Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Kill Hui Zang, the only person admired by Buddhism, and open the heavenly spirit co

"How can this wave of power be possible?!"

Hui Zang was confused.

Because the power of this wave of power that Madman Chu is now displaying is actually more powerful than his orthodox descendant of Bo Xun, the Seed of Extinguishing Buddha!

"You can't be the real seed of exterminating Buddha, but how can there be such a wave of power?!"

"Because the only thing you can rely on is the power of Boshun, and the power of Boshun is just one of my tools."

Madman Chu said indifferently.

In the next instant, his Golden Immortal cultivation base was fully opened, and he was indeed the fourth rank of Jinxian!

In two years, his cultivation base has risen from the first rank of Jinxian to the fourth rank. This speed can be said to be very fast, and it can even be said to be exaggerated.

After all, Golden Immortal's Ninth-Rank, one-Rank and one-Heaven, every time it takes a lot of time to improve.

Even the enchanting Tianjiao, staying in the golden fairy realm for life, unable to make progress, it is not impossible.

With the fourth rank of the Golden Immortal, plus the power of Bo Xun, the Madman Chu at this moment is really like Bo Xun's rebirth, with terrifying power swept out, and the Buddha's words yoke that bound him was bursting every inch!

Po Xunzhi's four hands pushed out horizontally and headed towards Hui Zang.

"I can't lose to you this fake, I'm the real descendant of Bo Xun!!"

Hui Zang roared, and waves of blood-colored Buddha light impacted Bo Xun's appearance.

But even so, it was still blown out.

"Ksitigarbha Zen Rod!"

At this time, Hui Zang took out a top-notch big compass, which was a Zen stick with countless Buddha's light flowing around it.

But unexpectedly, this stick was resisting Hui Zang.


Hui Zang's face changed slightly, and only then did he remember that he is now using the power of Bo Xun, how can these orthodox Buddhist and Taoist artifacts be willing to be manipulated by him?

"If the descendants of Ksitigarbha don't do it well, they just do what they can do to destroy the Buddha? Half a lifetime of hard cultivation, now it's all in vain."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

He could see that Hui Zang first got the inheritance of the Ksitigarbha king, and then became the seed of annihilation of the Buddha.

It may be tempted by the Seed of Extinguishing Buddha, unable to resist.

"What do you know, Jizo Bodhisattva's ambition is that **** is not empty, and he swears not to become a Buddha. I accept his inheritance. It is very likely that I will follow the same path as him. But this world is full of material desires and desires dominate. Hell How can I be empty? Hell is not empty, how can I become a Buddha?!!!"

"But the power of Bo Xun is different. Bo Xun is the master of the world of desire, and the world of desire is the world transformed by desire. As long as the world's desires continue, my power will continue to increase!!"

"This is the real supreme avenue!!"

Hui Zang roared, because of this, he chose to become the Seed of Extinguishing Buddha.

Everyone knows how to choose an impassable road and a road to the sky!

"Because of this?"

"Is this not enough?"

"Ha, do you know that although I don't enter Buddhism, I admire the two great abilities in Buddhism. Do you know which two they are?"


Hui Zang is also very curious, so Madman Chu still has someone to admire?

"Five levels of Buddhism, sentient beings, monks, Arhats, Bodhisattvas, and Buddhas. Among the eight bodhisattvas, there are two bodhisattvas who can become Buddhas, but they do not want to be Buddhas. Those are the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and Guanyin Bodhisattva. The former promises To make a great aspiration, **** is not empty, and he swears not to become a Buddha. The latter is even more aspirational to save all living beings. These two Bodhisattvas are the people I admire most in Buddhism."

Madman Chu said lightly.

The **** is not empty, and you will never become a Buddha.

To universally save sentient beings, but how many sentient beings, how to save them?

These two great aspirations can be said to be almost impossible to accomplish, but Ksitigarbha and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva have made these ambitions without complaint or regret.

Otherwise, based on the cultivation of these two people, one would have achieved the highest attainment Buddha long ago.

Even though he is arrogant like a madman in Chu, he still has a trace of respect for these two people.

At the beginning, he created his own way, which in the eyes of everyone is also impossible, but he still has no complaints and has moved forward!

Even now, he doesn't know whether his own way can be in harmony?

But he will go straight ahead and step down all obstacles!

"Hmph, it is extremely ignorant to set an impossible ambition to delay becoming a Buddha!"

Hui Zang snorted coldly and sneered.

"So, you are not worthy to be the descendant of Ksitigarbha. Even in front of me, you, the seed of the extinction of the Buddha, are even more ridiculous. You are afraid of the way of the Ksitigarbha and cannot become a Buddha. Instead, you transform yourself into the desire of the seed of the extinction of Buddha. The way, but you are not Bo Xun, you cannot become the master of desire, you are just a slave of desire.”

Madman Chu said indifferently, his words were as sharp as a knife, and Hui Zang's expression changed, and the Buddha's light on his body became uncertain.

Killing and condemning the heart is nothing more than that!

"No, it's impossible, you are talking nonsense!!"

Hui Zang roared, urging her own wave of power to the extreme.

He knew that he was still unable to contend with Madman Chu in this way, so regardless of his own limit, he was absorbing the Heavenly Demon into his body again! !

I saw cracks gradually appeared in his figure, which would burst open at any time because of the skyrocketing power in his body.

At the moment when his figure was about to burst, he condensed all his strength, and the blood-colored Buddha light turned into a huge butcher knife, slashing at Madman Chu frantically!

"Devil Buddha will kill!!"

boom! !

Under the butcher knife, the void split one after another.

But Madman Chu was unmoved, and Bo Xunxiang looked indifferently behind him, and all his hands were raised, grabbing the butcher knife in his hand.

boom! !

The huge power exploded, and Hui Zang's body was like a deflated ball, drying out quickly, and even his own strength was rapidly weakening.

On the other hand, Madman Chu, standing on the magic pond, remained motionless.

Like an unshakable...deity! !


Hui Zang looked in horror, turning around to flee before the impact energy had dissipated.

But in the next instant, countless silver-white Dao patterns covered the void in this area, time-space sealing technique!

Under the imprisonment of the power of time and space, Hui Zang couldn't move a single inch!

In the next instant, a sword light flashed across the sky, bright and dazzling, and directly cut Hui Zang in half!

Buddhism evildoers, just fell!

After Hui Zang died, there was a purple-red light circling in the void. Upon closer inspection, it was a purple-red eye.

It is the Eye of Porzun!

In other words, it is the seed of Buddha extinction left by Bo Xun!

Madman Chu looked at this Buddha-destroying Seed with some curiosity, but in the next instant, those purple-red eyes were flying towards him with the momentum of thunder!


Madman Chu snorted softly, and the immortal yuan on his body turned into a barrier, trying to block it.

But he underestimated the power of these was actually penetrated by the barrier of the immortal yuan directly into his body.

Immediately afterwards, a seductive voice echoed in his ears.

"Do you want power?"

"Refining and destroying the seeds of Buddha, with your genius, this is the second wave, and you are the new master of the world of desire!"

Madman Chu listened to this voice and snorted coldly, and then, the sword finger condensed, and it was actually the heavenly spirit that pointed at him!


The sword aura penetrated through the heavenly spirit, and then brought out a purple-red eye, which is the seed of annihilating the Buddha.

The flower of desire under the magic pond trembled secretly.

This is a ruthless person, his Tianling cover opened as soon as he opened it, and he could easily resist the temptation of Bo Xun.

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