Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : The patriarch of Yunmei is coming, and the final will follow the call of the ghost

Madman Chu came to the Jiuli tribe, and he was treated warmly as the savior.

Time flickered, and seven days passed.

In the past seven days, the patriarch of Jiuli has been testing out the identity of the savior of Chu Madman in the open and secret.

It's just that Madman Chu did it all.

He who can use the magic energy is the most amazing and brilliant monk of the magic way, and the patriarch of Jiuli has to marvel at his talent on the magic way.

"This Jiuli patriarch is cautious. He has not fully believed in my identity as the savior."

Madman Chu played with a wine glass in his hand, the corners of his mouth slightly tilted.

"Or, I just acted for real."

An icy color flashed across Madman Chu's eyes.

In the past few days, he has basically figured out the situation of the Jiuli tribe, and the strongest is a golden immortal peak.

If he summoned a million Yin Soldiers, it would not be difficult to destroy the Jiuli tribe.

"It's just that, can you find Chi You's inheritance in this way?"

This is also a point of madman Chu's scruples.

In the past few days, I have visited almost every place of the Chi You tribe, but I have never found a clue to Chi You's inheritance.

He didn't know whether the Jiuli tribe hid it deliberately, or even the Jiuli tribe did not know.

Or, the Jiuli tribe hasn't fully believed him yet, and didn't plan to tell him about Chi You's inheritance.

If it's the latter, now that the face is torn apart, if the other party would rather die than surrender than tell him about Chi You's inheritance, wouldn't he come here in vain?

"By the way, the Demon Tribe should also act, right?"

Madman Chu whispered.

The demons tribe is his move.

It now appears that the key for him to get Chi You's inheritance lies in this move.

boom! !

Just when Madman Chu thought so.

There was a strong roar from outside, and vaguely, a gloomy energy wave swept across!

"Really come here."

Madman Chu's eyes lit up.


Over the Jiuli tribe, dark clouds formed, and a heavy coercion enveloped the entire Jiuli tribe.

In the dark clouds, a huge face suddenly appeared.

"Juli tribe, the time I gave you has come, surrender to the evil spirits, and hand over the outsider who hurt my son, I can go around you and not die!"

The voice of majesty resounded throughout the world.

This person is the patriarch of the Yunmei tribe.

The faces of the patriarch of Jiuli and others were not very good-looking, and they were extremely gloomy.

"My Jiuli tribe will only die in battle and will never be a slave!"

Patriarch Jiuli said in a deep voice.

The Jiuli elders behind him also looked like death.

"Humph, stubborn!"

The head of the Meizu snorted coldly.

An incomparably terrifying and gloomy breath erupted from the dark clouds, and I saw black auras gushing out from it, thousands, hundreds of thousands, whizzing towards the Jiuli tribe!

This black energy turned into countless ghost images, raging in the Jiuli tribe.

"Damn! Hurry up, defend yourself!"

"No, this is the ghost of the Demon Tribe!"

The cultivators of the Jiuli tribe hurriedly attacked and resisted the ghosts and charms transformed by the thousands of black energy.

However, the strength of the patriarch of Yunmei is in the realm of Da Luo, and the strength is strong. Even if the attack range of the ten thousand ghosts is large and the power is scattered a lot, it is not something ordinary cultivators can resist.

For a time, countless monks of the Jiuli tribe were killed or injured.

"Woo, Grandpa Patriarch, I'm scared."

"Damn the Mei Patriarch."

In the Jiuli tribe, a group of children are clustered together, looking at the countless ghosts and charms flying in the sky, there is horror in their eyes, and some are crying.

In front of them, Concubine Li and several Jiuli monks were resisting the evil spirits.

However, their power is only a drop in the bucket.

I saw hundreds of black ghosts whizzing out towards them, and the power of that power made the surrounding space turbulent, bursting one after another.

"It's over!"

The eyes of Concubine Li and other Brother Jiuli showed despair.

at this time.

I saw the sky full of sword qi condensed in the void, turning into sword qi barriers, isolating countless ghosts and charms!

The children of the Jiuli tribe, Concubine Li and other monks saw not far away, a figure in white clothes stepped forward with his head raised, with a moving style, like a real fairy descending to the world, saving the common people!

In the sky full of ghosts and charms, that white robe is slender and dusty, especially dusty!

"It's Master Chu!"

Concubine Li's eyes showed joy.

Madman Chu slowly walked in front of the crowd, his sword fingers condensed, and countless sword auras swept out, sweeping away a large swath of black ghosts!

One sword, get rid of the haze! Get rid of the evil!

"Master Chu, this is the work of the head of the Yunmei clan, he is the existence of the Daluojinxian realm."

Li Fei explained.

Madman Chu nodded slightly, looked at the face in the dark clouds in the sky, and said indifferently: "You stay here, the rest, just leave it to me."

After speaking, he stepped forward and walked towards the face in the dark clouds.



Patriarch Jiuli saw the terrible situation in the tribe, and his eyes were broken!

Immediately there was a long roar, and purple magic patterns appeared on the body, and the Jiuli bloodline rune was displayed, and the whole person turned into a stream of light and rushed into the clouds!

boom! !

In the dark clouds, a terrifying loud noise broke out, and an extremely powerful energy fluctuation vented out.

Immediately afterwards, a figure fell from the dark clouds like a meteor, slammed into the ground, and directly smashed a huge hole, and under the hole was the extremely embarrassed patriarch of Jiuli!

At this time, Patriarch Jiuli's face was pale, his fairy body was broken, and the purple magic pattern on his body also became dull and dull.

"As a golden immortal, you can use this rune to pick me up. The blood rune of the Jiuli clan is indeed a bit interesting."

The voice of Patriarch Yunmei came from the dark clouds, with admiration in his tone.

At the same time, there is a little excitement.

Because once the Jiuli tribe were annexed, the blood rune belonged to the demons tribe.

"Damn, we fought him!"

"Even if we die, we will die vigorously!!"

The elders of Jiuli gritted their teeth, and purple magic patterns appeared on their bodies, and they were in a posture of desperately trying to fight with Patriarch Yanmei.

"Even if you give up everything, you are just a group of golden ants, how can you compete with Ronaldo?"

The big dark cloud face of Patriarch Yunmei showed contempt, very disdainful.

The gap between Jinxian and Da Luo is as big as the sky!

Ten hundred golden immortals are not as good as half a big Luo!

"Then what if, plus me?"

An indifferent voice sounded I saw a figure dressed in white, walking slowly, and his demeanor was extraordinary!

It is Chu Madman!

Seeing him, the patriarch in the dark cloud was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, "A true immortal also wants to intervene in the battle between Jinxian and Daluo, is there something wrong with your brain?"

The patriarch of Jiuli and others also found it impractical.

"Who told you that I want to do it myself?"

Madman Chu said indifferently, he flicked his sleeves, and in an instant, there was a large amount of Yin Qi surging between the heaven and the earth, the meaning of reincarnation flowed, and an ancient, magnificent pass came out!

It is the passage between the underworld and the sun, the ghost gate is closed! !

And in the endless yin, a skeleton in battle armor with a faint green flame in his eyes will walk out with his head raised!

Horrible coercion, full of void, shocking both yin and yang! !

"At the end will follow the call of the ghost emperor!"

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