Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : After all, the world will not tolerate, the madman will fall, and the world will fl

The madman Chu was calculated with great power, and the news that he was refined in the gossip furnace spread like wildfire, setting off a storm in the immortal realm.

Countless people were shocked when they heard the news.

Overwhelming madman!

This person has become a legend in the fairy world, a sharp sword hanging over the heads of all the young generations.

But such a person fell suddenly? !

This news was too unexpected.

Fairy world, somewhere.

In a country full of devilish energy, a young man holding a spear sat high on the throne.

In his hand, he held a jade slip.

There is only one piece of news above. Mighty can make calculations. Madman Chu is trapped in the gossip furnace and is suspected to have fallen! !

After hearing this news, Shi Tianxuan's first reaction was not to believe it, but after multiple verifications, it was proved that the news was true in all likelihood.

"The Madman Chu... is dead?!"

Shi Tianxuan whispered.

Madman Chu, who he regarded as his lifelong enemy, just died? !

That legendary man, the man who made him desperate for a while, died just like that, which made him feel like he was dreaming.

"Congratulations to the king, once Madman Chu died, no one in this world can threaten the king!"

A magic repair congratulated.

When the other demons heard the words, they all rejoiced.

"Congratulations to the king, the arrogant of the world, apart from the madman of Chu that can make the king jealous, even the goddess of the fairy court is probably not the king's opponent."

"As soon as the Madman Chu died, the king of Hecai was the leader in this world."

"Only waiting for the devil kingdom to grow, the king can further condense the devil kingdom's luck, when the time comes to prove the Da Luo, and even the way is not a problem!"

The voices of Dao Xiu from the demons continued to hear, Shi Tianxuan sat on the throne, indifferent.

Everyone looked at each other, wondering what Shi Tianxuan meant.

Is Chu Madman dead, is the king unhappy?

"You go ahead, I want to be alone."

Shi Tianxuan said lightly.

The demons retreated one by one after hearing the words.

"Oh, this madman of Chu is also a generation of outstanding people. The king has fought against this man many times, and he must be sympathetic to each other."

"Yes, this person suddenly fell, the king must have a sense of loneliness that he suddenly lost his opponent."

The demons were communicating and sighing.

After everyone left, Shi Tianxuan set up an enchantment. He sat on the throne alone, holding a sharp gun, and a smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The smile grew bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a wild laugh.

"Hahaha, Madman Chu, you are finally dead!!!"

"Die well, die well, I look forward to this day, how long did you know? You are finally dead!!"

Regardless of the image of the evildoer, Shi Tianxuan laughed loudly, trembling with laughter, as if to vent all the depression in his heart.

Only the evildoers who have fought against Madman Chu know how much pressure the other party has brought them!

It almost makes them desperate!

No one likes to chase such an opponent who can't see his back.

Madman Chu has almost become a shadow of their Dao Heart, a big mountain pressing on them.

But now, the haze has cleared, and the mountains have moved away.

Don't mention how happy and excited Shi Tianxuan is.

"Chu Madman, you are dead, then in this era, it is time for me to call the shots!!"

Shi Tianxuan smiled and looked towards the sky, holding the Gunslinger in his hand, with a spirited look.

At this moment, his Dao Heart actually seemed to be sublimated.

Except for Shi Tianxuan.

The rest of the evildoers also got the news that the Madman Chu had fallen in the gossip furnace.

Somewhere in a magnificent palace.

A young man holding a golden long sword and sitting cross-legged, who was comprehending the meaning of the sword suddenly opened his eyes.

After he got the news, although he was still excited.

But at the same time, there are some regrets.

"When Chu Kuangren died, wouldn't the Emperor Ji Shocking Secret Art be lost?"

"Sure enough, is the human emperor finally intolerable?"

Chuan Xuanyuan said with emotion.

The Xuanyuan Sword in his hand trembled slightly, and it seemed that there was also an inexplicable sentimentality.

After all, this sword was once a soldier of the emperor.

"Xuanyuanjian, from now on, you and I will stand at the peak of kendo, with your heads high for thousands of miles, there is no one in the world!!"

The Legend of Xuanyuan sighed softly, with a sense of loneliness.

Once Madman Chu died, this young generation only had Ye Zhu with a green leaf sword pupil who could compare with him in kendo.

Inside the Yaochi Holy Land.

The jade slip in Yuzhi's hand fell directly to the ground with a clang.

She paled a little, "This, this is impossible, Fellow Daoist Chu, how could he die? How could he be so graceful, how could it be possible?!"

"Mighty can calculate by himself, it is difficult for him to survive."

The Master of Yaochi Holy Land sighed lightly.

"Great power, great power, is the power of Xian Ting, right?"

Head Master Yaochi was silent, and didn't want Yuzhi to be involved in this matter.

And seeing her expression, Yuzhi knew that her guess was correct.

"Xianting Great Power, I know."

Yuzhi calmed down and said lightly.

"Yuzhi, the fairy court is powerful, you can't be impulsive."

"I know that with my little Jinxian's cultivation skills, I can't match the fairy garden."

Yuzhi is very clear about his position.

She is now a Tianjiao evildoer, but she is not a powerful person, she still needs time to grow.

"I will keep this hatred in my heart silently, Xian Ting, my Yuzhi will never end with you!!"

There was a hint of hatred in Yuzhi's eyes. As a supreme immortal body and the inheritor of Queen Mother of the West, her future is unlimited, and she may not be able to break her wrist with Xianting in the future.


In the Phoenix Nest.

A figure soared out into the sky, and the boundless phoenix flame burned, sweeping through the nine heavens and ten earth.

The vastness is overwhelming, and the surrounding mountains and rivers are shaking.

"The Madman Chu has fallen. Feng Qingtian is no longer afraid. Now is the opportunity to be born!!"

Feng Qingtian looked at the sky of thousands of miles, and his eyes showed bold fighting spirit.

In the Phoenix Nest, there is also a new Phoenix Girl who is in retreat. She is Chu Hong, and she has also learned about the Madman Chu.


"Brother is absolutely impossible to die like this!"

Her face was full of determination, and she didn't believe this news.

Even though everyone thought Madman Chu had fallen, she still believed that the other party was still alive.

"I want to practice hard and wait for my brother to return."

Chu Hong whispered.

On the other side, within Jinwu Tianshan.

A golden and red dome stood on top of a mountain, surrounded by auras flooding into it.

Just today.

The dome burst violently, and golden crow fires gushed out of it.

I saw a figure walking out of it. If there is a Tianjiao who has worked hard in the starry sky arena here, you may be able to recognize that this person is the Golden Crow Shaozu who has been beheaded by the Mad Chu.

"Madman Chu, Madman Chu, you wouldn't expect that a ray of my consciousness is attached to this golden crow fetus. Although you killed me, I can use the golden crow fetus to be and Get a better talent than before!" Jinwu Shaozu sensed the new power surging in his body and smiled faintly.

The Golden Crow Dao fetus was the reward he got from the last floor of the Ziwei Star Heavenly Dao Pagoda.

This fetus is the direct bloodline of the ancestor of the Golden Crow. It is very powerful and contains infinite potential.

He is even better than the previous one.

Now that he is reborn with the help of this fetus, it can be said to be a blessing in disguise.

"The Madman Chu is dead, and my chance to re-enter the world is here!"

Jinwu Shaozu whispered.

The evildoers from all parties in the immortal world heard the news that the Madman Chu had died.

When Madman Chu was overwhelming the world, none of these evildoers dared to appear easily, but now, after the news of his fall spread, all of them couldn't help making waves.


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