Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : 30% strength, 7-country battle map, can't last long

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"Crazy Chu, just to deal with such an attack, you have to put away the power of Fusang and the power of the five elements. This shows that your immortal essence is not enough to support you to use multiple powers at the same time!"

"You are sure to lose this battle!!"

Tian Daozi saw Madman Chu's fighting style and judged his current situation, with a smile on his face.

The other Tianjiao evildoers also sneered, looking like a madman eating Chu.

"You guessed right, my current Xianyuan is only 30% left!"

Madman Chu said indifferently, he didn't even mean to hide it, he exposed it directly and told everyone to listen to it.

Because of his battle with Immortal Emperor Ziwei, his body consumed a huge amount of immortality, and only less than half remained.

Immediately afterwards, he was again suppressed by the Ziwei King and the Heavenly Dao enchantment. After repeated battles, only 30% of the current Xianyuan was left!

This is also thanks to his practice of transforming one Qi into three clears, and the reserve of immortal yuan far exceeds that of monks in the same realm. If he changes to another person, all ten true immortals will be exhausted.

However, even though only 30% of the cents were left, he still didn't have any timidity.

He converges the power of the hibiscus, the power of the five elements, holds the great wild halberd, and purple magic patterns appear on his body, and the secret method of fighting is activated!

With the blessing of the two great secret methods, his breath is pouring out like a flood, and the whole body is immortal and brilliant, shaking the world!

Just like the immortal king Linchen, unmatched! !

"It's up to you, how can I be left with only 30% of my strength?!"

When the surrounding Tianjiao saw this scene, they couldn't help swallowing drool!

That kind of breath made their heart palpitations extremely.

30%? !

This kind of strength is just a Madman of Chu with 30% strength? !

Are you kidding me? !

The Madman of Chu in his heyday, wouldn't it be against the sky? !

Thinking of this, everyone felt that the other party was called a monster for no reason.

"Chu Madman, I see how strong you can be!!"

"Everyone, go all out!"

Tian Daozi let out a cold snort, and immediately afterward, an incomparably powerful heavenly power erupted from him, "Heavenly Dao State!!"

Under the blessing of the state of heaven, his breath has soared!

"Heavenly Rune!"

Tian Daozi's fingertips outlined something in the void, and soon a huge talisman diploma was generated in the void.

A terrifying Huanghuang Tianwei spewed out of it!

This rune, like a piece of heaven and earth, moved towards the suppression of Madman Chu!

Earth and Heaven Daozi also turned on the Heavenly Dao state, pushing his bare hands horizontally, and the golden palms were densely covered with Dao patterns!

Madman Chu is holding the great wild halberd, stepping out in one step, stepping out of the flames of war!

A halberd swept across, and countless broken stars suddenly appeared in the void, "Great Desolate Halberd, Broken Stars!!"

Bang, bang!

Huge rune, palm of heaven, burst into pieces one after another!

the other side.

The descendants of the three major underworlds have also taken action.

"Reincarnation means!"

Three energies with the power of reincarnation, from three directions, blasted towards Madman Chu at the same time!

"The crape myrtle covers the sun!"

Xiao Tianjun blasted out with a palm, it was the great law inherited from the line of Ziwei!

"Great Desolate Halberd, howl for nine days!"

The devil qi from the immortal origin of Madman Chu rolled out, and the great wild halberd swept away, the devil qi was like an endless gust of wind, whistling for nine days!

Behind him, a huge magical shadow appeared faintly, his eyes swept away, shocking the world!

Three strands of reincarnation pointed their strength and burst into pieces!

The giant palm covering the sky and sun also collapsed in an instant!

"Five dragons collapsed!!"

Seeing the madman Chu's amazing strength, Qin Fengyun snorted and immediately used the top killing methods in the Five Dragons Overlord's Art!

The five dragons circulate in the void, and the power of the five elements converge and transform into a brilliant colored ball of light!

The shadow of the dragon transformed by the power of the five elements was flying in it, making a terrifying roar.

This blow, as if to destroy a world! !

"The Great Wilderness Halberd, Ping Great Wilderness!!"

