Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : 4 evildoers are eliminated one after another, I will kill him

Outside the Tiandao Tower, many Tianjiao gathered, most of whom were eliminated by the Tiandao Tower.

At this moment they gathered together and were discussing the situation inside the Heavenly Dao Pagoda, and everyone expressed their admiration.

In the nine hundred and ninety-nine floors of the Heavenly Dao Tower, the guards on each floor are of different standards, and even the methods of practice are also different.

Water attribute, fire attribute, thunder attribute...

The Way of Devil, the Way of Buddhism, the Way of Killing...

The knife, the sword, the gun, the piano...

Even the races are different, monsters, human races, and puppets all cover this.

This time rushing to the tower, the Tianjiao almost let the Tianjiao see the existence in various fields, even if they did not get the final opportunity, they greatly enriched their knowledge.

This alone is a worthwhile trip.


At this time, a figure was blasted out from the heights of the Heavenly Dao Tower.

Judging from the number of floors, it was the ninth and ninety-first floor. Seeing this, many people all exclaimed.

"Damn, so tall?"

"There are people who broke into there. This person is definitely a monster!"

"Nine hundred and ninety-one floors, except for the last reward, all other rewards, right..."

Everyone looked at the embarrassed figure that fell from the sky, without the slightest ridicule, on the contrary, full of envy.

Except for the last chance, the rest of the rewards were received. Such a gain was enough to crush ninety-nine percent of the Tianjiao present.

Everyone stared at the figure curiously, trying to see which evildoer it was.

When the Emperor Song of the Underworld, the descendant of the city king saw this, he rushed up and held the figure in his arms.

"The descendant of King Qin Guang, are you okay?"


This enchanting evildoer was the heir of King Qin Guang from the underworld. He looked at the ninth and ninety-first floor of the Heavenly Dao Tower, and his eyes revealed a touch of unwillingness. There is such a terrifying tower guard on the ninety-first floor, so how terrifying is the one behind?"

"Especially the last layer, how should it exist?"

King Qin Guang took a deep breath. He felt that no one could get the reward of the last layer of the Heavenly Dao Pagoda.

Inside the Tiandao Tower.

Tian Daozi suddenly opened his eyes, a glimmer of light appeared in his eyes, and then stepped out to the ninth floor, facing the blue-eyed bull demon.

When he saw this blue-eyed bull demon, he was also very surprised.

"Unexpectedly, in this Heavenly Dao Pagoda, there is actually such a heterogeneous existence, no matter what, I will use you to try it, my strength after transformation!

After speaking, he raised his hand and slammed towards the blue-eyed bull!

The power of Huanghuang Heavenly Dao exploded, turning into a golden celestial hand with intertwined Dao patterns!

"Huanghuang Heavenly Dao Palm!!"

boom! !

Under this palm, the blue-eyed bull demon was actually blasted back several steps!


Then, the blue-eyed bull demon roared, two fists waved, the violent flesh and blood raged like a storm, disturbing the void!

Tian Daozi's face was solemn, and he didn't dare to be careless.

After a fierce battle, Tian Daozi finally defeated the blue-eyed bull demon and came to the ninth and ninety-second floor.

Here, it is also a powerful alien.

The strength was a bit stronger than the blue-eyed bull demon, but in the end, it was still defeated by Tian Daozi.

On the ninth and ninety-third floor, Tian Daozi fell into a bitter battle.

"The state of heaven!"

At this moment, the power of the Heavenly Dao in his body suddenly exploded. This power of the Heavenly Dao, extremely strong and powerful, made his breath rise wildly.

With the blessing of the state of heaven, the son of heaven has broken through three layers!

The ninth and ninety-sixth floor!

boom! !

Tian Daozi is fighting against an existence with a supreme immortal body and an immortal body of the five elements.

The power of heaven and the power of the five elements collide one after another.

In the end, Tian Daozi was defeated, and he was directly blasted out of the Tian Dao Tower.

