Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : 80 Demon Generals shot, the ancestor of the Long Family, completely desperate

"Let's take you as the first golden immortal I killed with my own hands!"

Madman Chu said indifferently, behind him, there were nine dragons rising into the sky, and the sound of dragon chants resounded through the heavens!

These nine dragon qis are essentially different from the dragon qi of the Long Family.

This dragon spirit, domineering, noble, supreme!

It is unmatched by all real dragons, this is the emperor's real dragon condensed by the luck of the human race! !

The emperor's true dragon surrounds his body, and the madman of Chu at this moment is like the resurrection of the ancient emperor, with an extraordinary aura in every move.

Then, as he raised his hands, seven large bronze cauldrons were swept from between his sleeves.

That is the seven statues, Jiuzhou Ding!

The Seven Dings appeared, like seven vast and boundless continents, and the terrifying power made this city seem extremely small in front of the Seven Dings.


Madman Chu drank indifferently.

The emperor's true dragon urged Qiding and drove towards the fourth elders of the Long Family!

"Do not!!"

The pupils of the Fourth Elder of the Long Family shrank, and at this moment, he felt a threat of death very clearly! !

He urged Xianyuan, regardless of his injury, urged his strength to the extreme. With a cut of the fairy sword in his hand, the dragon-shaped sword aura soared into the sky and collided violently with the Jiuzhou Ding!

There was a sudden explosion, and the surrounding space continued to shatter!

I saw the dragon-shaped sword gas exploded directly!

The great power of Kyushu was like a broken bamboo, blasting on the fourth elders of the Long Family.


For the first time, the fourth elders of the Long Family fly out!


In the second time, the fourth elder of the Long Family, Xianhui Xianhui dimmed!


In the third time, the fourth elder of the Long Family split open and vomited blood again!

boom! boom! boom!

In the fourth, fifth, and sixth times, the golden nature of the fourth elders of the Long Family was shattered one after another, and the immortal body was like a piece of fragile porcelain, which would shatter at any time!

One final touch!

The four elders' bones were almost completely crushed, and the internal organs were all shattered, collapsed to the ground like a mass of mud, and completely fallen! !

The blood of the golden fairy flows with a touch of gold.

The attack of the seven Nine Provinces tripods was like a series of arrows, swift and violent. When everyone reacted, the fourth elder of the Long Family had already fallen!

A true immortal killed a golden immortal! !

This kind of thing made all the monks who had witnessed this experience shuddered.

"Chu madman, my Long family will never die with you!!"

With a long roar from the Long Family Master, Jin Xian Xian Yuan burst out, and in the Long Family, some elders also shot one after another.

All of them are golden immortal-level existences.

But now, they don't care about the backlash of cause and effect, and if they don't take action, the Long Family will really be destroyed by Madman Chu alone! !

Madman Chu saw this and saw him waving his sleeves.

Suddenly, an ancient black three-legged tripod crashed to the ground, and a surging demonic energy whizzed out from the tripod!

And on this great cauldron, everyone saw one by one ancient demon generals.

It is just a part of Chi You's inheritance acquired by the madman of Chu, the magic commanding Ding!


The black magic light swept out!

I saw that in the devilish spirit, the spirits of the demon generals walked out of it, and the boundless devilish spirit engulfed the entire dragon family in an instant!

Nine Li and Eighty Demon Generals, come!

"What?! He actually has such a method!!!"

"This, this is impossible!"

Everyone was horrified.

But the nine li and eighty demons ignored the panic of everyone.

I saw them scattered in all directions, and a magical light was reflected in the air, and countless lines intersected, turning into a huge enchantment, completely covering all the golden immortals including the Long Family Patriarch.

It is the Eighty Heavenly Demon Array!

As soon as the formation was opened, even the Golden Immortal like the Long Patriarch was greatly suppressed!

Although these eighty golden immortals were not in their heyday, during this period of time after practicing the Ghost Dao cultivation method given by the madman of Chu, plus the experience of cultivation base during his lifetime, the cultivation base can be said to be thousands of miles.

Among them, some people have even restored the golden immortal level.

