Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 143: : Kill Chu Madman? Don't give yourself a face, even cut the supreme

  The vast sword shadow locked the Madman Chu and cut it straight down!

   This sword is very scary!

   Even if it is not comparable to the Supreme Supreme, but it is not far behind. Madman Chu clasped Kun Wu in his hand, his mouth slightly tilted.

   "This sword looks a little bit."

   "Slash the sky and draw the sword!"

   The madman of Chu holds the sword, swings the sword, and accomplishes it in one go!

  Under the blessing of Soul of Sword, the Kunwu Sacred Sword has been upgraded to a level comparable to that of the Sacred King. With the five supreme foundations in the body, the spiritual power of the Mad Man of Chu is actually not inferior to any supreme.

   Plus, his understanding of Taoism is too deep!

  The Holy King's method can be easily grasped, so although he is the King of War, the power of this sword is comparable to the supreme supreme! !

   The dazzling sword light caused all Jian Xiu to squint his eyes unconsciously, and the rhyme of the swordsmanship made them all feel their scalp numb.

   Boom! !

   There was a huge explosion, the sword aura collided with the sword aura, and the violent energy impact swept across, the ground was easily torn apart, and the surrounding buildings were continuously destroyed and shattered like thin paper...

   There are a large number of sword repairs that have been lifted off like a broken kite, flying around in the air, exclaiming and screaming endlessly.

   Attending a theater is also risky.

   There are not a few monks killed by the aftermath of the battle in the spiritual world.

   "Fuck me, run!"

   "It's too late, eh, I'm flying."

   "Oh my God, I was almost killed by sword energy."

   A group of monks were very flustered and in a panic. Even some Sword Masters had their scalp numb and felt their heart palpitations.


   At this time, a figure flew upside down from the violent energy storm, and instantly hit the street, raising a cloud of dust.

   Everyone looked intently and swallowed.

   The one who flew out was the Iron Sword Sovereign. As one of the Seven Swordsmen, he is always beautiful.

   But at this time, his shawls were scattered, his body was covered with blood stains, and his gorgeous robe had been torn torn by sword energy.

   Use two words to describe, embarrassed!

   If you want to say how embarrassed it is, it is extremely embarrassing!

   "Madman Chu!!"

   The Iron Sword Master gritted his teeth and looked into the air.

   I saw Madman Chu looking down at him, his eyes were flat and unwavering. Compared to the bewildered Iron Sword Venerable, he wore white clothes as old, slender and dustless, like a high god.

"too weak."

   "This is the Seven Swordsman? It's extremely disappointing." Chu Kuangren shook his head, his tone full of disappointment.

   Then he looked at the rest of the sword repairs around him, and said lightly: "I almost forgot, there are you, why are you still not?"

   Beihai sword pavilion, the Iron Sword Sect came to many sword repairs, at least the Yuan Ying cultivation base, but these people were silent at this time, seeing the madman Chu cast their eyes on them, all of them trembled in fright.

   "Come on, give me all!"

   "He is just a warlord, he is so exhausting!"

   Sword greedily roared loudly.

   A group of swords shaved their faces and looked at each other, no one dared to step forward.

   is terrible, terrible!

   Kendo Seven Heroes can fight while hanging, you tell me this is just a king of war? !

   Is this world crazy or they are crazy? !

   "Iron Sword Sovereign, let your people go up, he is just a warlord, let's kill him!"

   Jian was greedy to see everyone stunned, and couldn't help being furious, then turned and said to the embarrassed Iron Sword Master.

   At this time, Jianxiu suddenly trembled in the crowd and said: "Three years ago, he killed 100,000 Moxiu in Mocry Mountain. How can we kill him with us?!!!"

  As soon as these words were said, everyone trembled, and rumors about the Madman Chu came to mind.

   Three years ago, the other party could leave all the 100,000 magic repairs in the Moshou Mountain just by using the cavernous cultivation.

   Three years later, the opponent's cultivation base has become stronger, he is the King of War, and they are no more than 100,000, not even one-tenth.

   Are they going to kill Chu Madman? !

  Don't give yourself a face!

   Even they can't believe this!

   "He, is he so invincible?" Jian Ying stared at Madman Chu in disbelief, and whispered in a trembling tone.

   He didn't believe it.

   He was obviously just a young monk, why did he have such terrifying strength, and it was so scary three years ago.

   If the other party hadn't been in retreat for three years, this world would have caused the other party to make troubles, right? !

   "Let's go!!" Jian swallowed, never daring to think about the soul of the sword anymore, turned around and fled away.

   But at this moment, a stream of light flashed across the sky, almost catching up with Jian Gree in the blink of an eye, blocking him.

   is the madman of Chu.

   There is a glimpse of light, and his speed is difficult to compare even to the supreme. It is impossible to escape from the sword.

   "Get out of here!!" Jian was greedy when he saw it, urging his spiritual power to the extreme, and a large amount of sword energy gushed out from his palm.

   But with a sword in his hand, he is not an opponent of Madman Chu. Now that he doesn't have a sword, he doesn't even have the qualifications to hurt Madman Chu.

  The madman of Chu raised his palm, and the power of Renshan Seal Art exploded, smashing the opponent's sword aura, and smashing the opponent into the ground abruptly.

   Immediately afterwards, he threw Po Jun out, and engulfed his violent sword energy through his body, and nailed him to the ground.

   "Madman Chu, let me go, look at the sword box and the swords, let me go." Jian was greedy, and said in horror.

   "This is the second time you shot at me."

   The madman Chu came to Jian Yin and said indifferently.

   "I was wrong, I will not dare to do it next There is no next time."

Madman Chu put his hand on the hilt of Pojun’s sword, and with a movement of his sword energy, he injected a large amount of sword energy into Jianxin’s body along with Pojun. With a burst of blood mist, Jianxin’s body became full of wounds. hole.

   One of the seven kendo heroes, fallen!

   Not far away, a figure ran away while the Madman Chu was killing sword greed, but Iron Sword Venerable also fled!

   When the sword repairmen saw this, his expression changed, especially the disciples of the Iron Sword Sect, the elders couldn't believe it.


   "Damn, the head ran away by himself?!"

   "Damn it, this shameless villain!"

   The madman of Chu raised his hand to pull out the broken army, and he also noticed the escape of Iron Sword Master, he couldn't help but sneered, "Stupid!"

   The Iron Sword Sovereign who had fled all the way suddenly found two more figures in front of him, a glamorous woman and an old woman.

   These two people are the supreme breath filled with horror!

   "Damn it, it is the protector of the madman Chu!"

   Iron Sword Sovereign's face suddenly became extremely green.

   These two people are Qinglan Zhizun and Meng Lao.

   "The Son didn't let you go, so you wanted to go? Dreaming!"

   Qinglan Supreme sneered and slammed a palm, and a white beam of light flew out, blasting back the Iron Sword Venerable who had been severely injured by the Madman Chu.

   Immediately afterwards, a stream of light swept across the void and came to the front of Iron Sword Venerable. Before he could react, he felt a cold neck and his vitality was fading rapidly.

When    was dying, he only saw Madman Chu raise his palm to him, and there was a dark whirlpool in his palm, like the mouth of a giant beast.

   Iron Sword Sovereign was sucked into the gluttonous space by the madman of Chu without any resistance. In other words, he was also a supreme. The essence of flesh and blood was very supplementary.


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