Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Zhang Zi Beiming is close to Hedao, and Hedao Power has appeared in succession,

The latest website: On the fairy court, dozens of big Luo jointly shot, just to resist Bei Ming's palm!

The dark palm of the gods contained infinite power and pressed down, making Bafang Da Luo change his color, Da Luo Yi burst out, all kinds of immortal magic supernatural powers, out of nowhere!

Boom, boom, boom! !

After a series of loud noises, the surrounding void exploded one after another, making the void seem to be shattered again!

And dozens of Da Luo could not help but fly upside down under this terrifying impact. Some people's faces were pale, and they looked at Bei Ming in shock!

"In his mind, there is Taoism! He is close to the Tao!"

"The line of gods and demons is really terrible!"

The realm of Hedao, even in the ancient times, was a figure that stood at the top.

Since this era, there have not been many co-Taoes born, and each of them was once a character who ran across the universe and suppressed the contemporary era.

"Xian Ting, angering the line of gods and demons is your biggest unwise!"

Bei Ming said indifferently, and between raising his hands, the majestic spirit of the gods and demons would explode again.

At this moment, in the depths of the fairy garden, mysterious runes flowed, and every rune seemed to be the ultimate evolution of Tao!

That is, Dao Ze! !

The power of the Tao is overwhelming!

"Hedao shot!"

You Da Neng said in shock.

Even Bei Ming had a dignified look in his eyes.

next moment.

The mysterious Dao converged in the void, turned into a chain and shot out, lasing towards Beiming.


With a cold snort, Bei Ming urged the gods and demons to the extreme, and the power of Dao Ze that had not yet been fully formed also exploded, crashing with the power of that complete Dao Ze.

But Bei Ming was not a true Hedao after all, and under the impact, he took a few steps backwards.

"I'll help you!"

Zhang Zi said, he saw the book in his hand blooming with supreme brilliance, countless pages of the book fluttered, and characters flew out from it, containing the profound meaning of the chain.

"Zhang Zi, it's close to harmony."

Someone said in surprise.

"Hundred schools of academies also had the realm of harmony in the ancient times. Although it has declined, the foundation is still extraordinary."

"Yes, if this picture doesn't die this time, it will become a solidarity in the future, it is almost a certainty."

Everyone looked at Zhang Zi, and Bei Ming's eyes showed envy.

You know, it is extremely difficult for Jinxian to achieve Da Luo, but it is even more difficult for Da Luo to achieve harmony!

And now in front of them, there are two and a half-footed Da Luo, how can they not be envious?

They were envious to death.

Zhang Zi and Bei Ming joined forces and finally broke the chain.

But in the next instant, in the depths of the fairy garden, a more vigorous and majestic Taoist force leaped into the air, and it was about to pour out.

Everyone was surprised when they saw this.

"The blow just now was not Hedao's full strength. This time, Bei Ming, Zhang Zi is not so easy to block it."

"The power of harmony is unpredictable."

"The two people, although they are half-step together, but after all, they are not true together."

Someone said with emotion.

The gap between Hedao and Daluo is too big, even if it is half-step, it is not Hedao after all.

And just as that Dao was about to sweep out, the void where Xian Ting was located suddenly shook crazily again. In the distance, an invisible force swept out with an extremely terrifying air of destruction, and the whole Xian Ting was in This force kept shaking, and even the Dao Ze was broken one after another! !

This scene caused everyone to take a breath.

"Well, what is going on?!"

"Which power is here again? This breath is from the same line of gods and demons."

"he came."

But Bei Ming also noticed something, looking into the distance, a strange color revealed in his eyes.

I saw a figure with gray robe and white hair coming from the void, every move contained an unspeakable domineering!

That kind of domineering is almost destroying everything, turning the world into nothingness!

It is, one of the seven gods and demons, nothingness!

"A group of old people who are not ashamed and bully my line of gods and demons. Now, being a Harmony but bullying a big Luo, Xian Ting is really good-natured!"

The indifferent voice echoed in the void.

In the void body, the boundless gods and demons aura swept out the Tao, stirring the entire Xian Ting, the Xian Ting building collapsed one by one under the impact of this force.

There were even many Xiantian monks who were affected and fell on the spot!

In the depths of the fairy garden, a white-haired old man suddenly opened his eyes, and countless lines spread out on his body, colliding with nothingness.

The old man in white appeared in the sky above the fairy garden, looking at nothingness, and said lightly: "God and devil are nothingness, long time nowhere."

"It's Immortal Emperor Desperate Heart!"

"He seems to know nothing."

Quite a few magnates are secretly surprised.

In Xian Ting, the great power of Hedao realm will be respected as the Xiandi.

For example, the fairy emperor Ziwei and the fairy emperor Qinghua in the ancient times.

And it is said that three immortal emperors appeared in the Kunlun fairy garden of this era, and the immortal emperor Jue Xin was one of them.

"Xiandi Desolate Heart, don't talk nonsense, I am here today to kill people!"

Void said indifferently, the spirit of the gods and demons on his body, like the boundless sea, poured out, and madly collided with the way of the Immortal Emperor Jue Xin.

"For a junior, do you really want to start a war of Hedao?!"

The battle of Hedao is the battle of the realm of Hedao, and this kind of existential battle can be described as earth-shaking, and its consequences are very terrifying.

"A junior?"

Hearing this, the spirit of the gods and demons in the void became more tyrannical, and there was an unbearable murderous in his eyes pouring out, "Do you know, how many years have I waited for this junior?! Do you know, what is in your mouth? What kind of future does this junior bear?! Do you know what kind of hope has been ruined in this universe because of your stupidity?!"

Three rhetorical questions made the spirit of the gods and demons in the void rise steadily.

Those in the realm of Da Luo felt the pressure, and couldn't help but shudder.

Hearing the words, Immortal Emperor Jue Xin showed a sense of sorrow in his eyes. He never expected that nothingness actually regarded Madman Chu so seriously.

"The line of gods and demons, so majestic."

An indifferent voice sounded.

Then, a black figure walked out of the void.

If there is Tao in this person, it is surrounded, and it is also an existence in the realm of harmony.

"This person is... the Black Cloud Immortal Emperor of the Eastern Emperor Xian Ting!"

Someone recognized the visitor.

This, there is another immortal emperor, another existence in the realm of Hedao!

The Black Cloud Immortal Emperor looked at nothingness with cold eyes, and with him, there were already two combined Dao realms on the side of Xian Ting.

"Two on one, I don't mind if you guys go together!"

Nothingness said indifferently.

"Nothingness, what you said, UU reading didn't know it, and thought that my gods and demons have the same line as you."

A sweet female voice sounded.

In the next instant, a boundless storm swept out of the void, and in the storm, a blue and slim figure emerged.

He was full of celestial splendor, and his face was stunning, but when he raised his hand, it was a storm of extinction!

The coming person is one of the seven gods and demons.

"Linghua, you are here."

Void glanced at each other and smiled faintly.

"Someone deceives my line of gods and demons, how can I not come?!"

In the storm, the sweet female voice said.

Everyone was amazed.

Because of a madman of Chu and the gathering of Da Luo, He Dao Da Neng appeared in succession.

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