Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : Kill the fire boy, I didn’t hear clearly, Qinghua Shaoyu was angry

Inside the gossip furnace, the fire is overwhelming.

This gossip furnace is very mysterious, and there is a world of flame hidden inside. Madman Chu and others suddenly felt a wave of fire rushing toward their faces after entering it.

Many Tianjiao were blushing and sweating by the fire wave.

"Good fellow, is this Liuding Tianhuo?!"

"Sure enough!"

"Liu Ding Tian Huo is not so weak. This is just a little breath of Tian Huo. The real Liu Ding Tian Huo is a flame comparable to the top ten on the Shen Huo list."

Six heavenly fires, the flames rumored to be used by the old man in alchemy, can refine all things in the world.

It is said that the ape ancestor who made a big trouble in Xian Ting at the beginning also suffered from this old gentleman's gossip furnace, and was almost refined by the fire of this day.

Madman Chu waved his sleeves, and the surrounding flames were immediately isolated.

He took Yin Honghua and walked all the way towards the depths of the Eight Diagrams Furnace. The closer he was to the center, the more powerful his flames became.


There was a group of golden light shimmering in front of him. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a golden pill.

The pill fragrance floated for a while, and everyone could not help taking a deep breath. The pill gas entered the body, and everyone felt that the whole body was comfortable, and the flow of immortal yuan was actually smoother.

"What a mysterious pill!"

"If I can take this pill, my cultivation level will definitely improve a lot."

"Is this the Ninth Rank Golden Core?!"

Everyone looked at the golden pill with fiery eyes.

But at this moment, in front of the pill, an extra figure suddenly appeared, but it was the demon Huo Tong of the Xianting Fire Department!

Nine-colored flames circulated around him, powerful.

Madman Chu glanced at him, "Interesting, it seems that you have found a lot of magic fire for me."

Hearing this, Huo Tong's face became extremely gloomy as soon as he brushed it.

At the beginning, he got a picture of the sacred fire that recorded thirty-three kinds of sacred fires, but he did not expect that he was regarded as a tool man by the Madman of Chu.

Madman Chu's words reminded him of that humiliating experience, and the divine fire on his body couldn't help but boil.

"Oh, you seem to want to do it."

Madman Chu said playfully.

Huo Tong took a deep breath, knowing that he was not the opponent's opponent, and didn't even want to take the pill, so he turned and left.


But at this time, Madman Chu stopped him.

"Madman Chu, what else do you want, I have left you all the medicine."

"A mere pill is nothing, what I want is the sacred fire on your body."

Madman Chu said lightly, and as he raised his hand, Xian Yuan was spinning, and a big hand of Xian Yuan suddenly grabbed it, which was extremely terrifying.

"Deception too much!!!"

Huo Tong roared, his tone trembling a little.

That anger in his heart!

He just forbeared it, but Madman Chu was pressing hard every step of the way!

Unbearable, no more tolerable! !

"I will let you see today, my progress over the years!"

Huo Tong roared, and the Jiu Mei Divine Fire on his body spewed out and smashed into Xian Yuan's big hand.

His current cultivation base is already a golden immortal, and this nine-magical divine fire is so extraordinary, it actually made him abruptly break through the madman of Chu's immortal hand.

"Is it the only way?"

But Madman Chu was unmoved, and between raising his hands, the golden red phoenix fire roared out, using his cultivation base to display this phoenix fire, the power is much stronger than before!

Huang Huo to Jiu Mei Divine Fire!

The two flames intertwined, engulfing the surrounding six sky fires, and the three flames intertwined in the void, turning into a terrifying flame tornado storm.

In a crash!

The flame exploded and formed an astonishing wave of fire, which slapped all around frantically.

Seeing this, Tianjiao all around couldn't help but back off again and again.

Even Huo Tong himself couldn't help but retreat hundreds of feet. On the other hand, Madman Chu stood motionless.

The raging fire wave swept over him, like a breeze, at best it only blew his white clothes into hunting noises, and couldn't hurt half of his hair at all.

"This person's strength is beyond me, go!"

Huo Tong seemed to be mad by Chu Kuang's popularity, but in fact he still retained a trace of reason, and did not stay to continue head-on with Chu Kuangren.

He knew that it would be a dead end!

It's just a pity that even though he has self-knowledge, he was targeted by the madman of Chu, and the result was already destined.

"You can't go."

Madman Chu said lightly, gently raising his hand, and a strange twisting force field suddenly appeared.

It is the magical power of the black hole **** and monster body, the black hole is greatly distorted!

The horrible suction force binds the fire boy to death like invisible shackles, making him irresistible!

"Damn it, break it open for me!!"

The fire boy frantically urged the Jiu Mei Shenhuo in an attempt to break free.

But a sword energy has flown by, tearing apart the Jiumei Divine Fire around him, and slashing on his body.

A large amount of blood spewed out, but then it was evaporated by the surrounding flames.

The fire boy was hit hard by this sword, lying on the ground, his breath was extremely weak.

Madman Chu saw him, he couldn't help but sighed, "Oh, are you still alive?"

He was a little surprised.

Although he didn't use his full strength with the sword just now, logically speaking, it should be enough to kill Fire Boy, but the opponent did not die.

This evoked a trace of interest from Madman Chu, "Xiao Ai, analyze the other party."


With the deepening of Xiaoai's analysis, Madman Chu also gradually learned about Fire Boy.

Compared with a few years ago, the current Fire Boy's strength is indeed much stronger than that of the past, but these are not the main reasons why the opponent can block his own sword energy.

"The physical body has been specially strengthened, a certain method of refining the body..."

Madman Chu murmured, the reason why Huo Tong was able to block his sword aura was that in addition to his cultivation base, the more important thing was that the opponent had also practiced some kind of body refining method. Now, the opponent's physical strength has not reached the level of physical strength Jinxian's level, but not far from it.

"Dry Yan's real body, melt it for me!"

At this time, a strong suction burst out from the fire boy, drawing the six divine fires around him into his body, and the originally sluggish fairy body was recovering quickly.

He was able to recover his injuries by absorbing the breath of fire.

"This method of refining the body is interesting."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, and then his figure flashed, came to the sky above the opponent, stepped on it, and a terrifying Yin-Yang Taiji diagram fell, directly pressing the opponent on the ground.

At this time, a sword qi flew from a distance.

The madman of Chu condenses his sword, UU reads www.uukanshu. Com shattered the sword qi, looking at the source of the sword qi, saw Qinghua Shaoyu slowly walking towards him riding a nine lion.

"Friends of Chu Dao, you have to forgive others and forgive others, Huo Tong has been defeated, you just let go..."

boom! !

Qinghua Shaoyu hadn't finished speaking yet, he saw Madman Chu alone, and the yin and yang picture under his feet was crushed like a piece of heaven and earth, crushing the fire boy into a cloud of blood mist and exploded on the spot!

Groups of sacred fire flew out, and he was grasped by him. He looked at Qinghua Shaoyu and said lightly: "What did you just say? I didn't hear clearly."

Qing Hua Shaoyu's face became gloomy with a brush, and cyan brilliance bloomed on his body.

A majestic coercion spread around him.

He was angry.

Madman Chu stood in place, playing with the Universe Ring that he had just obtained from Huo Tong in his hands. The clouds were calm and gentle, and he didn't care about Qinghua Shaoyu's anger.

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