Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Did I allow you to do it? Where is this monster

The ancient white jade sword flew over like a meteor, and inserted it impartially in front of Qingfeng and all the arrogances, an extremely domineering sword aura swept out, shaking all directions!

All the arrogances were either lifted out or torn apart by sword energy!

But the words of pride reverberated throughout the world, and the gods of Dongjun, the goddess of Dasiming and others couldn't help but change their expressions slightly.

Nine Heavens Profound Girl also showed a different color in her eyes.

Qing Feng was even more surprised, "He is here for this sword!!"

Suddenly, a figure in white clothes, as fast as a meteor, volleyed across the battlefield in a blink of an eye, and came to Qingfeng, next to the ancient white jade sword.

The white clothes are like snow, the ink hair is like a waterfall, the face is as handsome as a real fairy, and the style is moving!

It is Chu Madman!

When many Tianjiao saw his arrival, they couldn't help but recede dozens of feet in fright, looking at each other with great dread, a little frightened.

"Madman Chu, he is here!"

"Damn, this guy is here, how can we seize the chance? It's not comparable at all."

Most Tianjiao are self-aware.

Madman Chu's strength is so strong that he has long been famous for the Star Arena and Ziwei Star. Everyone knows that this is a monster!

A ghostly evildoer!

Relying on them, there is absolutely no strength to compare with each other.

"Qingfeng, I haven't seen you for a while, your cultivation is progressing, not bad."

Madman Chu glanced at Qingfeng and found that the other party had actually reached the realm of the fifth-rank true immortal. Such a cultivation level was already a wicked one.

It seems that the other party also had a big chance.

"Friend Chu, seeing you at this time is really reassuring."

Qingfeng said, feeling relieved.

For some reason, after seeing Madman Chu, she felt that all the problems would be solved.

This man always gives people a sense of security.

"Heh, in the palace, but Yuzhi?"

Madman Chu smiled and asked, he noticed a familiar breath in the palace.

Both he and Yuzhi practiced the Jade Lake Immortal Sutra, and both had Fuxi four pianos, and they had a peculiar feeling in the dark.

"Yes, it is the saint."

"I didn't expect that you would walk with her. Qingluan and Queen Mother Xi complement each other."

Madman Chu said lightly, and then turned to look at the crowds of arrogances, and the sword body of the ancient white jade sword shivered slightly beside him, and the incomparable sword pressure had covered the world.

He stroked his sword!

A sword qi left a sword mark on the ground, like a dividing line, separating the crowd from the palace, clearly distinguishing.

"You leave, you can live, if you dare to cross the line, you will die!"

Madman Chu stood with his hand in his hand and said indifferently.

A sword mark divides life and death!

All the arrogances looked at each other, and they did not dare to act rashly.

Not far away, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl was extremely surprised when she saw this scene.

"These arrogances are all arrogant people, but now they are shocked by this person. Where did he come from?"

Nine Heavens Profound Girl thought to herself.

Not only these arrogances, but she also noticed that even the top evildoers such as Dongjun Shenzi showed solemn faces.

For a time, the entire battlefield fell into a weird silence because of the arrival of one person.

"Madman Chu, there is the treasure of Queen Mother West in this palace, don't you feel tempted?"

Dongjun Shenzi said suddenly.

He wanted to confuse the Madman Chu and let the other party turn the other party's Nine Heavens Profound Girl, and they would sit on the wall and watch the changes.

This is the best result.

When the others heard this, their eyes were bright.

"Yes, Madman Chu, this palace is the treasure of Queen Mother Xi, I don't believe you are not moved."

"You and us defeated the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, how do you account for this treasure?"

Everyone persuaded that they wanted to draw the Mad Chu to their front.

It's a pity that the madman of Chu was unmoved.

"If I want the treasures here, I alone will be enough. Why do I need to distribute them with you?"

He can push everything by himself, so why join hands with others?

In short, no matter what he plans for the treasures here, it has nothing to do with Dongjun Shenzi and others!

"Luo Yifeng!"

At this moment, there was a sweet voice, and saw a sword light like electricity, quickly slashing towards Luo Yifeng.

It was Luo Yan who made the shot.

Luo Yifeng's expression changed, and he immediately fought Luo Yan.

"Huh, a member of the Luo family dare to be presumptuous in front of me!"

With a cold snort, the **** son Dongjun wanted to take action to repel Luo Yan.

But at this time, an air force locked him, making him unable to help but stop, looking at Madman Chu with solemn eyes.

"Did I allow you to do it?"

Madman Chu calmly looked at the **** son of Dongjun, he did not move, but his Qi Ji had already locked down the **** son of Dongjun, the goddess of Da Si Ming, and the members of the purple pupil family.

One person, one sword, brings great pressure to these evildoers!


At this time, the **** son Dongjun gave a cold cry, and blasted a palm towards the Madman Chu, the majestic power of the sun manifested, like a sunset!

"The power of the big sun, the little trick!"

The Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and nine-leaf sword grass appeared behind him. When the grass blade moved, a vast sword qi was cut out, slashing the sun, moon and stars!

boom! !

The power of the sun is divided into two!

The son of Dongjun flew hundreds of feet upside down, with a solemn expression.

"Aoba Sword Hitomi!"

Nine Sky Profound Girl saw the sword grass not far away, her eyes lit up, "It turns out to be the Supreme Immortal Body, no wonder these people are so scared."

"Siming Jue, Juesheng!"

At this time, the mysterious power of life and death was in the hands of the goddess of life and death, and Xianhui was dazzling, a divine light burst out of the sky!

"Oh, the power of life and death, interesting."

As the madman of Chu raised his hand, the chaotic **** and demon body revolved, and the power of life and death was intertwined, turning into a yin and yang picture of life and death, rolled out!

The power of life and death versus the power of life and death!

The two forces collided, and the world was suddenly filled with black, white and two-color fairy lights!

"Top-notch chaos **** and demon body!"

Jiutian Profound Girl's eyes condensed, "I didn't expect him to have this kind of physique."

But the shock is not over yet.

I saw the madman Chu after blocking the divine light of the goddess of life, and between raising his hands, the power of yin and yang was intertwined in the void, and the two celestial bodies were urged, and a black and white divine light was outrageously shot through the void!

It is the magical power in the immortal body of Liangyi, the yin and yang good fortune divine light!

Under this blow, the face of the goddess changed drastically, urging Xian Yuan to the extreme, turning into a black and white shield, but the divine light hit it, still spitting out blood and flying out of her!

"This guy really doesn't pity Xiangxiyu at all."

The great goddess licked the blood at the corner of her mouth, and her heart lingered. If she hadn't blocked it quickly just now, she wouldn't be dead or disabled now.

"Liangyi Immortal Body?!"

Jiu Tian Xuan Nu is a little confused, UU reading www., and supreme fairy body? !

"Big Sun Jue, Seven Suns Divine Fire!"

At this time, I saw a long roar from the son of Dongjun, and there were seven divine lights on his body rising into the sky, turning into seven rounds of great sun, shining all over the nine heavens and ten earth!

The surging fire of the sun, wave after wave, kept burning towards Madman Chu!

"Six Paths of Samsara in the Great World!"

The Madman Chu stood still, a force of reincarnation permeated out and turned into a reincarnation world, and all the big sun fires entered into it, they were easily wiped out.

"There are actually reincarnation celestial bodies!!"

Not far away, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl was already stunned.

She now has only one thought left, where is this monster from? !

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