Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Entering the glaze soil, the world of desire, what did you find?

Outside the colored glaze soil, the Buddhist enchantment has existed for countless years.

This barrier built by the great power of Buddhism is very powerful, even Daluo Jinxian can hardly break through, and this barrier only allows Buddhism children to enter.

And what is a buddhist disciple?

Anyone who cherishes Buddhism can be included in the scope of Buddhism's children.

In the eyes of several Buddhist evildoers, the madman of Chu was brutal and bloodthirsty, causing so many **** storms in the starry sky arena, killing several Buddhist evildoers, and still possessing the power of Bo Xun.

Don't talk about Buddha nature.

The other party estimated that he didn't even have humanity, so he would definitely not be able to enter the Buddhist language barrier.

But the scene before them stunned them.

With the soaring Buddha light and solemn and solemn aura, the Madman Chu at this moment, even if he was the reincarnation of a living Buddha, no one would doubt it.

"How could he have such Buddha-nature?!"

"It's not impossible!"

The Buddha's light radiating from Madman Chu made them and Buddhist evildoers feel extremely shocked.

"Amitabha, Daoist Chu has great wisdom."

Hui Zang put his hands together and said lightly.

At the same time, he also noticed a familiar breath from the madman of Chu, which was the breath of the Earth Store Bodhisattva.

The rumor that the other party had inherited the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva seems to be true.

"Honghua, Quartz, let's go."

Madman Chu said, looking at the quartz behind him.

"Can we too?"

Yin Honghua said curiously.

"Honghua, you should be able to. You have practiced the meditation mantra for some time. This exercise is my practice in the Pure Land of Bliss, and you are now half a Buddhist man."

Jinghui explained.

In the past, in order to suppress the evil nature in Yin Honghua's body, she passed the Buddhist meditation mantra to Yin Honghua, and now the other party has cultivated to a certain level.

"As for Quartz, she should be more okay than Honghua you."

Jinghui glanced at Quartz, her eyes strange.

"Try it then."

Yin Honghua and Quartz followed the Madman Chu to the enchantment of Buddhist language, and the result was really as Jinghui said, this enchantment did not exclude them.

Soon, the two crossed the barrier and entered the glazed soil.

Quartz is even more confused.

Who is he?

In her memory, she obviously hadn't practiced Buddhism practices, let alone a Buddhism disciple. Why didn't the Buddhism enchantment reject her?

Moreover, why did I feel a familiar feeling when I came here.

It seems that I have been here more than once.

Madman Chu glanced at the quartz and said lightly: "You don't need to think too much, just follow your heart."

"I see, Chief."

Quartz nodded slightly.

Then, Hui Zang and others also entered the glazed soil one by one.

Madman Chu looked around.

In the glazed soil, green hills and beautiful waters, among the mountains and forests, there is a statue of Buddha, with the light of Buddha flowing above it, solemn and holy.

Not only that, at the end of the glazed soil, there are palaces that enshrine three thousand galans, eight dragons, four diamonds, eighteen arhats and other ancient Buddhist existences.

Buddha nature is the best portrayal of this pure land.

But in the Buddha nature, Madman Chu vaguely felt a... evil nature!

Yes, it is evil!

That evil nature came from the sky above everyone!

The sky above everyone's head was not a normal blue and white, but a bright red.

In that brilliant light, there are tantalizing sights such as three thousand red pinks, magnificent glory, wine pond meat forest, etc., as if all the temptations in the world are contained in it, which makes people unconsciously attracted.

Buddha nature on earth, evil nature in heaven.

In this space, the two forces are competing against each other, presenting an incomparably weird image.

"Friend Chu, don't try to figure out the sky above your head easily. It is the world of desire. If you look at it for too long, you may be noticed by the demon of desire."

Jinghui stepped up and said solemnly.

"Oh, Yujietian, where the rumored Demon Buddha Bo Xun lives, but how could he be here?"

"This is just a fragment of the world of desire. As for why it is here, it may be that after the fragmentation of the immortal world, this fragment drifted and arrived. My Pure Land can doubt that the decline of the glazed soil may be related to this desire. The world is related to the world, and the enchantment of Buddhist language is set up to prevent the power of the world of desire to affect the surroundings."

The power of the world of desire, this is not a joke.

Sometimes, even qualitative monks are tempted, let alone ordinary mortals.

"What do you mean by the demon?"

"The Demon of Desire, that is Bo Xun's subordinate, who specializes in using human desires to lure others into the devil's way and become one of them. Once they fall, the Buddha will be hard to save."

The madman of Chu nodded slightly and made it clear.

"Even if we come to Liuli Earth, we often explore within the scope of the Buddha's earth and Buddha nature. As for the world of desire, we dare not touch it."

Jinghui said, explaining again to Madman Chu how dangerous the world of desire is.

It is almost to describe the root of the sins of the adult heart, the catastrophe that destroys the world.

"Well, according to the plan, let's go to Luohantang first."

Hui Zang said lightly.

Inside the glazed soil, there are many Buddhist temples, which enshrine the existence of many Buddhist temples in the ancient times.

Every time they come to Liulitu, Hui Zang and others will visit the temple one by one. Through this process, they will bathe their body and mind and enhance their understanding of the Dharma.

Sometimes, some chance treasures can be found.

Under the leadership of Hui Zang, everyone came to the Arhat Hall. As the name suggests, eighteen Arhats are enshrined here.

On the Buddha statues of the eighteen arhats, there are many Taoist patterns densely covered, and the Buddha's light on the body is very mysterious.

Except for the madmen of Chu Chu, Hui Zang took a Buddhist monk to pay a visit, and then sat on the spot, reciting Buddhist scriptures, and comprehending the Dharma.

I saw the statue of eighteen arhats as if they had come alive, the Buddha's light on the body was shining, and it actually evolved various Buddhist supernatural powers in front of everyone, and it was very mysterious.

"This is the manifestation of Tao Yun."

Madman Chu saw the trickiness, and his eyes showed surprise.

The statues of eighteen arhats were portrayed in the rhyme of Buddhism with great means. Under a certain opportunity, they can be mobilized for enlightenment.

About half a day later.

After the Buddhist monks present had finished paying their respects, they got up and prepared to go to the next place to pay their respects.

"Jinghui, my supernatural power of descending the dragon and the devil is almost complete. I want to spend more time here. You go to other places to worship first, and I will be there later."

Hui Zang smiled faintly.


Jinghui did not doubt that he had him, UU reading nodded and agreed.

Madman Chu glanced at Hui Zang, and there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes, "Master Hui Zang, the world of desire is above your head, you have to be careful, don't look too much."

"Little monk understands."

Hui Zang glanced at Chu Madman with a deep meaning.

"Hui Zang has come to Liuli Soil no less than ten times. You don't need to remind Daoist Chu, but you, don't cause us any trouble."

A Buddhist evildoer said dissatisfiedly.

"Friend Chu, let's go to other places first, don't disturb Hui Zang's enlightenment of supernatural powers."

Jinghui hurriedly rounded the stage and left with everyone.

In the Arhat Hall, Hui Zang looked at the back of Madman Chu leaving, thoughtfully, "Did he find something?"

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