Outside the Tiandao Tower,

Ditian Daozi's pretty face condensed, and hurriedly stepped forward to hold him, "God Daozi, what's wrong?"

"Lost at the ninth and 96th floor, that Supreme Immortal Body is too strong. The strength is estimated to be not below Madman Chu, no, even stronger!"

Tian Daozi said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Ditian Daozi took a deep breath, looked at the Heavenly Dao Tower, and said in a condensed voice: "Madman Chu, here too!"

Tian Daozi's eyes condensed, "Is he here too? Has he come out?"

"not yet."

"Well, with his strength, he should be able to pass the 990th floor, but it is impossible to get that final opportunity."

Inside the Tiandao Tower.

Xiaotianjun and Qin Fengyun have also begun to rush to the tower.

The strength of these two people is extremely strong, even more terrifying than Tian Daozi!

But even these two people still couldn't pass all the layers.

One was defeated on the 997th floor, and the other on the 998th floor, without even seeing the face of the tower guard on the last floor.

Now, there is only one Madman Chu who is still in the Heavenly Dao Pagoda, and still above the 990th floor.

Some Tianjiao who came from the starry sky arena are all looking forward to whether Madman Chu can pass through all the layers and get the final chance!

"Mad Chu?"

Xiao Tianjun in Ziwei Pavilion heard this name, his mind moved slightly, "Is this name, is it the person Shaoyu wants me to pay attention to?"

Ziwei Pavilion is a management organization set up by the Emperor Ziwei on Ziwei Star.

Strictly speaking, it also belongs to the line of Kunlun Xianting Lagerstroemia.

And Ziwei Shaoyu, as the strongest evildoer in the line of Ziwei, its status is even higher than that of Xiaotianjun in Ziwei Pavilion.

After Ziwei Shaoyu came to Ziwei Star, he immediately went to Ziwei Pavilion and asked them to assist him in finding the combinator left by Immortal Ziwei. By the way, he also asked them to pay attention to some Tianjiao from the starry sky arena. Among them, the most noteworthy person is Madman Chu!

Xiao Tianjun still remembers the solemn expression on Shaoyu Ziwei's face when he mentioned the name.

"It's just that, no matter how extraordinary this person is, it's impossible to get the final chance in the Heavenly Dao Pagoda."

Xiao Tianjun was defeated on the 997th floor. The tower guard there was a unicorn whose bloodline had experienced eight awakenings. His cultivation base was higher than him, and his combat power was even more terrifying!

Not to mention, there are two floors behind.

"Qin Fengyun, on the ninth and ninety-eighth floor, what kind of tower guard is he?"

Xiao Tianjun looked at Qin Fengyun, who had reached the 998th floor that no one had ever reached, and asked curiously.

"A fighting sacred ape!"

"How many times did the bloodline awaken?"

Fighting sacred apes are extremely terrifying immortal ancient beasts, and their talent potential is not much inferior to the true dragon and divine phoenix.

"I can't do a single move in front of the fighting sacred ape, that's the ape ancestor!!"


Hearing this, Xiao Tianjun gasped on the spot.

Ape ancestor? !

This is definitely an extremely terrifying existence in the records of Xian Ting, who once made a big disturbance in Xian Ting and turned Xian Ting upside down.

And in this Heavenly Dao Pagoda, UU Reading actually has his presence!

"Although it's not the deity, it's just a remnant of immortal consciousness, it's also extremely terrifying. No one among the younger generation can pass that level!"

Qin Fengyun said.

He is extremely confident in himself, if he can't even pass it, then there is no Tianjiao who can pass it.

"They said that Madman Chu might pass."

Xiao Tianjun smiled faintly.

"Mad Chu..."

Qin Fengyun shot out a coldness in his eyes, "This person was in Jiuli and killed my clan brother Qin Fei. If he comes out of the tower, I will kill him!!"

And in the Heavenly Dao Tower, the ninth and ninetieth floor.

Madman Chu opened his eyes.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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