Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 149: : Xiaodaotong, 0 mountain formations, even children

  The power of the human mountain gradually dissipated, and the thundering sky was lying on the ground, the bones on his body shattered, the blood flow continued, and he was hit hard by a single move!

   He asked Madman Chu to pay the price, but he never thought that he couldn't stand a few moves in front of the opponent and was beaten to death.

   The face of the guardian of the thundering sky changed drastically, and he quickly appeared, guarding him behind him, staring at Madman Chu with a guard.

   At the same time, his heart is also very shocked.

   He guessed that Madman Chu would be very strong, but he didn't expect to be so strong that he would severely wound Lei Mingtian within a few strokes, and in the process, the opponent did not even use his best swordsmanship.

so horrible!

   This kind of combat power, some veteran supreme may not have it.

  The rest of the monks were also full of horror, especially the protectors of Tianjiao. Although they were very happy to see the terrible situation of Thundering Heaven, they were more afraid of the current strength of the Chu Madman.

   This kind of existence, how can their Tianjiao fight against it?

   How could it be possible to compete! !

   At this time, the clouds were surging in the distance, and a little road boy wearing a robe and a hair bun came slowly.

   This boy does not seem to have a high level of cultivation, just a hole in his cultivation, but his body is full of radiance, and he wears all treasures, and the whisk in his hand is a rare holy artifact.

   Everyone couldn't help but look fierce when they saw this, and they wished to take the little Dao Tong clean and take all the treasures as their own, but the next words of the little Dao Tong made everyone dismiss this idea.

   "The teacher is already waiting inside, you can follow me."

   Xiaodaotong said to everyone.

   Who is the teacher in his mouth, as long as the people present are not stupid, they can guess, that is the saint in Baimei Mountain.

   This little Taoist is actually a person next to the saint.

   Everyone followed this trail boy toward the depths of Baimei Mountain, and Madman Chu did the same. He didn't even look at the thunderous sky like a dead dog on the ground. The other party looked to him like a stone on the side of the road.

   gets in the way, just kick it away.

   No one will smash to the end with a stone.

   Not far away, Ao Cang, Lin Batian and others couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness and pity for the same sickness when they saw this scene.

   They can live to this day. It is estimated that it is not the Madman Chu who can't kill them, nor is it because the Madman Chu is afraid to start the war of unification.

   It is that they are of no importance to Madman Chu. Whether to kill or not depends on the mood of the other party.

   Thinking of this, several people looked at each other, feeling a little sad.

   The most destructive thing in this world is that you regard the other party as a lifelong enemy, but the other party does not take you at all.

   Especially for Ao Cang and Yuan Hong, this kind of thing is more uncomfortable than directly causing them to die.


   Following the little Dao Tong, the group gradually went deep into the mountains.

   Gradually, they found that something was wrong. The closer they got to the depths, their footsteps became heavier and heavier, as if they were being crushed by a mountain, making it difficult to move.

   Some Supremes who have been here are not surprised by this situation.

   "It has reached the range of the Qianshan Formation."

   A supreme whispered.

  "What is Qianshan Formation?" Some monks were puzzled.

   "Thousand Mountain Formation, this is a formation laid by the saint. If you want to hear the saint's preaching, you must first walk through this formation!"

"Yes, the range of the Qianshan Formation is only a thousand feet, but every one zhang will add a mountain of power, so it is called the Qianshan Formation, even if the Venerable wants to walk through this Qianshan Formation, it is not an easy task. "

   some Supremes who have been here explained.

   Someone curiously looked towards the front, a little peasant boy who looked no pressure, and said: "Then he has nothing to do, he is just a virtual world."

   "Nonsense, people are the people around the saint, how could this thousand mountain formations affect the other party."

   A monk noticed that the whisk in Xiao Dao Tong's hand was spinning rounds of Dao Yun, to counteract the power of the Qianshan Formation for Xiao Dao Tong.

   Qianshan Formation, but Qianzhang, Qianzhang can be walked by most monks in the blink of an eye, but now it is difficult to move an inch.

   Some monks with insufficient strength were directly pressed on the ground when they first stepped into the Qianshan Formation, and it was difficult to even move their fingers.

   Most of the cultivators who can walk are above the cave, but even these cultivators have a very difficult walk, and their spiritual power is violently consumed.

   The most annoying thing is the little road boy leading the way. He is not affected by the Qianshan Formation. He is still playing on the road, either chasing butterflies, or squatting down to look at bugs and flowers.

   Half an hour passed, only two hundred feet away, you know, every second they stay in the formation will consume one more spiritual power.

   "Dao Tong, can you go faster."

   A monk couldn't help but speak.

   Dao Tong said without turning his head: "What's the hurry, the road ahead is more difficult to walk, so if you can't make it, don't go."

   Thousand-mountain formations, one more mountain for every ten feet, and now they haven't even finished half of them. If this can't hold it, the latter will be even more difficult.

   Everyone felt helpless.

  It is correct to say that, but if they consume spiritual power like this, they will not even think about the way down.

   "Eh, it's a swallowtail butterfly."

   At this time, Xiao Dao Tong exclaimed and saw a golden butterfly, and immediately ran up to catch it, but the butterfly flapped its wings and flew away, Xiao Dao Tong immediately chased him up.

   I saw the swallowtail butterfly flying, and finally stopped on a long, white finger.

   Xiao Dao Tong looked around, and was surprised when he saw Madman Chu stop the swallowtail butterfly on his finger without doing anything.

  Chu madman smiled handed the butterfly on his fingertip to Xiao Dao Tong, but the other party did not answer it, just staring at him in a daze.

   "Little brother, I will fly away if I don't catch the butterfly."

   Chu Madman said aloud.

   Xiao Dao Tong realized this, folded his palms and put the butterfly on the palm of his hand, took a closer look and released it.

   Then he looked at Chu Kuangren and said, "Big Brother, you are so good-looking, my master is not as good as you."

   "Little brother, the saint preaches, we can't let the saint wait for a long time, can we go faster?" Chu Madman laughed.

   "Well, big brother, the road behind is very difficult to walk. If you can't walk, take my hand. With the dust from the teacher, this formation will be useless for you."

   Xiao Daotong said triumphantly, and even opened the back door to Madman Chu under the eyes of everyone.

   This caused many monks' mouths to twitch, and their hearts were acidic.

   Ma Dan, this is so good that it is popular everywhere.

   "This Madman of Chu looks too enchanting, even children." A monk said with emotion.

   In fact, Xiao Dao Tong didn't just think Mad Chu was good-looking, but was attracted by the other party's banal temperament. Xiao Dao Tong was innocent by nature, and instinctively intimacy made him feel comfortable.

   is the same as the butterfly approaching Madman Chu.

   Xiao Dao Tong speeded up his pace, everyone followed, and soon walked half of the Qianshan Formation, but the more he went, the stronger the formation, and more and more people couldn't hold on.

   In the end, fewer than five thousand people can walk through the Qianshan Formation and come to the palace where the saint lives.

   Don’t think that there are a lot of five thousand people. This time the saint’s preaching attracted hundreds of thousands of monks, but now, fewer than five thousand people have walked through the Qianshan Formation, maybe less than one percent.


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