Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : The world is so big, it is mad, no one can beat the enemy

"No, not an opponent!"


After Qin Fei's ultimate move was broken by the Madman Chu, his face was terrified, and he was about to flee on the spot!

That trick is his strongest trick.

But this move still couldn't resist Chu Madman's sword, showing how powerful the opponent's strength was compared to his own.

He is not an opponent at all!

Only, run away! !

"Oh, where can you escape?"

An icy arc appeared on Madman Chu's face.

I saw the power of reincarnation pouring out of him, covering the world, covering this world in the blink of an eye, forming an extremely terrifying force field!

Exactly, the world of six reincarnations!

When the world of reincarnation came out, the world of Tianjiao from all sides was immediately crushed by the power of reincarnation.

The cultivation base was slightly weaker, it turned into blood mist and exploded on the spot, and there was no room for resistance at all.

Even Ziyun breath, a world like Guiming was under tremendous pressure, and his face turned pale.

"Do you think this is the end?"

Madman Chu sneered, and between raising his hands, the power of the gods and demons poured out, turning into a light wheel filled with boundless black and white fairy glory!

Countless mysterious Dao patterns condensed in it, and the power of life and death surged.

It is the supernatural power of the chaos **** and demon body, the wheel of life and death in the world!

The wheel of life and death appeared, a large amount of life and death power surging out like a tsunami, one by one Tianjiao burst into pieces under this power!


Daluo of the Qin family couldn't help being anxious after seeing this scene.

After all, what is said, Qin Fei is also the evildoer of their Qin family, if they die, it will definitely be a great loss for the Qin family.

It's just that, as Ronaldo, they can't make a move at all.

"Five Dragon Robe, help me!!"

At this time, the gorgeous robe on Qin Fei's body was blooming, and the five dragons engraved on it seemed to be alive, shaking in the void, resisting the erosion of life and death.

This gorgeous robe is a life-saving thing prepared by the great power of the Qin family for the Tianjiao of the Qin family.

It can improve Qin Fei's five dragons at a critical moment.

the other side.

Ziyun breathed, and Guiming also began to urge his trump cards to resist the power of the wheel of life and death!

One raised the fairy sword in his hand to activate the rune prohibition above, and the skull in the other hand was shattered, releasing countless evil ghosts Rakshasa!

"Oh, what if you let you use every possible means?"

"I want you to die, you will not live!"

Madman Chu said lightly, the wheel of life and death behind him bloomed with a more brilliant and gorgeous fairy radiance, and a more powerful force of life and death surged out!

The power of the five dragons burst into pieces!

The purple fairy sword was blasted out, and thousands of evil spirits Rakshasa also perished one by one!

Bang, bang!

The three blood mists exploded in the air almost at the same time.

Three evildoers, fall!

Daluo Qin in the void was extremely annoyed when he saw this scene.

"Foreign Tianjiao, this matter, my Qin family will not just leave it alone, my Qin family Tianjiao will ask you to get it back one day!"

Daluo Qin said with an icy tone.

"I'm always waiting!"

Madman Chu stood with his hands in his hands, with a calm tone.

Then, he looked at some of the other arrogances in the Samsara world, and shot them to solve them.

"Damn, damn!"

"How could Madman Chu be so powerful? We are not his opponents at all."

Several Demon Tianjiao joined hands to urge a treasure to resist the erosion of the power of life and death.

But even the three big evildoers can't compete, let alone them?

Even with the help of a secret treasure, that secret treasure is already close to its limit.

Just when Madman Chu was about to start his hand, in the distance, an extremely powerful demonic energy burst out, shaking for nine days!

Immediately afterwards, a black beam of light wrapped in boundless destructive power and shot towards Madman Chu! !

This blow actually penetrated the world of six reincarnations directly! !

The madman of Chu's sword fingers condensed, and the Sword of Tyrant Lin was used!

The sword energy collided with the beam of light, and the six great worlds of reincarnation completely collapsed, and the void exploded one after another, and the terrifying energy aftermath swept away the remaining Tianjiao!

Everyone couldn't help being surprised.

who is it?

Can you save people in the hands of Madman Chu? !

The Ziwei star and some of the mighty powers in the starry sky couldn't help looking curiously into the distance.

I saw a bold figure dressed in a black robe, stepping into the air, holding a black magic spear in his hand, turning all over, crashing the surrounding mountains and rivers! !

Devil energy, extremely pure and destructive devil energy fills the world!

Just a glance, some Tianjiao felt as if they were about to be swallowed by that devilish energy.

"What a terrible character, this devilish energy is not much weaker than Madman Chu, right?!"

"Good guy, who is this?"

And some of the arrogances in the magic way were extremely happy and excited after seeing the people coming.

"It's Shi Tianxuan in the line of the demon!!"

"He is here!!"


"With him, he will definitely be able to compete with Madman Chu."

Shi Tianxuan, the strongest realm of the Demon Dao and the Heavenly Demon, the Lord of the Spear Killer, and the descendant of the Demon Zu Luo Maw!

When Madman Chu saw the other party, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, and he smiled, "You, finally come."

"I'll return your sword!"

A bright magic light burst out in Shi Tianxuan's eyes, and the hand holding the Gunslinger couldn't help but tremble slightly.

That's not afraid!

But excitement!

In the old days, in the Demon Dao Luo Maw Ancestral Land, the Madman Chu caused the entire Demon Dao to be in chaos, and even beat him completely.

Today, he will be ashamed! !

Madman Chu smiled faintly, "I reward you for that sword."

"You are still as arrogant as ever!!"

Shi Tianxuan said coldly.

"The world is so big that I pretend to be mad, no one can beat the enemy!"

Madman Chu didn't say much, he stood with his hands behind, and he felt a sense of loneliness. It was a feeling of loneliness from a high place.

There is no one to compete with the younger generation.

The beauty of one person overwhelms the sun and the moon!

Outsiders see his endless scenery, but they don't understand the loneliness and cold standing alone at the top.

"I hope you can give me a few more tricks!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

"Today, I will pull you off the altar and replace it!!!"

Shi Tianxuan let out a long roar, the devilish energy billowed and burst out!

He didn't say much any more, he stepped out in one step, and then shot out the sharp gun in his hand!

This is an innate treasure, and its power is extremely terrifying.

Even if Shi Tianxuan can't exert all the power of this treasure, just a wisp is enough to make him stand among the top evildoers.

The gun is as powerful as a tornado, shaking the sky and the earth, and it is close to the madman of Chu! !

"Good job!"

The madman of Chu's sword fingers condensed, the sword of Zhou, tyrantly used it!

The huge sword shadow, UU reading appeared out of the sky, straight to the spear!

The two forces collided violently, the world was dimmed, and both sides retreated!

Even the Madman Chu backed away several feet.

This scene stunned many Tianjiao!

"I, I didn't read it wrong, Madman Chu was actually repelled!!"

"That's right, Madman Chu, was repulsed!! He is not invincible, he can also be defeated!!"

You Tianjiao couldn't help smiling.

It looked like that, people who didn't know thought he had some big chance.

Not far away, Fu Yin rolled his eyes.

Isn't it just being repelled by a few feet?

As for?

It can only be said that these arrogances are usually suppressed too hard by the madman of Chu.

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