Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : Killing Zhuo Tiancang, at any price, Luo Yan's struggle

At this time, Zhuo Tiancang was fighting Luo Yan, his strength was two ranks stronger than Luo Yan, and he was in the realm of True Immortal Seventh Stage.

Although Luo Yan has the physique of Scarlet Tears, he believes that the ultimate victory must belong to him.

However, he didn't know that his life and death had already been determined.

Clang, clang!

Swords and swords were fighting frantically, and sword aura and sword aura were constantly raging.

Even if Luo Yan had the help of crimson tears, the huge gap between the two grades still made her suppressed everywhere, and she would lose at any time.

"Why, why can't it come out?"

"Obviously at that time, my strength was much stronger than now."

Not long ago, when the **** son of the mountain ghost and Luo Yifeng slaughtered the children of the Luo family, her crimson tears clearly exploded with a far more powerful force than now.

But now, I can't show it anyhow.

This made her a little bit angry.

Crimson tears, only in the most sorrowful situation, the power can be exerted to the extreme.

Could it be that she has forgotten how she felt at that time?

Could it be that so many children of the Luo family died tragically, isn't she sorrowful enough?

"Crimson Tears, according to legend, there is a chance that it can be raised to the point of being on par with the Supreme Immortal Body, but this chance is too small."

Madman Chu watched the battle not far away, and said indifferently.

He estimated that the timing was almost the same, and when Zhuo Tiancang descended the assassin, he shot.

With a flick of his finger, a sword qi burst out from his fingertips.


Sword Qi broke through the sky, as gorgeous as a meteor, stunning the gods and Buddhas!

It is Shocking Shinto Sword!

Zhuo Tiancang, who was about to kill Luo Yan to solve Luo Yan, only felt an extremely strong crisis, causing his scalp to explode.

"not good!!"

Zhuo Tiancang looked horrified, turned around and cut out a sword!

With a bang, the sword and the sword will meet!

But only a scream was heard, the fairy sword came out, and the blood mist sprayed, Zhuo Tiancang's hand holding the sword was directly blown to pieces, and the whole person was bombed out.

"This force, how is this possible?!"

Zhuo Tiancang was full of horror. Before he could think about it, he turned around and was about to run away.

But I don't know when there will be silver-white Dao patterns densely covering the void between heaven and earth, and an extremely terrifying force of time and space will block the heaven and earth!

"People of Ziwei Pavilion, you, go live."

An indifferent voice sounded.

I saw Madman Chu carrying ice silkworms like snow, and the two Quartz slowly walked through the air.

A pressure that made Zhuo Tiancang horrified, locked him in.

"Madman Chu!"

Seeing the people coming, Zhuo Tiancang was almost desperate!

"Chu madman, I have no grievances with you, why are you killing me?!"

"Hmph, what did you do yourself, don't you know?"

The ice silkworm said in a cold tone like snow.

Seeing her, Zhuo Tiancang suddenly said, "You two are related!"

That's it.

His face changed uncertainly, and then gritted his teeth, the Xian Yuan in his body urged frantically, and even the life Yuan was burned.

"Do you think I'm going to catch it? The Ziwei Star God Burst!!"

Zhuo Tiancang let out a long roar, and there was purple fairy radiance shining out of his body, countless Dao patterns intertwined in the void, turned into a huge star, and slammed it at the Madman Chu!

This is Zhuo Tiancang's fatal blow!

But Madman Chu didn't care, and he randomly drew a sword finger in the void.

The tyrannical sword spirit is like a flood, and the stars are shattered in the blink of an eye!

Zhuo Tiancang flew upside down under this force, and there were countless sword marks on the immortal body. The whole person was dripping with blood, and his breath was wilting. Like a candle in the wind, he would die at any time.

"how so?!"

He was a true immortal with seven ranks, and he couldn't even take a single move from Madman Chu.

No, this wasn't even a blow made by Madman Chu with all his strength. It was just a blow of the opponent's strength?


Or less than half?

Seeing that the other party was not dead yet, Madman Chu drew another sword casually.

"Chu madman, when Shaoyu Ziwei is born, he will decapitate you to show off the power of my fairy court!!"

Zhuo Tiancang roared, knowing he was going to die.

In the next instant, Jian Qi completely crushed him into a cloud of blood.

As for what he said, Madman Chu didn't pay too much attention to him, and he took the opponent's Universe Ring over, and contained a lot of treasures in it.

It's just that most of them are things that the mad people of Chu look down on.

He threw it to the ice silkworm Ruxue next to him casually, and said lightly: "You divide it."

The ice silkworm Ruxue was a little surprised, but he didn't expect Madman Chu to be so generous. Some things in this Universe Ring were also useful to her.

"Thank you, Master."

The ice silkworm Ruxue accepted the Qiankun Ring, then took some things, and gave the rest to Quartz.

Luo Yan walked up and looked at Madman Chu, with brilliance in his beautiful eyes, "Thank you, Daoist Chu, for your help."

"It's just a small effort."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, "Why do you conflict with each other?"

"What else can it be for? Naturally, it is for some treasures on my body. It is normal to kill people and win treasures."

Luo Yan shook his head and said.

Weakness is the original sin. Because she is weaker than Zhuo Tian, ​​she will be robbed and bullied.

Even life and death are involuntary.

She thought of the Shangui Shenzi and others, with a terrible hatred in her eyes, because she was too weak to protect her tribe.

She looked at Madman Chu, her eyes flickered, and then as if she had made up some determination, she said: "I ask Daoist Chu to help me clean up the door for my Luo family!"

"I said you, did you misunderstand something?"

Madman Chu narrowed his smile and said faintly: "I will help you once, but it's just a pleasure. Do you think I am very free?"

"As long as Fellow Daoist can help me, Luo Yan, I am willing to pay any price!"

"At any price?"

Madman Chu looked at Luo Yan playfully.

The other party was a little uncomfortable by him, but she gritted her teeth when she thought that the goddess of the mountain ghost, Luo Yifeng and others were still at large, "Yes, at any price!"

"Even if you ask you to serve me as your lord?"


Luo Yan's face changed slightly.

In the past, the mountain ghost **** child wanted her to surrender, but she was unwilling to kill all the Luo family's children.

Now, for revenge, she wants to recognize the madman as the master?

The two, in her opinion, are not much different.

I have to say that this is really ironic.

Do you want to agree?

Luo Yan was struggling constantly in his heart.

Madman Chu glanced at the other party and knew that the other party was different from the ice silkworm Ruxue, and he wanted to be more stubborn and strong.

"just kidding."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, "The mountain ghost **** child has grudges with me. If I meet him, I will naturally not let him go. As for Luo Yifeng, he will leave it to you."

It takes time to subdue Luo Yan.

If you forcibly accept it now, it will only make the other party's heart grudge, and you will not be able to truly be loyal.

"Thank you fellow daoist."

Luo Yan's heart loosened. As long as Madman Chu could deal with Shangui Shenzi and others, Luo Yifeng would be able to solve it by herself.

It seems that Fellow Chu Daoist is not the kind of person who is difficult for a strong man like Shangui Shenzi.

There is still a big difference between the two.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but have some good feelings for Mad Man Chu.

In addition, the other party also rescued her, which planted the seeds for her to surrender to Mad Man Chu in the future.

the other side.

In the palace deep in Xuan Nvzong, a few uninvited guests arrived.

"Finally found."

Shenzi Dongjun looked at the palace in front of him with a smile on his face.


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