The madman of Chu swept again with a halberd, and the meaning of killing intent was condensed on the bronze halberd, blooming with brilliance.

The extreme move collided with the extreme move, and the terrifying energy impact directly razed the nearby mountains to the ground, and even the space was covered by countless space cracks and turned into nothingness.

Except for the tower of Heavenly Path, all the other places were destroyed.

"Madman Chu, see this!"

At this time, the descendant of King Qin Guang gave a long whistle.

I saw him offering a black brush with a thick ink color. That ink was actually formed by the incomparably pure Yin Qi.

Point out in one stroke, yin and yang break off! !

"The judge's pen!"

The madman Chu's eyes condensed slightly.

The Judge's Pen, the top Daluo Immortal Tool in the Yin Cao Mansion, is infinitely powerful, and coupled with the practice method of the Qin Guang King's successor with the Judge's Pen, the power is unparalleled!

"Fighting tactics, the earth is turned upside down!!"

Madman Chu used the halberd in his hand as a stick, and shot out with a single halberd, the heaven and the earth turned over, and the Xuanhuang overturned!

The gorgeous Dao patterns condensed into a earth-shaking halberd light, fiercely blasting on the judge's pen!

Under the impact of the energy, King Qin Guang Chuan's body was shocked. He vomited blood on the spot and flew backwards. The Madman Chu also retreated several feet, but it was not a major problem.

"Ziwei star bursts!!"

At this moment, there is a brilliant purple brilliance flowing in the sky suddenly, shining thousands of miles!

I saw Xiao Tianjun urging Xian Yuan, holding the fairy sword in his hand, raising the sword to the sky, a large amount of purple light rushed into the sky, drawing the power of the animation stars into an incomparably huge purple star!

"Your move is far worse than the Ziwei Immortal Emperor!"

Kuang Chu held the Great Desolate Halberd in his hand, and he didn't retreat or avoid it, "Fighting tactics, step through the sky!!"

He stepped forward, and the infinite fighting spirit spread wildly with him as the center.

The fighting spirit soared to the sky, and vaguely aroused the power of the ape ancestors, and behind him, it condensed into a black giant ape that roared up to the sky! !

In the roar of the great ape, he glared at the stars falling in the sky!


With a roar, the giant ape slapped his chest with his hands, his fierce aura, like a world-famous demon king, seemed to fight against this world, without breaking the sky, he would not return! !

The giant ape held up the sky with his hands and blasted towards the stars!

boom! !

After an explosion, the giant ape's figure gradually shattered, and the stars also turned into a purple torrent and exploded, venting in all directions!

Many Tianjiao were shocked when they saw this scene.

"Oh my god, is 30% capable of fighting these seven people to this level?!"

"This is really terrible."

Even the extremely arrogant Qin Fengyun had to admit that the madman Chu's strength was above him!

"The stronger you are, the more you will be retained!!"

Qin Fengyun said in a cold voice, he sacrificed a piece of fairy artifact, it was a huge picture scroll.

In the picture scroll, there are millions of mysterious armored horses, some people live and work in peace and contentment, and there are also wars...

Finally, seven characters emerged in this scroll!

Yan, UU reading Zhao, Han, Wei, Qi, Chu, Qin!

"In the old days, Emperor Qin swept the six kingdoms and ruled the world. This is the master craftsman of Qin, based on Qin's process of sweeping the six kingdoms. The seven kingdoms battle map!!"

Qin Fengyun was full of arrogance, urging the Seven Kingdoms Battle Map, boundless power, and shocking the world.

Tian Daozi took a deep breath, and suddenly an extreme resentment burst out of his body. That was the forbidden technique of the Tiandao Sect... the method of resenting the sky! !

"Madman Chu, even if I burn out the power of heaven in my body today, I will kill you here!!"

Tian Daozi's face was full of coldness.

The other Tianjiao also took out their hole cards one after another.

For a time, Madman Chu faced the most extreme siege!

However, he had only 30% of the immortal yuan left, and he had been fighting one after another, in the eyes of everyone, he could not last long.

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