Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : One can't go, the power of the black lotus that destroys the world

"No, come on, shoot!!"

Seeing Madman Chu raised his hands and suppressed Heavenly Daozi and Earthly Daozi, the faces of the remaining few changed slightly and immediately shot.

Xiao Tianjun urged the crape myrtle king seal and moved towards the suppression of the madman Chu!

But Madman Chu didn't care, there were billions of celestial glory blooming behind him, and an ancient golden red tree appeared in the void, it was Fusang!

The hibiscus tree appeared, and the power of yin and yang flowed out and blasted on the seal of the king of crape myrtle.

With a bang, Wang Yin flew upside down!

Xiao Tianjun was even more backlashed and he vomited blood directly!

"The judge's pen!! A stroke breaks yin and yang!!"

King Qin Guang urged the judge's pen and pointed towards the Madman Chu. The heavens and the earth were suddenly covered by a large amount of thick ink, which was too thick to dissolve!

Boundless pressure swept out.

"The judge's pen, breaks the yin and yang, decides life and death, but the little judge also wants to control my life and death? It's ridiculous!"

Madman Chu said indifferently, Xianhui flowed, and the spirit of the gods and demons intertwined and flowed through his body, and then rose up into the sky, turning into a huge black and white light wheel in the void!

That is, the wheel of life and death!

The majestic meaning of life and death poured out, stirring the world!

Under this power, the surrounding Yin Qi immediately collapsed and dissipated!

"Seven Kingdoms Battle Map!!"

Qin Fengyun urged the supreme treasure in his hand, only to see the boundless killing spirit swept out of the battle map.

In the void, phantoms appeared one after another, that was a million knights!

Millions of cavalry charged, stunned Jiuxiao, heaven and earth fell into unprecedented turbulence, and in a blink of an eye, it seemed to turn into a battlefield!

"A million cavalry must enter my reincarnation!"

Madman Chu still didn't evade, and a sense of reincarnation flowed out of him.

An invisible force field has enveloped the world in an instant.

The world of six reincarnations!

Millions of cavalry, shattered one after another under this force, there is no resistance at all!

All Tianjiao was amazed.

They originally thought that Madman Chu's clone was scary enough.

However, I never expected that Madman Chu's deity was much more terrifying than the clone!

Qin Fengyun, Xiao Tianzun, and Qin Guang Wang's heirs made all kinds of killer moves by enchanting evildoers, and they had no effect at all in front of the opponent!

The opponent can disintegrate in just a few gestures!

"Madman Chu!!"

At this moment, Tian Daozi, who was restrained by the Madman Chu with the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Taoist Art, let out a roar, and an extremely terrifying wave of immortal origin burst out of his body.

He can actually improve his strength!

"Tell, the other party is burning life!"

The voice of Little Ai, the All-Knowing Spirit, sounded in his mind.

Madman Chu looked at Tian Daozi with red face and cracking eyes, with a playful look in his eyes, "It burns the power of heaven and life, you are quite burning."

"Mad Chu, I want you to die!!"

Tian Daozi relied on the power obtained by burning life yuan to temporarily get rid of the influence of the Heaven-Swallowing Divine Taoist Art, and directly blasted towards Madman Chu's face with a palm!

"God Thunder Fist!"

Madman Chu still did not retreat, fisting, accompanied by endless thunder bursting out!


I saw a cloud of blood exploding directly in the air!

Tian Daozi's arms and even half of his body were smashed to pieces by Madman Chu's punch!

His eyes were dull and he couldn't believe it.

He obviously has done everything, even his life is burning, and he has been so desperate, but why is he still unable to beat Madman Chu with a punch? !

Why can the opponent's strength be so terrifying? ! !

The rest of Tianjiao was also trembling at the sight.

There are only two words left in my! !

boom! !

At this time, Daozi Ditian, who had been sucked up by the madman of Chu, exploded, and his body turned into a cloud of blood mist!

"Next, it's you!"

Madman Chu stretched out his hand to grab it, and grabbed the unresisting Tian Daozi in his hand, swallowing the sky divine Taoist art to the extreme, and completely drained the heavenly power in the opponent's body!

In the end, sword energy rolled in his palm, strangling the opponent completely!

The enchanting Tiandaozi, fall! !


King Qin Guang's expression was a little frightened.

He opened the ghost gate with the other two descendants of the underworld, wanted to return to the underworld, wanted to escape.

But I don't know when, the six realms of reincarnation world has covered this piece of heaven and earth, and their ghost gates were closed forcibly at the moment they opened.

Madman Chu is a ghost emperor.

He has a higher level of power in the underworld than the descendants of the three major underworlds, and coupled with his reincarnation celestial body, it is completely impossible for the other party to open the ghost door in front of him.

"Today, none of you can leave."

Madman Chu said calmly.

His sword fingers condensed, and the endless tyrannical sword aura swept out like a violent wind!

The sword of Zhou, tyrannical! !

Sword Qi passed out, and the void was torn through countless cracks!

And the descendant of the city king, the descendant of the Song Emperor, under this sword aura, hardly any resistance, was strangled into scum by the sword aura!

"Damn, damn!"

Xiao Tianjun's face was flustered.

Now his intestines are all regretful, he shouldn't listen to Qin Fengyun, and join hands to deal with Madman Chu.

A clone is so difficult to deal with.

This deity is even more committed to killing evildoers!

This kind of combat power is desperate!

"Ziwei star bursts!!"

Xiao Tianjun urged his power to the extreme, and a purple star slammed at the Madman Chu fiercely.

"Do you think this trick still works for me?"

Madman Chu's sword finger condensed. The Sword of Tyrant was cast, and the purple star was cut in half instantly!

The domineering sword aura swept out, and it even bombarded Xiao Tianjun flying!

"It's over."

Madman Chu stood in the air and took out a black lotus.

The black lotus has twelve petals, with countless mysterious Dao patterns intertwined and circulating, and an extremely terrifying aura of destruction poured out from it!

It seems that this black lotus is the source of destruction!

It's a disaster to destroy the world!

"It is the treasure of innate origin, the black lotus that destroys the world!!"

Someone recognized the black lotus, and their pupils trembled.

Destroying the world black lotus, the innate source treasure, is one of the two source treasures of the Mozu Luo Maw, and it is tied with the Killing Spear!

"You are fortunate to be able to witness this thing, so use it to send you...death!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

He hadn't used this world-killing black lotus since it was refined by him.

Now, just use it to try its power.

I saw his immortal essence flowed and continuously injected into it, countless Dao patterns intertwined and flowed, forming scenes of extinction.

In the next instant, Black Lotus suddenly bloomed with black radiance!

That Huaguang contained endless power of destruction, and the surrounding sky and earth collapsed into nothingness at the moment when it was shrouded in Huaguang.

"not good!!"


The expressions of the mighty men who were observing secretly changed slightly. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Especially the Qin Family, Ziwei Pavilion, and the Da Neng Mansion couldn't help but scream, wanting Chu Madman to stop.

However, how can the Mad Chu listen to them.

Black Huaguang swept out, covering Qin Fengyun, Xiaotianjun, and the descendant of Qin Guangwang.

In this light of destruction, the three of them looked terrified.

Even the proud Qin Fengyun is nothing more than an ordinary person who can fear in the face of destruction.

He urged the power of the five dragons to resist.

But in front of the black light, the five dragons were disintegrated almost instantly.

The three of them didn't have any resistance at all, the fairy body collapsed, turned into powder, and dissipated the world!

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