Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : The plan of the evildoers, the simpler the way, the more effective

"Great scene, great scene!"

"Yeah, I've seen so many evildoers for the first time. This time, I really came to the right."

"You said, what would these evildoers look like if they fought?"

"It must be very exciting."

On the starry sky arena, the evildoers from all sides gathered, and many Tianjiao who saw this scene were all calling for the big scene.

On the ring, the enchanting parties from all sides met, the aura was flowing, and the atmosphere was solemn, but they did not immediately fight. These people were all jealous of each other.

Everyone left their names on the star monument. If this is a sudden fight, whoever loses will be removed from the monument, and the final chance will be lost.

"Everyone has returned from Ziwei Star."

At this time, the descendant of Yan Luo said lightly.

Hearing what he said, everyone's eyes condensed, as if they thought of some unpleasant memories.

"That's not right. It should have escaped from Ziwei Star. It's really embarrassing."

The descendant of Yan Luo noticed that the faces of several people were unsightly, and continued to speak.

And his words immediately caused the evildoers present to explode, and a horrible aura broke out, crushing towards him!汜减bxwx.C*O汜

"Heir of Yan Luo, if you want to fight, I don't mind being accompanied here!"

The Xuanyuan Chuan said in a cold tone.

"Not bad."

Shi Tianxuan clasped the sharp spear in his hand, and the devilish energy rolled out, turbulent and empty.

"Why are you so angry? Did I say something wrong?"

The descendant of Yan Luo continued: "As far as I know, Madman Chu has the crown of crape myrtle. Didn't you escape because of fear that he would take action?"

What he said is indeed true.

But the more people listened, the more ugly their faces became.

"It's just that you don't need to worry anymore. You have already come out of Ziwei Star. If Madman Chu dared to come, would you still be afraid of him?"

"No, no, are you really afraid of him?"

The descendant of Yan Luo ignored the ugly faces of everyone, and continued to say yin and yang weirdly.

Seeing this, many Tianjiao were amazed.

This descendant of Yama is an old yin and yang person.

"Heir of Yan Luo, what exactly do you mean?"

Dongjun Shenzi said indifferently.

The descendant of Yan Luo looked upright and continued: "As you know, there is a saying in the Star Arena now."

"What do you mean?"

"There are two kinds of Tianjiao in this world, one is Madman Chu, and the other is Tianjiao other than Madman Chu!"

After the descendant of Yan Luo finished speaking, all the evildoers present clenched their fists, and there was a touch of jealousy and unwillingness in their eyes.

This statement undoubtedly brought the Mad Man of Chu to the altar!

Since then, when mentioning the word "Tianjiao", the madman of Chu is naturally higher than all of them!

What an honor is this? !

All the people present were evildoers and all had their own arrogance.

How can you tolerate someone above yourself? !

"Madman Chu is enviable."

The descendant of Yan Luo said lightly.

"After saying so much, if you come to praise Madman Chu, you don't have to say it anymore."

Shi Tianxuan said indifferently.

"No, I'm here to discuss with you how to deal with the Madman Chu."

"What do you mean?"

"The strength of Madman Chu is not something that a single evildoer can handle. We need to unite. Only in this way can we have a chance to defeat him! You all know that there is a huge opportunity in this starry sky ring. That chance, then we will have no hope of catching up with him for the rest of our lives."

"Do you have any idea?"

"This starry sky arena is our opportunity. Here, every time we win a game, we can get the gift of the starry sky arena and improve our cultivation. With our strength, we can definitely get a lot of improvement here. The premise is, We are not enemies of each other."

The idea of ​​the successor of Yan Luo is very simple, that is, to use the starry sky arena to defeat the rest of the arrogance, and try to improve oneself.

After Madman Chu came, everyone used wheel tactics, one by one, fighting against Madman Chu, killing the opponent's strength and defeating them. Sacrifice as

Even if you can't kill the opponent, you definitely can't let the opponent get the final chance of the starry sky arena.

"It's that simple?"

Shi Tianxuan frowned slightly, he thought the descendant of Yan Luo had a clever strategy.

"The simpler the method is, the more effective it is. On the contrary, the more calculations, the more flaws. One force will drop ten times. With the strength of the Madman Chu, it is not a simple strategy to deal with it. This is an effective method. And, in the starry sky arena, once you concede defeat, you will be teleported away. Fighting here will also guarantee our safety."

What are you most afraid of in a duel with the Madman Chu?

Of course, after losing, even his life was lost.

In the starry sky arena, as long as they concede defeat, they can save their lives. This is the most important point.

After all, as long as there is life, there will be a chance to surpass Madman Chu in the future.

"Using wheel tactics in the arena to continuously consume the power of the madman of Chu, and ultimately defeat the opponent. This is simple to implement, but the person who loses will not be able to set foot in the ring again. The person who wins in the end can dominate the final opportunity, so , Who is the first to go up and fight Madman Chu, and who is the last to pick up the bargain?"

The Legend of Xuanyuan talked about a problem that everyone was most concerned about.

After all, apart from defeating Madman Chu, the final chance in this starry sky arena is also something that everyone cares about.

"At this point, a lottery decides, whoever goes first, everyone will have his destiny!"


There was no objection from everyone, no one was sure to deal with Madman Chu alone, only by uniting together could they have a chance to defeat each other.

"The last point is that the number of people in the wheel warfare should be as large as possible. UU reading and must be a top expert, so that you can be more confident. Can someone choose?"

The descendant of Yan Luo asked.

"My devil Tianjiao, you can come forward." Shi Tianxuan said lightly, and he glanced at Chang Zhijing.

"Oh, it is interesting to deal with the madman of Chu, I would like to participate."

Chang Zhijing readily agreed.

"My Eastern Emperor Xiantian, there are still two gods who can come forward." The Eastern Emperor said indifferently.

Hearing his words, everyone's eyes lit up.

Nine songs of gods, each of them are evildoers, if two more gods come to make a move, it will be a huge help for this action.

"There are still a few evildoers in the 100,000 mountains. I can discuss with them. In addition, I know a different species. If he takes action, I believe that he will be more confident in dealing with the madman of Chu."

Shaozu Jinwu said lightly.

Hearing what he said, everyone was a little curious.

Every alien is an extremely rare existence.

Not to mention, the alien species that can add a certain degree of assurance to this operation, it can be seen that the Golden Crow Shaozu attaches great importance to that person.

"It makes me wonder what kind of alien it is."

"He is from the restricted area!"

Upon hearing this, everyone's pupils shrank slightly.

"Alien forbidden zone, heh, it seems that the background is really not small."

The descendant of Yan Luo chuckled.

The rest of the people also expressed that they would find some people to participate in this operation.

Everyone is an evildoer, and they have their own personal connections. It is not difficult to find some great arrogances, even evildoers.

"Madman Chu, this starry sky arena is the battlefield where we push you off the altar!"

All the enchanting thoughts secretly. Mi He Mi

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