The 80-celestial magic array they jointly displayed is powerful and powerful, shocking the world!

In the Heavenly Demon Formation, the Eighty Demon Generals were fighting with the Dragon Family Lord and the Golden Immortals of the Long Family.

The situation of the battle is hard to distinguish for a while!

And at this moment, in the depths of the Long Family, an incomparably tyrannical aura burst out, and an incomparably terrifying will actually impacted the Heavenly Demon Array.

The face of the eighty demons changed slightly.

"This will, yes, Ronaldo!"

"Big Luo Yi!"

The spectators were all in an uproar!

Everyone looked into the depths of the Long Family, and saw a dragon aura rising up into the sky, and in the dragon aura, a vigorous, unangered white-haired old man stepped out slowly.

Overbearing Longwei, raging crazily in the world!

It is the ancestor of the Long Family.

The only monk of Da Luo level in the Long Family!

Brother Daluo could not intervene in the battle of the realm, and Ziwei Star is now open, and the rules of the starry sky arena have gradually enveloped the purple star. The strength of the realm of Daluo cannot be fully utilized. In this sensitive time period, the ancestors of the Long Family I didn't want to shoot.

But helpless, the madman of Chu deceived people too much! !

If he doesn't make a move, the Long Family will really be ruined!

"Chu Madman, the Long Family suffered heavy casualties because of you today, so you should stop!"

The ancestor of the Long Family stared at Madman Chu and said loudly.

It's just that Madman Chu looked indifferent and said: "I said, hand over Jinghui, and I can save seeds for your Long Family."

"You are too presumptuous!!"

A big Luo from the ancestors of the Long Family, his face was pale by Chu Kuang's popularity at this time.

Kuangren Chu's meaning was already obvious. Even if they handed over Jinghui, the other party would still be the Dragon Clan!

Then, the immortal element in his body revolved, forming a huge immortal enchantment, completely covering the entire dragon family.

In an instant, the devilish energy dissipated.

"Hmph, with me here, you can't even hurt the people of the Long Family any more!"

Da Luo strong is bound by cause and effect, and cannot harm Jiezi.

However, Jiezi wanted to hurt Daluo, which is also a fantasy thing.

The ancestor of the Long Family took action to protect the people of the Long Family, and did not confront the Mad Man of Chu head-on. He believed that the Mad Man of Chu could not help the Long Family.

"Unexpectedly, Long Jiajia was forced to use this method to resist the Madman Chu, which is really embarrassing."

"Yeah, the Long Family was made like this by the madman of Chu, but now they can only linger under the protection of Daluo, and can't fight back. Tsk tsk, it's really aggrieved."

"Now, it should be over."

No one thinks that Madman Chu can take any action against the Long Family if Da Luo takes action.

"My son, let my Feng Family take over."

At this time, Feng Yuchao Chu Madman said through voice.

The current Long Family's vitality is badly hurt, and Feng Yu believes that with the Feng Family's strength, it is enough to end it.

"No need."

Madman Chu said indifferently.

Then, as he raised his hand, there was a dark cloud surging between the sky and the earth, and the majestic Yin Qi was breeding in the sky and the earth!

A towering pass, descending from the sky!

A gate divides the yin and yang realms, it is the ghost gate! !

The ghost gate was closed, and a skeleton Yin soldier walked out of it, and the vast Luo Yi stirred in all directions!

Yin and Yang are in the same shock!

It is the Skeleton Yin General of the Da Luo Jinxian level!


The face of the ancestor of the Long Family suddenly changed.


Madman Chu spit out indifferently.

General Skull Yin led his orders, a pitch-black sickle suddenly appeared in his hand, and he waved it out, and the immortal enchantment condensed by the ancestors of the Long family suddenly shattered! !

Immediately afterwards, the two big Luos fought together.

And the Eighty Demon Generals once again condensed the Heavenly Demon Array, covering the Long Patriarch and others.

From the ghost gate, countless Yin soldiers rushed out, among them, there are even some golden immortal level existence!

Millions of Yin Soldiers reappear, and the Long Family is completely desperate!

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