing first. Maybe, I have the ability to kill him!"

Ziwei Shaoyu thought for a while, and then left.

The other Tianjiao also had their own thoughts, but they did not stay long.

With the Chu Madman, Chu Hong's inheritance, no one dared to make bad ideas anymore.


Chu Hong came to Madman Chu, looked at the familiar face in front of her, she was extremely happy, and then stepped forward and gave Madman Chu a big bear hug.

"Oh, how old is this, and still so clingy."

Madman Chu said helplessly, but still hugged him.

It's just that the battle armor on the opponent's body is a bit tricky.

"Brother, I knew you would come."

"Actually, I came long ago."

"Ah? The brother is still watching, don't you hurt Xiaohong anymore."

Chu Hong looked at Madman Chu with tears in his eyes.

It looks like a little girl who has been I can't see the appearance of the female overlord just now.

Lan Yu, the Black Fox Saintess and others walked up, couldn't help but sigh, and Chu Hong showed such a gesture in front of the Madman Chu.

"Of course not, I just want to see how much you have grown, and the result did not disappoint me, Xiaohong, you really have grown a lot."

Madman Chu said with satisfaction as he watched Chu Hong's eyebrows that were gradually opening and holding his heroic air.

"That is."

Chu Hong smiled suddenly, "This brother, you are so powerful, I can't be too bad, or not."

Then, Chu Hong met Lan Yu, Cao Yun and others, and they planned to find a place to gather together.

"The ancient star of Heaven and Shang is not far away, so why not go?"

Ye Zhu suggested.

The ancient star of Heaven and Merchant is a special place in the starry sky arena, a venue for countless monks to trade and entertain.

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