Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : You can't wait for a native chicken dog, Zhuan Xu descendant, Shennong 0 Cao D

"Young Master Golden Crow, dare to fight with me!!"

Leng Ran's words resounded through the void, and then, an extremely overbearing spirit of gods and demons burst out, turning into black streamers, and directly hitting the star monument! !

The whole star monument was shaken, and the surrounding stars were turbulent, leaving three big characters, absolutely no god!

"It's him!"

"The supernatural evil in the line of gods and demons, the existence that could confront the mountain ghosts and gods in the past."

"He's here too..."

Absolutely Wushen stepped forward with his head held high, his eyes like electricity, sweeping the crowd of arrogances present.

Behind him, there is a golden jade fairy shining up into the sky, filling the sky, its radiant light, even the sun, moon and stars are dimmed.

In Xianhui, a beautiful figure slowly walked from the end of the starry sky.

The jade bone fairy muscles, three thousand green silks are like waterfalls, the fairy posture comes out of the dust, and the nobleness is pressing, like a high female fairy king!

It is the saint of Yaochi, Yuzhi.

And the arrival of Yuzhi also caused an uproar among many monks on the scene.

The descendants of Yan Luo, the descendants of Xuanyuan, Jinwu Shaozu and others flashed slightly, revealing a different color.

"Supreme Immortal Body, Jinyu Jade Lake Immortal Body, this person has the potential to become a world-famous person."

"Yes, not to be underestimated!"

Beside Yaochi, Qingfeng smiled upon seeing Chu Hong and hurriedly went up to say hello.

When Yuzhi saw the Madman Chu, he also slightly nodded.

"Don't come unharmed."


Jue Wushen came to the Madman Chu, bowed and bowed, then looked at Young Master Golden Crow, and repeated, "Young Master Golden Crow, dare to fight?!"

Hearing what he said, Shaozu Jinwu's face changed slightly and he was a little silent.

Absolutely Wushen at this time, his aura was no worse than Xuanyuan Chuanren and him, plus the chaos **** and demon body, even he was not sure to beat the opponent.

"I reject!"

Shaozu Jinwu took a deep breath, but refused on the spot!

This surprised everyone.

Young Master Golden Crow, was she really timid?

"Good job."

The descendant of Yan Luo nodded slightly, "Our goal is the deity of Madman Chu, and we must not use our combat power here."

"This time, we must defeat Madman Chu!"

Shaozu Jinwu said in a condensed voice that for the sake of the overall situation, he didn't even want his dignity, and refused to fight against Jue Wushen. In the eyes of others, this was an expression of timidity.

"Huh, what about you guys?"

Absolutely Wushen's gaze swept over the descendant of Yan Luo, the descendant of Xuanyuan and others.

But no one challenged.

"Can this be considered an evildoer?" Jue Wushen sneered.

When the Madman Chu saw this, there was a hint of thinking in his eyes, "These people are all evildoers, unreasonably timid to such an extent, let alone, the strength of the descendants of Xuanyuan, the young ancestor of the Golden Crow, and the descendants of Yan Luo is not weak. If you fight against Wushen, the outcome will be between five and five. Why don't they dare to accept the challenge?"

"Unless they are preparing for something, they absolutely cannot be eliminated halfway."

"Their goal is me!"

Madman Chu was thinking about it, as if he had understood something, a smile appeared on his face, "Interesting."

Since Xuanyuan Chuanren and others should not fight, Absolute Wushen did not challenge anymore.

Chu Hong and Lan Yu also began to challenge other Tianjiao one by one.

time flies.

Three days passed.

this day.

As soon as the Legend of Xuanyuan defeated a Tianjiao, Jue Wushen leaned forward, "The Legend of Xuanyuan, can you dare to fight?"

"I reject!"

Xuanyuan Chuanren's face sank, then he turned and left.

"This is the third time you have rejected me. Next time, if you refuse again, you will truly lose the qualification to continue standing in the starry sky arena."

Absolutely Wushen said indifferently.

"Don't worry, if you dare to challenge me next time, I will definitely let you taste the taste of failure!"

"Heh, don't think I don't know. The reason why you have repeatedly rejected my challenge is to recharge your energy and prepare to deal with my king."

Jue Wushen chuckled. After these days of observation, he had already guessed what Xuanyuan Chuanren and others thought.

He sneered at this, "It's a pity that you are allowed to prepare in a thousand ways. If my king is here in person, you can't wait for the chicken and dog, you will be defeated!!"

The descendant of Xuanyuan clenched his fists, his eyes flowed with bitter killing intent, "Who wins and who loses is still unknown. Do you really think that Madman Chu can be invincible forever?!"

"My king is undefeated in battle. Doesn't this mean anything?"

Jue Wushen said lightly, admiring Mad Man Chu from the heart, and there was even a hint of fanaticism in his eyes.

The Legend of Xuanyuan saw it, and felt very uncomfortable.

The other party is a great evildoer no less than him, but such a person respects Madman Chu so much.

Doesn't this mean that he is really inferior to Madman Chu? !

No, I can’t shake my heart!

"This time, Madman Chu will definitely lose!"

The Xuanyuan Chuan said indifferently.

Then he left without looking back.


Suddenly, he took out a piece of jade slip for transmission, somewhat surprised.

"This is, the sect of the sect?"

The Legend of Xuanyuan was slightly surprised, and when he opened it, he couldn't help but his eyes lit up, "The Chuanxu Chuan is now alive, and he is coming to the Star Arena."

Human Emperor Sect, with the goal of searching for Human Emperor inheritance.

The descendants of the contemporary Emperor Xuanyuan are the strongest, the first to appear in this world, and there are still a few who have not yet appeared, and the descendant of Zhuan Xu is one of them.

Now, Zhuanxu's successor can't sit still, wanting to come to the starry sky arena to compete for the final chance here.

Not only that, he also brought a treasure to the descendants of Xuanyuan!

Shortly after.

A black streamer flew across the starry sky and came to an unnamed ancient star.

Among these ancient stars, the descendants of Xuanyuan had been waiting for a long time.

"You came!"

Standing in front of the Legend of Xuanyuan was a young man in a black robe. The young man had an indifferent face, with black water flowing all over his body.

The black water flow was terrifying, and every drop seemed to contain the weight of a planet.

This person is the descendant of Zhuan Xu.

"This is what the sect wants me to give you."

Chuan Xu's inheritor took out a golden pill and handed it to Xuanyuan's inheritor, with a touch of envy on his indifferent face.

"Shen Nong Baicao Pill, I didn't expect this thing to exist!"

The Legend of Xuanyuan looked at the golden pill with a look of expectation in his eyes.

Shennong Baicao Pill, this is a rumored pill created by Yandi Shennong. It is said that taking this pill, there is a chance that people will break through the realm within a few days!

The more talented, the better the effect.

"This object was discovered by Zongmen from a Shennong site. In addition, Zongmen has also discovered an ancient Shennong inheritance and is carefully selecting the inheritors."

"Oh, luck of the sect." The descendant of Xuanyuan nodded slightly.

Then, he told Zhuanxu's heir about dealing with the Madman Chu, "Are you interested in joining?"

"Chu madman? The real emperor, the sect has paid attention to this person for a long time. As far as I know, the high-level people even have the intention to win him over, and I think I will meet him for a while.

"Well, good, you go to the Starry Sky Arena first, I'm here to refine Baicao Pill."

After Xuanyuan Chuan's confession, he began to retreat.

He looked at the Baicao Pill with a look of expectation, "Mad Chu, when I leave the customs, it will be the time when you and I will fight each other!"

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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