Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Madman Chu came, Prince Long 3, turned around and ran

The thirteen horses of the Yellow Wind, the sand thief king in this desert, are all top monks.

The one-eyed dragon headed by him is even more of a well-known Tianjiao evildoer. Although he is not well-known in the starry sky arena, it is widely known in Ziwei Star, especially in the young generation of this golden continent. The opponent is a evil star and died in him. There are countless Tianjiao in hand, and there are even many veteran masters.

Under the leadership of the Cyclops, the Yellow Wind thirteen rides are almost invincible.

"I heard that the Yellow Wind Thirteen Cavaliers have been in the desert for many years, no one dared to provoke them, and even shot and robbed a lot of big forces, but they have been safe and sound, with an extremely deep background."

"Yes, it is said that it is the one-eyed dragon, behind him there is an ancient family backing him."

"That ancient family, even the Golden Eighth family dare not provoke it."

The arrival of the Yellow Wind Thirteen Horses has caused many people to talk about it.

But Longsan took a look, but he didn't care much.

He is the evil spirit of Dragon Palace, and Dragon Palace is famous in the immortal world, second only to the top immortal giants of the overlord-level forces!

An ancient family on Ziwei Star, no matter how old it is, is it still comparable to Dragon Palace?

at this time.

An icy breath permeated out.

At this moment, the originally dry desert seemed to be plunged into a cold winter, and the sky changed drastically.

"what happened?!"

"This breath can actually change the desert environment? Who is this?"

Everyone looked around.

Then, they saw a woman in white holding an oil paper umbrella walking slowly in the wind and snow not far away.

The woman's jade bone and ice muscles are beautiful, beautiful and refined.

The stunning beauty, the wind and snow wonders, outlines a picturesque beauty in front of everyone.

When someone recognized the woman, there was a look of fear in his eyes.

"It's the ice silkworm from Xuelong Mountain!"

The Cyclops whispered.

Xuelong Mountain is the top demon force on Ziwei Star, even if it is in the fairy world, it can be regarded as a small giant force.

And the top evildoer in Xuelong Mountain is an ice silkworm.

This is the woman in front of everyone.

"This dragon blood is of great use to me!"

Ice silkworm Ruxue looked at the golden dragon well, and felt a slight throbbing in his blood.

She believes that if she can refine the energy in this dragon's blood, then her own blood can also be transformed.

"The Nine Changes of the Celestial Silkworm, I have now reached the seventh change, if I can refine this dragon blood, it is very likely to directly reach the eighth change!"

The eyes of the ice silkworm Ruxue showed hope.

Tianjiao from all sides came, all coveting the dragon blood in the dragon well, and the golden Buddha lotus was swaying and dazzling.


At this time, the cyclops shot.

Holding a long knife in his hand, he cut it out boldly, the light of the knife covered nine days, and it struck the Buddha lotus.

I saw Buddha Lotus tremble, but it was safe and sound.

"This buddha lotus, who was set up by a Buddhist master, can actually stop me from making this cut?"

The one-eyed dragon frowned slightly.

He looked at Yin Honghua, who was constantly absorbing dragon blood, and looked at Prince Long San and said: "Dragon clan, you and I wait for the people to join forces, first break the Buddha lotus, how about solving the woman?"

Prince Longsan thought for a while, "Okay!"

It's not that he is incapable of breaking open this Buddha lotus, but since free labor is delivered to the door, he naturally has no reason to waste it.

"Geng Jin Huanglong Sword!"


"Big Snow Ice City!"

Tianjiao on the scene, all shots.

Immortal magical powers, flashing in the void one after another, the majestic energy shakes all directions!

Boom, boom!

Sword shadow, sword light, blizzard!

Various energies blasted on the golden Buddha lotus one after another, and the entire desert was turbulent frantically.

Wait for the smoke to dissipate.

I saw that the Buddha lotus had withered, and the Buddha's light had dimmed a lot.

"Such an attack hasn't knocked the Buddha lotus down. This thing is indeed extraordinary."

"It's the rosary, it's the rosary that protects this lotus."

"Hmph, even this is useless, another attack will break it completely!"

The blow they had just had already dismantled most of the Buddha's power.

With another blow, it can be dismantled.

Thinking of this, everyone joined forces, Xianyuan urged, and the majestic energy swept out again!

The earth-shaking roar, resounding through the world!

Wind and sand swept, and smoke billowed!

Everyone looked forward expectantly, but saw that the golden Buddha lotus was withered in the smoke and dust, but it was still there, filled with a faint Buddha light.

This scene caused everyone's pupils to shrink, and they couldn't believe it.

"This, how is this possible?!"

"This Buddha lotus, hasn't it dispersed yet?!"


Suddenly, Prince Longsan discovered something, his expression condensed, and he immediately became alert.

The ice silkworms are like snow, Huang Feng Shisanqi and others have also noticed it.

In front of the golden Buddha lotus, at some point, there were more barriers made up of sword aura!

It was these sword-qi barriers that blocked their attacks!

"To be able to block our attack together, who did this on earth?!"

"This is... the nine-layer sword barrier of one of the twenty-four methods of kendo?"

Some people feel incredible.

It is very difficult for even the enchanting to be able to block all the Tianjiao's attacks on the scene. Who is this?

"Nine-layer sword barrier..."

The well-informed Tianjiao vaguely guessed.

There was a look of horror on their faces, and they did not dare to stay for a long time, they had already left quietly.

Just when everyone was surprised and wary,

Suddenly, there are countless sword auras rising from the heavens and the earth, sweeping through the wind and clouds, like welcoming ten thousand swords!

And in the center of the sword energy, the space is cracked!

A figure in white clothes slowly walked out in the welcome of thousands of sword auras, behaved aloof, immortal and radiant, like the fairy king Linchen!

An extremely terrifying oppressive force flooded the world in an instant!

Some ordinary Tianjiao couldn't bear this terrifying pressure at all, and they lay on the ground one after another, looking at the peerless figure in white clothes with horror.

"Yes, it's him!"

"Madman Chu!"

The man who came was Chu Madman.

At this time, he didn't wear the Asura face that hides his identity.

After all, his relationship with Yin Honghua is not a secret under the scrutiny of someone with a heart. Moreover, since Yin Honghua has been found, he no longer needs to act low-key.

He wants everyone to know what kind of disaster he will face if he takes action against the people around him!

"Fortunately, I caught up."

Madman Chu glanced at Yin Honghua in Longjing, and he was slightly relieved.

After finding Yin Honghua’s down in the Tingfeng Building, UU read www. he rushed over immediately.

He has been looking for two days in this desert.

Later, when Longjing appeared, the arrogances of all parties gathered, and he followed the trajectory to find him. Only then did he arrive in time at the last juncture.

"Madman Chu!"

The ice silkworm is like snow, and the yellow wind thirteen rides. The third Prince Long looked at the madman Chu who suddenly appeared, his eyes solemn to the extreme.

Especially Longsan Prince.

As a top evildoer, he can say that he is not afraid of the sky, even if the Xianting Shaoyu is in front of him, he has the confidence to fight with him.

But Madman Chu...

"Unbeatable, go!!"

Prince Long San almost didn't hesitate, and suddenly shot out a palm!

The majestic dragon is like a flood, pouring out!

Immediately, turn around and run!

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