Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Laojuncheng, 8 hexagram furnace, Qinghua Shaoyu appeared

   Chapter 1479 Laojun City, Eight Diagrams Furnace, Qinghua Shaoyu Appears

  Laojun City, named after a great alchemy power in the ancient times, Taishang Laojun.

  It is said that the old monarch's alchemy technique is the best in the immortal world, no one can compare, and was once regarded as a guest by the Kunlun fairy court.

   And Laojun City is the place where Laojun once preached.

  Today, it is the largest alchemy holy land in the immortal world, and there are a large number of alchemists gathered here in the city.

  Now, a huge alchemy furnace stands in the middle of the city!

  The alchemy furnace is as high as tens of thousands of feet, three legs, and the whole body is black gold, and the furnace body is engraved with gossip patterns, and countless mysterious runes are carved on the surface of the alchemy furnace, which is extremely mysterious.

  This thing is the unparalleled chance that appeared in Laojuncheng in the rumor, the gossip sacred furnace!

Many monks had gathered around the sacred furnace, and everyone looked at the sacred furnace with a fiery color in their eyes.

   "It is said that this gossip sacred furnace is the old man alchemy, and I don’t know how many mysterious pills are hidden in the furnace."

"Yes, it is said that Lao Jun once refined a kind of golden pill, the name calls the nine-turned golden pill, ordinary people serve it, stand up to the immortal, and immortal serve it, and then it can attack the Daluo fruit status! It can be described as extremely powerful, even Those golden immortals who have already proven Daluo are also extremely jealous of this Nine Ranked Golden Core."

   "You said if I could find a golden pill in this gossip sacred furnace, wouldn't it take off on the spot?!"


  There was a lot of discussion.

  At this time, the clouds were surging in the distance, and a golden carriage came into the sky.

  The carriage is pulled by six gods, each of which is a rare Pegasus, and this Pegasus alone has the strength comparable to a real fairy.

  And on the carriage, sat a man shrouded in aura.

   "Shenjun pulling a cart, this is, Ji family!"

   "Ji family, one of the oldest aristocratic families in the immortal world, unexpectedly, the Ji family also came."

   "The Ji family is not far from here, and the gossip sacred furnace is present, how could they not come?"

  A group of monks looked at the golden carriage, and their eyes showed fear.

  Ji family, this is the ancient family of the Xian family. It is said that there are two big fairy courts behind it.

  The most outstanding evildoer of the Ji family today is the Xuanyuan heir Ji Wu who holds the Xuanyuan sword and joins the human emperor sect.

  In addition to Ji Wu, there are also many outstanding talents in Ji's family.

  Now in front of everyone, besides Que Ji Wu, the most well-known one, named Ji De, is said to have entered the golden fairy realm, not much worse than Ji Wu.

at this time.

  There was a roar in the distance, and I saw a unicorn stepping into the air, burning with flames.

  Wherever you go, the void has a feeling of being burnt and distorted.

   "It's the evildoer of Qilin Cave!"

   "It's a unicorn forging!"

  Kirin Forging, one of the evildoers of the Kirin Cave, the cultivation base is similar to Ji De, and it has reached the realm of Golden Fairy.

at this time.

  There are nine fire lights in the sky, and each fire light represents a very rare kind of sacred fire, and each one is a sacred fire in the list of sacred fires!

  And these nine sacred fires merged in the void, and turned into a group of nine-colored sacred fire!

  A vast fire power swept out, and it was even worse than Qilin Forge.

   "This is... the fire of Jiumai!"

  The sharp-eyed monk recognized the meaning of these nine-color flames at a glance.

   "He is here!"

  In the past few years, many evildoers have risen to fame in the fairy world.

  And one of them is good at manipulating this nine-magical fire, that is the evildoer of the Xianting Fire Department, Huo Tong!

  Amidst the fire of Jiuwei, a handsome young man walked out slowly.

  Compared with the appearance of a child many years ago, the Huo Tong is now handsome and handsome, and his aura is stronger than that of Ji De and Qilin Forging.

