Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Shenhuo map, bidding, Chu Madman persuaded?

"This scroll was obtained by the expedition team of my Wanjia Trading Company in an ancient ruins. It is said that this scroll is related to Zhu Rong, the first fire **** of the Xianting Fire Department."

"The role of this thing is unknown, so my thousands of firms don't bid prices, and they bid on their own eyes."

On the auction stage, a white-haired old man smiled lightly.

And at the auction, many monks talked a lot, looking at the ancient scroll, one by one immortal knowledge spied out.

They wanted to see the reality of the scroll, but they all returned without success.

"Things left by Zhu Rong, the first generation god, shouldn't be too bad."

"Zhu Rong, the first generation of Vulcan, is a top-notch Daluo Jinxian, powerful, and even catching up with the Tao. If this is really a treasure left by him, it must be of great value.

"Yes, it's just unclear. This is a bit risky. It may be of no use to you after you buy it."

Many people are wondering whether to buy.

In the room, Madman Chu looked at the ancient scroll with a different color in his eyes, and Xiao Ai, the omniscient spirit, had already begun to analyze it.

"The picture of the sacred fire, this thing is left by the **** of fire Zhu Rong, and records the location of the thirty-three sacred fires in the world..."

Unlike other people, Madman Chu has a little love, and he can see the effect of this scroll at a glance.

The location of Shenhuo...

This couldn't help but make Chu Madman's eyes shine.

He has phoenix fire on his body, and this flame can strengthen himself by absorbing other divine fires. Madman Chu’s fire way is the way to swallow all fire and strengthen himself!

If there were really thirty-three kinds of sacred fire, it would be of great help to him.

"It's just that Zhu Rong's restriction is imposed on this Shenhuo map. Can only monks who practice Zhu Rong Shenhuo art open it? This is a little troublesome."

Zhu Rongshen Huo Jue, the supreme immortal sutra of Xianting Fire Department.

This immortal sutra was never passed on, except for the Tianjiao Jiezi of the Fire Department who could practice cultivation, it was impossible for anyone to come into contact with it.

"If I want to get the sacred fire, is it possible that I have to find a realm of the fire department and grab the sacred fire art from him?"

Madman Chu didn't mind doing this.

It's just that, with so many Tianjiao, he is going to run into a realm of the fire department, it depends on luck.

"Forget it, take a picture of it first."

"Three million fairy crystals."

Madman Chu quoted a price casually.

He doesn't need to make a sound, he only needs to play the Xian Yuan and phantom a number in the air.

With his bid, everyone couldn't help being surprised.

"Who is this person, who is willing to spend three million immortal crystals to buy a scroll with no effect?"

Some people looked at Yajian a little curious.

"Maybe it's just curiosity, just taking out three million immortal crystals casually, it's really rich."

Some people sigh.

As long as those who can enter the room are all Tianjiao monks with extraordinary status, these people are all rich and enviable.

"five million!"

At this time, someone made a loud bid with Madman Chu.

That person also came from a private room.

"Seven million."

Madman Chu didn't mind, and continued to bid.

The auction, naturally, is the one with the highest price.

"Ten million!"

Na Yajian bid again, and it seemed that he was inevitable for this Shenhuo map.

"Eleven million!"

"Thirteen million!"

"Twenty million."

Madman Chu played Xianyuan at random, making everyone present in an uproar!

"Rely, twenty million immortal crystals, this is enough to buy a top-notch golden immortal artifact!"

"Who is this person?"

"What a big handwriting."

Inside the elegant room.

The maid who was serving tea to Madman Chu couldn't help but tremble in her heart. She had never seen 20 million fairy crystals in her entire life.

Sure enough, he really deserves to be Lord Chu...

Thinking of this, the maidservant looked at Madman Chu, with a little charm in her beautiful eyes.

If she could get on the line with such a character, it would definitely be a great blessing. No matter how bad, she would definitely not suffer even if it was a spring breeze.

It's just that Madman Chu turned a blind eye to the handmaid's eyes.

The bidding continues.

After Kuangren Chu paid out 20 million, the elegant room stopped for a while, and then quoted another price, "25 million!"

And just when Madman Chu wanted to bid again, in that elegant room, a hot and domineering breath suddenly poured out, and then a voice sounded.

"This sacred fire picture, my Xianting Fire Department is bound to win, and I ask you to cut your love."

It was a somewhat childish voice, but the tone was a little indifferent to the voice.

Everyone present could not help being surprised.

The people of Xian Ting Fire Department...

This background is not small.

Madman Chu was also slightly surprised, what is this?

He was still thinking about where he was going to find a realm of the Fire Department. He didn't expect that a monk from the Fire Department appeared immediately.

"Perhaps it can be done."

Madman Chu's eyes flashed, as if thinking of something, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The maid next to him saw his smile, her heart melted.

Oh my god, would anyone laugh to see this level?

"You said you were from the Xianting Fire Department, why should I believe you?"

Madman Chu made a bid and said at the same time.

His voice has undergone some changes, and it sounds hoarse.

"We want this sacred fire map, do we still need to prove our identity to you?"

Another voice sounded.

This was the voice of a woman, arrogant and domineering. At the same time, a wave of demonic energy spewed out, mixed with golden red flames.

"Huang Huo?!"

"A person in the line of Divine Phoenix!"

Someone recognized the flame and couldn't help but exclaim.

Madman Chu in the room was also a little surprised, "This breath is Huang Yuyi. She is not dead yet, it is... Nirvana, which is a bit interesting."

at this time.

Another flame flew out of Naya, and that flame was powerful and overbearing, not much worse than Phoenix Fire.

And the flames are so gorgeous and colorful.

It seems to be a blend of a variety of sacred fires.

"That's Zhu Ronghuo."

"Sure enough, it is from the Fire Department of Xian Ting, and this kind of wishing to melt the fire is definitely not something that ordinary Fire Department cultivators can cultivate."

The smile on Madman Chu's face grew stronger and stronger.

"In this way, can you cut your love?"

The slightly childish voice continued.

Everyone looked like watching a show, and facing the two great forces of the Fairy Court Fire Department and the Divine Phoenix Line at the same time, the ordinary monks would have retreated long ago.

In fact, after Huang Yuyi self-reported his identity, Madman Chu stopped bidding.

Everyone thought that Madman Chu had been counseled, and it was not surprising.

"Sure enough, UU reading Xian Ting Fire Department and the Divine Phoenix line are not something anyone can afford."

"The people in the Yajian should also have identities, but they are probably inferior to the Divine Phoenix in the Xianting Fire Department."

"Nonsense, the Fire Department belongs to Kunlun Xian Ting, and what kind of power is Kunlun Xian Ting? This is the top hegemonic power in the fairy world. Who can afford it?"

The white-haired old man who was presiding over the auction gave an unexpected look at Chu Madman's Yajian.

Others don't know who the person inside is, but he knows it.

That person, will be counseled?

This is simply the biggest joke he has ever heard.

But why didn't that person bid?

Although the white-haired old man is puzzled, he still has to continue to preside over the auction.

Madman Chu did not bid, and the others were also afraid of Xian Ting, and were unwilling to pay that price to buy the Divine Fire Diagram. This Divine Fire Diagram was naturally acquired by Huo Tong and Huang Yuyi.

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