Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Fight 80 magic generals, 80 days magic array

Chi You’s inheritance is tested, the madman of Chu is alone against eighty magic generals!

Unparalleled coercion swept toward him, squeezing his body and will crazily like eighty sacred mountains!

But even in the face of this degree of coercion, Madman Chu still didn't shrink back. His sword fingers condensed, and a gleam of blue light appeared in his eyes, and there were faint leaves and road patterns appearing.

It is the Aoba Sword Hitomi, one of the Supreme Immortals!


A demon commander rushed towards Madman Chu first, slashing out a long knife engraved with countless patterns in his hand, almost torn the void.

Madman Chu stood in place, not backing away.

As soon as the sword fingers condensed, the sword energy condensed at the fingertips, and then it swept through the void, turning into an endless storm sword energy!

Tyranny, domineering!

The sword of Zhou, tyrannical! !

The sword of tyranny swept out, and in the blink of an eye, the magic general was directly lifted out.

But this is only one of the eighty demon generals, the other demon generals have already taken action, all kinds of mysterious immortal magical powers, swept towards the Madman Chu, the power is vast, like a boundless sea!

All kinds of attacks almost completely blocked the retreat of Madman Chu!

With this power, Madman Chu fell into a desperate situation almost instantly!

The Eighty Demon Generals have decided to resolve the battle as quickly as possible.

If they were eighty of them and still fell into a bitter battle with Madman Chu, it would be a joke, and their eighty demons couldn't afford to lose this person.

"Nine-epee sword barrier!"

But at this time, there were countless sword qi gushing out of Madman Chu's body, intertwined in the void, turning into nine transparent sword qi barriers!

The sword air barriers are superimposed on top of each other, so invincible and almost indestructible!

Countless fairy attacks blasted on it, like rain falling from the sky, falling into the lake, causing ripples.

The first barrier, broken!

The second layer is also broken!

Then, the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth floors were all broken!

But when the attack of the Eighty Demon Generals fell on the seventh barrier, the power had already been weakened by more than half, less than two levels!

There is actually no way to break this seventh barrier.

The nine-layer sword barrier successfully resisted the joint attack of the eighty magic generals.

This scene caused the Eighty Demon to shrink his pupils, his face was full of disbelief, and Chi You, who was not far away, also shone in front of him, revealing a little admiration.

"This is a top-notch kendo great law, and it is also a defensive type. It is indeed not bad to be able to comprehend a great law to this degree."

If he knew that Kuangren Chu hadn't cultivated these nine-epee sword barriers for a few days, he would be even more shocked.

It's just that, even if it is the law of harmony, the madman of Chu can learn it in a short time, not to mention this great law.

"If only this is the case, you are not enough to defeat me!"

"Zhou's Sword, Tyrant!"

Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and the domineering sword shadow rose into the sky, sending several demon generals into the air.

"Damn it, I was underestimated."

"Brothers, show your skills and don't be underestimated by this young queen!"

A strong demon general took a step forward, swept out of his body with a surging demon energy, and turned into a huge demon shadow in the void.

The demon shadow raised his fist and smashed!

The power is so strong that violent winds are set off in the void.

"Good job!"

The corners of the madman's mouth were slightly raised, turning his sword fingers into his palms, and the power of yin and yang flowed in his palms, turning into a Tai Chi picture.

"This is the magical power of the immortal body of Liangyi, the yin and yang diagram of Liangyi!!"

The demon general recognized Chu Madman's methods and couldn't help exclaiming.

Unexpectedly, in addition to Qingye Jiantong, Madman Chu had two immortal bodies!

Liang Yitu blocked Mo Ying's fist, and Madman Chu did not step back, "Does this surprise you? Anything else!"

The next moment.

An ancient, vast aura emerged from the Madman Chu.

The golden red fairy light rose into the sky, and countless Dao patterns condensed in the void, turning into a towering ancient tree!

It is the hibiscus sacred tree! !

"The power of Fuso?!"

"What kind of monster is this guy, two supreme celestial bodies, plus the power of Fusang?!"

"This kind of existence is also incredible in our time."

"And this is actually just a clone?"

It's incredible that there are demons.

When the madman Chu didn't give them thoughts, the two instruments combined with Fusang, two yin and yang forces burst out, turning into black and white Dao patterns intertwined in the void, and billions of celestial glory enveloped the sky and turned into a yin and sun covering the sky. Liangyitu, powerful and powerful, constantly crushes the surrounding space! !

The two figures spread out, and the magic generals were lifted off one after another under this power.

All of a sudden, the Madman Chu overpowered eighty magic generals with his own power!

The demon general who said that he was going to defeat Madman Chu in three breaths blushed, his face was full of shame, let alone three breaths, just thirty 300 breaths can suppress the opponent.

"The enchanting posture, no wonder you are so crazy!"

"Everyone, we are all demon generals who follow Big Brother on the battlefield, and we can't weaken Big Brother's reputation!"

The Eighty Demon Generals glanced at each other, and then the demon energy on their bodies rolled, and purple magic patterns emerged from their bodies. This was not the blood rune, but the rune power they took the initiative to practice.

After receiving the blessing of the magic pattern, the strength of the eighty magic generals increased by a bit.

"Oh, do you think that just the means for you to increase combat power?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

In the next instant, his body was so bright that he saw an extraordinary and otherworldly figure of the Holy One emerged behind him.

The meaning of pure sage filled the audience!

This is a map of the philosophers of a hundred families!

Not only that!

The rolling snow-capped mountains shone out in the void with a trace of chill, and the rules and precepts composed of countless characters were arranged neatly, filled with vast power.

The three major visions of the academy all appeared at this moment, blessing the madman of Chu!

"Chaos gods and demon, the wheel of life and death in all worlds!!"

As the madman of Chu raised his hand, the meaning of life and death was circulating in the void, and countless Dao patterns reflected a black and white light wheel behind him, awe-inspiring, shining in nine days and ten!

It is the attacking magical powers of the chaos gods and monsters, the wheel of life and death in the world! !

Life and death cycle, life and death cannot be controlled! !

The Madman of Chu at this moment is like a supreme immortal king who holds life and death. The incomparably horrible meaning of life and death erupts from the wheel of life and death, spreading in all directions!

Under this force, the demon generals were blasted and flew out, their faces pale.

"His grandma's, Chaos God Demon also has it?!"


The magicians were extremely surprised.

In their time, they were often called monsters.

They never thought that one day they would put this name on others' heads when they waited for them!

"It's a trick!!"

A demon general roared.

In an instant, I saw eighty demon generals soaring into the sky, standing in the air, and a series of demonic energy pouring out, intertwining and resonating in the void.

Vaguely, a huge barrier was formed!

This enchantment was shrouded in Madman Chu, and it was constantly shrinking inward, as if it was about to crush him into mud!

This is the formation used by the Eighty Demon Generals.

"Eighty Demon Array!!"

Eighty demon generals shouted in unison, the power of the enchantment was like a boundless ocean of demon energy, crushing towards the Madman Chu!

"Good job!"

"Aoba Jianhai!!"

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