Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 137: : The Sword Capture Tournament begins, and the Heavenly Fire Valley changes

   worship sword city, on the central square.

  Today is the time when the Sword Capture Conference is officially held. Swordsmen from all walks of life gather, from the sword master to the ordinary swordsman.

   On a high platform, there is a shelf with a sword on it.

   The sword is three feet three long, the body of the sword is glowing with blue light, and there are countless ornate lines on it. The sword aura is wrapped around the blade, the hilt is inlaid with gems, and the sword is the dragon head. It is exquisite.

   Under the high platform, all the swordsmen looked at the sword with fiery eyes.

   "Is this a century-old sword? It really deserves its reputation. I can feel this biting sword aura from far away."

   "This sword has not yet recognized the master, but this sword aura is already the top supreme weapon. If it can be cultivated by a saint, it will become a sacred weapon in less than half a year, and it can even reach the level of a holy king's weapon in the future."

   "This sword, I am bound to win!"

   "Haha, a century-old sword, no one should try to grab it with me."

   "You are thinking about peaches, this is mine."

   All the swordsmen are inevitable.

  In a restaurant at the scene of the Sword Capture Conference, Madman Chu and Lan Yu were sitting by the window, watching the crowd with relish.

   "My son, aren't you going to grab the sword?" Lan Yu asked curiously.

   The madman of Chu thought for a while, "Let’s take a look first. Although this sword is not bad, it doesn’t make a big difference to me whether I can get it."

Although he now has the Azure Spirit Sword Box, there are more than a dozen famous swords in the sword box, each of which is no worse than a century-old sword, so it will not affect him if he can't take the sword. .

   At this time, a person walked onto the platform.

   is the son of the contemporary Patriarch of the Feng Family, and also the Feng Ming who invited Madman Chu to visit the Feng Family yesterday.

   "Everyone, this famous sword that calls the sky is cast with ten thousand years of profound iron combined with the flames of the earth's core. It is indestructible and powerful enough to open the mountains and break the mountains. It is the highest masterpiece of worshiping the sword city in the past 100 years..."

   Fengming introduced the famous sword to everyone on the high platform, and although the hearts of everyone in the audience were restless, they still listened patiently.

   "Now I announce that the Sword Sword Tournament will begin now!"

   "The rules remain the same, whoever can stand in the ring to the end, then who is the sword master of this Tiangang! Everyone, please do what you can do!"

   Fengming laughed, then turned and jumped off the ring.

  In the crowd, there have long been swordsmen who couldn't help but jumped onto the ring and said, "Who would like to advise you in the next tiger sword?"


   A swordsman rushed into the ring, "Please!"

   Without any courtesy, the two swordsmen fought immediately.

   The sword spirit is flying, raging in the void.

   The Sword Snatching Conference is in full swing, the swordsmen are playing vigorously, you come and I, Madman Chu and Lan Yu are knocking melon seeds and dried fruits in the restaurant, watching with relish.

   But after a while, Madman Chu was a little lacking in interest, "These swordsmen have the same strength. Except for some swordsmen who are worth seeing, the rest are either flashy or vulgar."

   "Of course these people can't compare with Gongzi. By the way, Gongzi, Worship Sword City spent all their efforts to cast a century-old famous sword. Why do you hold a Sword Snatching Conference and hand the sword to others? Isn't this a loss?"

   Lan Yu asked somewhat puzzled.

  The madman of Chu smiled and said: "Lan Yu, don't look at the swordsmiths of the Feng Family who have thick eyebrows and big eyes, just like the old man, they can actually run this entire sword city. Where can they be stupid?"

   "Where will they make a loss-making business?"

   "Once, this Sword Snatching Tournament can attract a large number of swordsmen to worship the sword city, which greatly boosts the economic income of the city's restaurants, inns and other industries, and also allows swordsmiths to sell more swords."

   "Secondly, to gain the reputation of worshiping the sword city, using a century-old sword to make friends with the world's powerful swordsmen, they all say that they have short hands. Those swordsmen who have a century-old sword are actually regarded as owed to the Feng Family."

   "Lingshi, fame, and connections are just a sword, and a sword-snatching tournament will take all of them. Do you still think they are losing?"

   The madman of Chu slowly said, Lan Yu thoughtfully beside him, and said, "The son is reasonable, but he is really human."

   Just as Madman Chu and Lan Yu were talking, a powerful aura suddenly erupted from the scene of the Sword Capture Conference below.

   I saw a young figure flashing, and he came to the ring, the sword flowed around him, and a strong rhyme poured out.

   "Now, Li Xingchen, please enlighten me."

   The young man who came on stage was Li Xingchen.

   And the madman Chu glanced at him, then smiled: "He really went up, not to mention, just to see the power of the Star Dao Body."

   When Li Xingchen talked to Madman Chu, he said that he was not interested in a century-old sword, but he wanted to join in the fun. By the way, he took this opportunity to compete with the swordsmen of the world to verify his strength.

   "Li Xingchen of Baiyulou, let me come and meet you for a while!" A young man rushed to the ring, and he was also a talented arrogant.


   Li Xingchen arched his hand, and then took out a sword, with the rhyme of stars flowing around him, and he fought with the pride that day.

   Although there is no name for the young emperor, Li Xingchen's strength is comparable to that of the young emperor, and few of the younger generation can match him.

   I saw the sword light circulating on Li Xingchen's body, every sword cut out seemed to be blessed by the power of stars, dazzling.

   After a while, the Tianjiao who was fighting against him was defeated.

   "Concession." Li Xingchen said with his hands.

   Then, he looked around and said proudly, "I wonder who else would like to come up and try?"

   Upstairs in the Chu Madman smiled: "It's different with a portable grandfather. It's really much better than three years ago."

  According to his estimation, Li Xingchen is probably similar to young emperors like Lin Batian and Ao Cang, and his combat power is comparable to that of the nobles.

   is even stronger than the ordinary venerable, even if you encounter the supreme-level powerhouse, you can survive a few tricks.


   just when the sword capture tournament is in full swing.

   A valley in the Sword City, the temperature in the valley is very high, and furnaces for refining vessels stand up, and the sound of gold and iron clashing is endless.

   Dozens of swordsmiths are busy shirtless.

   "How come there are so few people in the Skyfire Valley today." A swordsmith looked around and couldn't help wondering.

   "It's not the Sword Sword Tournament yet, all those people ran to watch the excitement." said a big black-haired man carrying a hammer.

   "Hey, I don't know who the sword master of Tiangang Sword will be."

   "It won't be you anyway."

   "You can't say that. After all, the Tiangang Sword was also cast here. Strictly speaking, I should be considered the creator of the Tiangang Sword. I just care about what happened."

   "Is one of the creators." The black-haired guy corrected.

   "Don't talk about Tiangang, how many famous swords in the past century did not come out of Tianhuo Valley? Boy, before you came here, we didn't know how many century-old swords were given away."

   A swordsmith laughed and patted the grumbling swordsmith on the shoulder.

   At this time, the black-haired man carrying a heavy hammer frowned and looked out of the valley, "It seems that something is moving."

   The words fell, one by one masked monks rushed into the valley, and the black-haired man's face changed drastically, "No, there are enemies!!"


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