  "The gossip sacred furnace, it is rumored that there are six heavenly fires in it, and its flames are more than my nine-maid sacred fire. I really want to see it."

   Huo Tong whispered.

  There are two kinds of sacred fires in this world, one is the innate sacred fire, and the other is the sacred fire of cultivation.

  The former are all written on the Sacred Fire List, while the latter, although not on the Sacred Fire List, some practice fires are not worse than those on the Sacred Fire List, or even better.

  Such as Jiumai Shenhuo, Liuding Tianhuo.

  The three enchanting evildoers appeared together, which surprised many Tianjiao, but at the same time, they were a little worried about this trip to the gossip sacred furnace.

  After all, they are here to compete for opportunities, naturally the fewer opponents the better.

  But now, the pressure brought by the three evildoers is not small.

   can be followed immediately, the clouds are surging in the distance, the cyan brilliance is permeated, and the sound of Taoism sings out bursts.

  In the void, a white lion with nine heads stepped forward, and the terrifying demonic coercion spread out!

  Nine lions, this is an extremely powerful beast.

  Not much worse than Divine Phoenix, Qilin.

  And what shocked everyone even more was that on the back of the nine lions, there was a man in a cyan robe sitting.

  The man was surging with Xianhui, and the sound of wind and thunder echoed all over his body, with a cyan long sword hanging from his waist, and the vast and powerful pressure enveloped the world.

  The appearance of this person made many people gasp.

  "It's the Younger of Qinghua!!"

   "The Qinghua Shaoyu, one of the six immortal courts, he is here!"

  In this era of evildoers and Tianjiao, there are some people who can always stand at the top.

  Kunlun Xianting Six Royals is one of these few people.

   "Shao Yu."

  Seeing the incoming person, Huo Tong stepped forward and bowed slightly.

   "Hmm." Qinghua Shaoyu nodded slightly, "Your cultivation base is progressing well, and you have broken through the golden fairy realm."

  Obviously, this is not the first time he and Huo Tong have met.

  "Not as good as Shaoyu."

   Huo Tong said, as far as he knows, Qinghua Shaoyu had broken through the golden fairy two years ago.

  He couldn't help but think of the Ziwei Shaoyu, whom he had been loyal to. If the other party did not die, his current achievements would not necessarily be lower than Qinghua Shaoyu.

  Thinking of this, another figure appeared in his mind.

  A figure that has brought him infinite humiliation!

  "This gossip sacred furnace has been in dust for many years, and it has only recently appeared. It is not an easy task to open it. Let's join hands and open it."

   Qinghua Shaoyu said.

  He wants everyone to work together to open the gossip furnace, and he also wants to see the strength of everyone present.

  "Shao Yu invited, UU reading dare not refuse, please."

  Jide said, with a respectful tone in her tone.

  When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help showing a strange color in their eyes.

  The rumor that the Ji family is backed by two immortal courts seems to be true, otherwise Ji De's attitude towards Qinghua Shaoyu would not be so respectful.

   "In that case, let's do it."

   Qilin Duan said, before he raised his hand, a large amount of flames skyrocketed, turning into a huge unicorn foot, which was about to blast out at any time.

   And a sword also appeared in Jide’s hand.

  The long sword was out of its sheath, and a noble aura spread out. That is, the sword of the emperor of the Ji family!

  It is rumored that although this sword is not comparable to Xuanyuan Sword, it is also the top kendo fairy weapon second only to Xuanyuan Sword in the immortal world. It is infinitely powerful when matched with the Ji family's emperor sword tactics.

  Jide held up the Emperor Sword, a huge sword shadow emerged out of thin air.

   Huo Boy also urged the Nine-Mashy Divine Fire, and Qinghua Shaoyu’s long sword was unsheathed from his waist, and a blue sword aura was the first to cut it out!

  The rest of the people urged the fairy law out and blasted the gossip **** furnace together!

  (End of this chapter)

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