Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : The flower of desire, but so, who allows you to touch my things...

In the depths of the world of desire, in a weird magic pool, three hooks with weird magic lights glowing with countless weird magic patterns on them are floating above the magic pool.

In the magic pond, there are no waves, but there is a strange magic light, like a mirror.

At this time, two figures came, it was Hui Zang and Chu Madman.

"This is the Six Dust Demon Hook?"

Madman Chu valued the three pitch-black hooks, and a strange color appeared in his eyes.

Especially the magic pond under the hook gave Madman Chu a weird feeling.

"Xiao Ai, analyze it."

"Yes, in the analysis... the eyes, ears, and tongue of the six dust demon hooks can display illusions on human vision, hearing, and taste, and inspire desires in these three aspects... The magic pool of desire, the pool of desire is bred Flower, this flower feeds on human desires. Anyone who approaches will be entangled by its tentacles, falling into the state of desire, and cannot extricate itself..."

With the deepening of Xiao Ai's analysis, Madman Chu finally understood Hui Zang's abacus.

The Six Dust Demons are stored in the Desire Realm. They are the things of the former Demon Lord Bo Xun of the Desire Realm. They are very powerful. If they are placed here, would there be no demon coveted by them?

But after so many years, the Six Dust Demon Hook still stayed here well, and there was not even half a Sky Demon all around. What does this prove?

There must be something that makes the heavenly monsters jealous, so jealous that they dare not even approach here.

It is the flower of desire in this magic pond.

Hui Zang made it clear that he wanted to use himself as a pathfinder, allowing himself to deal with the flower of desire, so that he could take the opportunity to capture the Liuchen Devil Hook.

By the way, I also solved my own enemy.

This is not a clever strategy.

Just occupying the advantage of intelligence, he thought Madman Chu would be fooled if he didn't know about the flower of desire.

It's just a pity that he didn't know that there was something called the omniscient spirit.

Once Xiao Ai analyzed it, she knew everything.

"If you want to use me to take this six dust demon hook, how about it as you wish?"

Madman Chu gave a chuckle, and walked slowly towards the magic pond.

Seeing this scene, Hui Zang's eyes showed a touch of joy, "Success, he was fooled!"

Madman Chu guessed well.

The flower of desire is an extremely terrifying existence in the world of desire, and its status is equivalent to the flower of the other side in the underworld.

In the world of desire, apart from Bo Xun, the master of the world of desire, no demon dares to approach easily, because even a demon has desires.

If there is desire, it will be targeted and manipulated by the flower of desire.

"Chu madman, even if you are exceptionally talented? This flower of desire is aimed at the desire of the human heart, and even Daluo can hardly resist its power, let alone you?"

"Once you are affected by it, you can only turn into flower fertilizer obediently!"

Hui Zang was extremely excited.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to deal with this flower of desire, but now it's alright. Madman Chu delivered it to the door obediently, which relieved him a lot.

"The madman who is rumored to overwhelm the world is nothing more than that."

"Sure enough, the world is ignorant and only knows that it is falsehood. I have done a little trick. This madman of Chu, who is awe-inspired by the world, is not obediently reduced to a **** in my hand."

Don't mention how proud Hui Zang was.

I saw Madman Chu gradually approached the Demon Pool, and reached out to grab the Six Dust Demon Hook.

But at this moment, I saw that the calm magic pond suddenly vibrated, and blisters continued to bubble out.

The blisters undulated, faintly reflecting a weird flower.

The flower is surrounded by countless vines, the petals are purple, and in the middle of the flower bud lies a delicate and beautiful naked body, purple eyes glowing with strange magic light.

This is the flower of desire.

When the madman of Chu was curious, the flower of desire stretched out lazily, and the slender curve appeared in the petals, which was unobstructed and a feast for the eyes.

But in the next instant, countless vines penetrated the surface of the water and entangled Madman Chu's body in the blink of an eye.

A strange fragrance floated, digging into the Chu Madman's nose, stirring people's hearts.

In an instant, Rao Yi Chu's indestructible Taoist heart trembled rarely, and his desire seemed to be spurred out.

"Interesting, worthy of being the most terrifying flower of desire in the world of desire."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

Then, his eyes condensed, Dao Xin was certain, and the trace of desire that gushed out of his heart was immediately crushed by him.

The witch on the flower of desire noticed that Madman Chu was unaffected, and her mouth opened wide, as if she had seen something incredible.

You know, she is the flower of desire in the world of desire!

Taking the desire of all souls in the world as the nourishment is the incarnation of desire. Only Bo Xun, the master of desire, can resist his own power and remain unaffected.

And now, she saw the second person who was not affected by her own power.

Not far away, when Hui Zang saw Madman Chu entangled in vines, his expression became more and more joyous.

But a few breaths passed, but Madman Chu still had nothing to do, which made him quite puzzled.

"What's the matter, why is he not moving at all?"

"Perhaps, his Dao heart is firm and he is struggling with the flower of desire, um, it must be like this, but Madman Chu, you absolutely cannot resist the power of the flower of desire."

Hui Zang smiled faintly.

Then, he looked at the Six Dust Demon Hook in the pool, his figure flashed, and he swiftly moved towards him. He wanted to take this opportunity to take the Six Dust Demon Hook away first.

Near, getting closer and closer.

Moreover, the flower of desire ignored him, apparently dealing with the madman of Chu.


Everything is proceeding according to my plan.

Wait, what's the expression on the flower of desire? ?

Suddenly, when Hui Zang saw the flower of desire in the pool, her mouth opened slightly, her brows frowned with a shocked expression on her face.

The flower of desire, in shock?

What is she shocking?

Instinctively, Hui Zang felt a little bad.

But he has already come to the Demon Pool, and the Six Dust Demon is close in front of him, how could he easily give up.

Hui Zang's palm was covered with a layer of blood-colored Buddha's light, and he directly grabbed the Six Dust Demon.

"Who allowed you to touch my things without authorization?"

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded.

Hui Zang's face changed abruptly when he was about to get the Liuchen Demon Hook. In the next instant, he saw a white jade palm whistling toward his face!


With almost no resistance, Hui Zang was slapped away.

"Is it possible that this is swollen?!!!"

Hui Zang's cheeks are swollen high, UU reading www.uukanshu. com’s mouth was bleeding, several teeth were removed, and even the words were leaking.

He looked at Madman Chu with an incredible color on his face, and there were many doubts in his mind.

Why is the other party not affected by the flower of desire?

Madman Chu ignored Hui Zang, his body shook slightly, and the majestic Immortal Yuan escaped, instantly tearing the vines entwined with him.

Then, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the Six Dust Demon Hook in his hand.

"Falling Dragon and Demon Supernatural Power!!"

At this moment, Hui Zang couldn't bear it anymore, raised his hand to urge the blood-colored Buddha light, and slammed a palm at the Madman Chu, and a blood-colored dragon whistled out.

The original sacred energy of the Buddha, Dao, and magical powers were displayed in his hands, but it was dark and devilish.

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