Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : Ranking on the immortal list, you bother me to miss my son

In Laojun City, the alchemy feast begins, and all alchemy masters all put out their proud works for auction.

Every Tianjiao would not hesitate to take a photo of the elixir he likes when he sees it.

"The medicinal pill to be sold next is not simple, it is a Rank Seven Golden Pill!!"

An auctioneer said.

On the counter in front of him, there was a golden pill with seven golden Dao patterns on it.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but brighten up.

The method of refining the golden core is passed down from the ancient monarch, and it is said that the golden core is divided into three turns, five turns, seven turns, and the highest nine turns.

As for the highest level nine golden core refining method has been lost, and the seventh level golden core is the highest level golden core that alchemists can refine. Although its effect is not as good as the nine-level golden core that can make people impact Da Luo, But it was also enough to raise a golden immortal's cultivation base by a level, which was very precious.

After this golden pill appeared, many Tianjiao were in an uproar. Looking at the pill, their breathing became heavy.

"If I can get this golden core, I will definitely be able to break through the golden immortal in one fell swoop, and even reach the second rank of golden immortal!"

"You guy who hasn't reached the golden immortal dare to covet this kind of treasure pill, a joke!"

"This golden pill, my Ji family wants it!"

At this moment, an indifferent voice sounded.

Not far away, a young man sitting in the air with a long sword in his hand said lightly.

This person is one of the famous evildoers in the younger generation, Ji De!

Hearing that it was the Ji family who wanted this golden pill, the Tianjiao evildoers of the other forces couldn't help showing their dread. After all, the Ji family was backed by two immortal courts, with a terrifying background.

"This golden pill, will you give it to the Ji family if you want it?"

Another indifferent voice sounded.

This time, it was a man wearing a golden armor. This man was holding a halberd in his hand, with a horn on his head, and his aura was very strong.

There is no half-person figure near him, and even close to him, one can feel a strong pressure.

"It's the third prince of Dragon Palace!"

When someone saw the man, he immediately recognized his identity.

Dragon Palace, this is a top giant-level power in the fairy world, second only to overlord-level powers like Xian Ting.

"I want these Rank 7 Golden Cores, and no one is allowed to grab it with me!"

Prince Longsan said, a pair of golden dragon eyes scanned the audience, making everyone shudder.

"Gold core auctions, naturally, the higher bidder wins."

A man wearing a black robe with a black long sword hanging from his waist said lightly.

"The devil country is side by side king, hate Changtian!!"

The identity of this black robe man is equally daunting.

Among the young generations of the immortal world, some people have begun to form forces to become the master of the immortal world.

The Demon Kingdom is a force formed by the Demon Dao evildoer Shi Tianxuan. This country is entirely composed of Demon Cultivators and has collected many Demon Dao Tianjiao.

And Hate Changtian, was named a side-by-side king in the devil country. His cultivation is so strong that it is said to be one of the few princes second only to the master of the devil country, Shi Tianxuan, and is also an extremely powerful evildoer.

In addition to hating Changtian and Longsan, there are also some Tianjiao evildoers who have expressed that they are bound to win this seventh-ranked golden pill.

Everyone is famous and a leader among the younger generation.

"This time, Laojuncheng's alchemy feast is really lively and extraordinary. There have been so many Tianjiao evildoers."

"Yes, and each one should not be underestimated."

"I heard that these people are not only here for the alchemy feast, but also related to the recent ranking of the immortals."

"Xianban ranking? How does it have anything to do with this matter?"

The immortal ranking is something that a mysterious organization in the immortal world has recently made. It is said to be a ranking based on the record of the enchanting Tianjiao of all parties in the immortal world. The higher the ranking, the greater the possibility of becoming the lord of the immortal world in the future, although some Exaggeration, but to a certain extent, it is also a manifestation of strength.

Anyone on the list is a top-notch evildoer in the fairy world.

"Everyone, don't forget, the purpose of coming this time." Ji De said indifferently.

"We are naturally aware of the immortal rankings that dare to rank us behind that person. This time I have to prove my strength. The so-called immortal rankings are nonsense!"

Third Prince Long said with a cold snort.

"If this is the case, then this Seventh Rank Gold Pill will get the higher price."


Everyone began to auction the seven-ranked golden pill, and finally, this golden pill was photographed by Ji De.

The Ji family has strong financial resources, and Ji De, as the ultimate evildoer cultivated by the Ji family, has immortal crystals piled up like a mountain, and everyone is not surprised that he can photograph the golden core.

"Look, someone is coming."

Someone noticed that outside Laojun City, a silver-white figure came slowly, braving the wind and sand.

If it is an ordinary person, everyone will naturally not care.

But this silver figure is too extraordinary.

She was dressed in silver armor, gorgeous and extraordinary, her head covered in silver hair like snow, her face was exquisitely beautiful, her whole body was enveloped in a faint fairy radiance, giving people the feeling that they could only be seen from a distance.

Holy, arrogant, like a god.

"The rumors are correct, she really came here."

"Huh, it's really infatuation. This Madman Chu has been dead for twenty years. She actually visits Laojun City every once in a while."

"In addition to her, I heard that Chu Hong, a female Phoenix Nest Phoenix, Yuzhi, a saint in the Yaochi, and some other well-known evildoers occasionally come here to cherish the memory. I don’t understand what a dead person has to remember, Chu A man like a madman is good only if he is dead. He is immortal, so we rise up like this?"

"Ranked eleventh on the fairy list, Lan Yu!"

Someone looked at the silver-haired woman walking towards Laojun City, their eyes gradually becoming serious.

Even the enchanting evildoer like Ji De and Longsan had a straight face, because this woman was the reason why they came here on this trip.

However, Lan Yu turned a blind eye to Prince Longsan and the others, and walked straight to Laojun Lu, looking at the huge oven, her azure blue eyes showed a trace of nostalgia.

"My son, it's been twenty years, and I don't know when you will come out."

Lan Yu whispered.

The world only thinks that Madman Chu has fallen, but a very small number of people such as Lan Yu have always believed that the other party must not have died yet, but was temporarily trapped.

Especially Lan Yu. Twenty years ago, she left the academy to travel through the fairy world and improve her strength.

Every once in a while, he would come to Laojuncheng and wait for the madman Chu to come out.

"Lan Yu, you are finally here, we have been waiting for a long time."

Several streamers came behind Lan Yu, and the person speaking was Prince Longsan.

But Lan Yu ignored the other party, his gaze was still looking at the gossip furnace, UU reading www. didn't know if it was an illusion. Compared with the previous few visits, she felt that the temperature of the Bagua furnace had dropped a lot.

Moreover, the Dao pattern engraved on it is also much weaker, and there is no such huge pressure as before.

Could it be that the son is coming out?

There was a hint of hope in Lan Yu's eyes.

"Lan Yu, we are talking to you, did you hear that?"

Prince Longsan frowned slightly.

But Lan Yu still turned a deaf ear and turned his back to everyone.


Prince Long's eyes dazzled, and he raised his hand to catch Lan Yu.

But at this time, Lan Yu burst into an extremely powerful immortal wave, which contained a strong golden nature, and directly shook the opponent out.

"You bothered me to miss my son."

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