Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Talk to Hua Wuai, help you to be king, and go to the tower again

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"The first flower from the other shore between heaven and earth, immortal and immortal, reincarnating every three thousand years..."

Madman Chu looked at the analytical information about Hua Wuai and couldn't help being a little surprised.

The first flower...

This number one is not simple, it often represents a source of existence.

The source is often extremely terrifying.

For example, the first golden crow between heaven and earth, the first true dragon between heaven and earth, the first phoenix and so on.

Those, without exception, are top-notch Hedao existences.

What they represent is the extreme of a certain path in this universe!

Hua Wuai in front of me, could it actually exist like that?

And such an existence, can actually appear in the starry sky arena?

Madman Chu was a little weird in his heart.

However, after the shock, as Xiao Ai's analysis deepened, her inner doubts were also answered.

Flower without love is not in the realm of harmony.

On the contrary, the other party, just like himself, is no more than the realm of real immortals.

But the other side is the first other side flower in the world, there is nothing wrong with this matter.


Madman Chu whispered.

The known reincarnation mechanism is only found in the three major prefectures of Fengdu, Yincao, and Mount Tai.

And Fengdu was before him, and the reincarnation mechanism was destroyed and unable to reincarnate. Then, did the opponent reincarnated through Yin Cao or Taishan Difu?

Do not.

The other party is the first other side flower in the world, perhaps with an unknown means of reincarnation.

Immortal and immortal flowers of the other side.

Is it beyond the power of reincarnation beyond the three major underworlds?

Madman Chu looked at Hua Wuai and became more interested.

"You see my body, you are really not simple, you deserve to be a man of nihilism."

Hua Wuai looked at Madman Chu and was a little surprised when he heard the word reincarnation whispered by him.

The world only knows that she is a saint from the other side, but Madman Chu is the second one who can see her true identity at a glance.

And the first...

It is the ancient underworld emperor who has long passed away.

And thinking that Madman Chu and the emperor of the underworld also have reincarnation celestial bodies, she couldn't help but be a little curious, could it be possible that the reincarnation celestial bodies had any reaction to her?

However, she didn't think so much.

She looked at Madman Chu and said indifferently: "I came to see you this time just to confirm something."

"What's the matter?"

"You, are you really a man of nihilism?"

"How to confirm?"

"Wish to go with me, Wangchuan!"

Wangchuan River, an ancient river that lasts forever in the underworld.

It is said that there are three living stones on the riverside, and the river water can also reflect the past and present of a person.

Even if it is a strong Da Luo, there is much fear for Na Wangchuanhe.

"Wangchuan is in the underworld, and I still have a lot of things to do in Yangjian, so I can’t go there for the time being. However, as the ghost emperor of Fengdu, I promised Shentu to rebuild the reincarnation of the underworld. One day, I will enter the underworld. , Reorganize the order, and then I will visit the underworld." Chu Madman said lightly.

Hua Wuai nodded slightly after hearing the words.

Then he turned and left.

Madman Chu was quite surprised when he saw this, so he left?

"I want to know, why did you come to me? Is it just because I am the person with nihilism in your mouth?"

"Perhaps, because you have the same physique as that person."

"The emperor of the underworld?"

"Well, he is my only friend in the underworld, and also the only one who can help me get rid of the whirlpool of reincarnation."

Hua Wuai said lightly, her tone as calm as ever.

But Madman Chu heard a ray of loneliness.

Between heaven and earth, the first flower from the other shore reincarnates every three thousand years. No matter what level of cultivation level it reaches, it cannot escape the whirlpool of reincarnation.

Said to be immortal.

But it's just in constant reincarnation, every time in reincarnation, everything will start again.

Then, Hua Wuai paused, and then said: "You come to Wangchuan, if it proves that you are a person of nihilism, I would like to...make you king!"

Hearing this, the rest of Tianjiao didn't react.

Because of the conversation between Madman Chu and Hua Wuai, they are all in the mist, so they are a little unclear.

Because they don't know the true identity of Hua Wuai, they just treat the other side as the saint of the other side clan.

But some great powers in the secret, especially the great powers of the underworld, heard this, but their scalp exploded and their faces were full of jealousy.

Including the Madman of Chu, the Tianjiao didn't know the weight of Hua Wu'ai's sentence.

However, how could he not know?

How could the method be simple for the first flower from the other shore in the world?

Even if the other party is only a real immortal now, once she is in the underworld, in the Forgotten River, even if it is Da Luo Hedao, she dare not look down upon her.

There is no doubt that if Madman Chu can get the support of the other party, he will become the emperor of the underworld, and he will have an extra layer of protection!

"How can the Madman of Chu, He De, be able to get such a promise from Hua Wu'ai?!"

"Just because, does he have the same physique as the emperor of the underworld?"

"Damn it, if Madman Chu grows up, plus a Hua Wuai, then he will become the new underworld emperor, it is almost a certainty."

"No, action must be taken."

Underworld Da Neng continued to communicate in secret.

"Oh, I remembered your promise, but even without your support, I would still be the king of the underworld!"

Madman Chu stood with his hands in his hands, his tone revealing incomparable confidence.

"I look forward to it."

Hua Wuai said lightly, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

At that moment, the flowers on the other side of the land were not as beautiful as the beauty, and they were amazed by the cycle of reincarnation.

However, that smile just passed away in a flash.

Then she changed into the expressionless Sanwu girl.

She stepped forward, and a Yin Qi vortex appeared in front of her. She walked into the vortex and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The flowers on the other shore also quickly dissipated.

Only one was left, and it floated in front of Madman Chu, he took it, took a look, and then put it into his sleeve.

After a while, a figure flew out of the Heavenly Dao Pagoda.

It's Lan Yu.

"On the ninth and ninety-eighth floor, the strength of that Ape Ancestor is indeed terrifying. I can't take a move in front of him."

Lan Yu shook his head and said.

Madman Chu smiled faintly, "That ape ancestor is very human to enemy. It is already extremely difficult for you to reach the 998th floor."

Some extremely enchanting evildoers are almost at this level.

"Now, I have to take back the opportunity that should have belonged to me!"

Madman Chu looked at the Heavenly Dao Tower, his face became cold.

When everyone heard this, they suddenly became very excited.

"Finally, is it going to start?!"

"It is very expectant. This time, when the deity of Madman Chu comes, can he get the final chance of the Heavenly Dao Pagoda?"

"The immortal consciousness incarnation of the Ziwei Immortal Emperor, with the power of the Tiandao Tower in all directions, can this time continue to block the Madman Chu, it is a pity that I can't witness this battle with my own eyes."

Some people look forward to it, but others regret it.

And Madman Chu took a deep breath, and the aura accumulated on his body completely exploded at this moment!

In an instant, UU read, the world faded, and the mountains and rivers were shocked! !

Like an immortal king, the madman of Chu stepped into the Heavenly Dao Pagoda in one step!

The familiar scene reappeared.

On the first level, it is still the young swordsman.

But under the breath of Madman Chu, he collapsed on his own!

Kuangren Chu didn't stop his footsteps, his tactics were extremely rough, no matter what kind of tower guard he was facing, he directly exploded with one stroke, and quickly moved toward the last floor of the heavenly road!

And in the outside world.

Everyone only saw Madman Chu entering the Heavenly Dao Pagoda, and the entire Tian Dao Pagoda was like an extremely terrifying monster. The entire body of the tower trembled crazily. The loud rumbling noise continued to be heard, and the crowd swallowed wildly. It feels like Tiandao Tower will collapse at any time.

"Grandma's, it's really a monster!"

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