Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Still arrogant, Qinghua Shaoyu shot, this is what you...

"Starting ten consecutive draws and then invincible (

The cover of the gossip furnace was violently blasted open, and when countless patterns on the furnace body were dimmed, the boundless sky fire swept out and burned all directions! !

And in the sky full of fire, a white figure in the depths of the memories of many Tianjiao, shocked and reappeared!

At this moment, all Tianjiao took a breath of air! !

The original hot and hot Laojun City can't bring everyone a trace of warmth at this moment, and the surroundings seem to turn into a cold winter, and some are only cold!

An uncontrollable coldness jumped from the soles of the feet, directed towards the heavenly spirit, and exploded in the scalp! !

At this moment, all Tianjiao suddenly recalled the fear of being dominated by that white dress.

"This stove is so stuffy, but the air outside is better."

A slightly relaxed voice sounded.

Then I saw the white figure in the fire waving his sleeves, and the sky fire dissipated, and everyone could see the person's face clearly.

White robes and black hair, handsome face out of dust, immortal appearance and refined style, peerless style!

Too familiar!

This person has disappeared for twenty years, and everyone thought they had almost forgotten.

But when he returned, everyone was suddenly shocked that it was not that they had forgotten, but that they were unwilling or dared not to think about the years when this person could not hold their heads up.

And when this person reappeared, the familiar sense of awe swept over again! !

"Chuchuchuchuchu madman!!"

Tianjiao couldn't help stuttering.

There is Tianjiao with dull eyes, without a word, but speechless.

Qinghua Shaoyu, Ji De, Longsan Prince, Hate Changtian and other evildoers could not help their pupils trembling when they looked at the white robe.

There is only one doubt in their minds.

Why is the other party still alive? !

Why is the sky so unfair and wants this person to continue to live? !

It's not just Tianjiao evildoer.

Even the great powers of the fairy world have a feeling of dizziness.


How come this monster hasn't died yet!

Even the gossip stove can't burn the opponent, how could this life be so big! !

"How does Xian Ting Da Neng do things? Can't kill a junior?!"

"Now, this era will change back to what it was 20 years ago."

"Not necessarily, at least, those enchanting evildoers have grown up for twenty years, and the Madman Chu is trapped in the gossip furnace, and it is likely that twenty years have been wasted."


Laojun city.

"The son..."

Lan Yu looked at Madman Chu, his chest constantly undulating, filled with great joy.

She knew it, she knew that Madman Chu must not die!

"Oh, Lan Yu, it's been a long time."

Madman Chu also noticed Lan Yu and greeted him, and then he noticed the other party's injury, his eyes flashed coldly, "Oh, someone hurt you."

"Well, it's Qinghua Shaoyu, he hurt me by relying on the Golden Immortal Seventh-Rank cultivation base."

Lan Yu nodded, pointed at Qinghua Shaoyu, said with a hint of grievance in his azure blue eyes.

It looks like a kid who has been bullied and complained to the teacher and parents.

Lan Yu rarely acted like this, but she hadn't seen Madman Chu for many years. It was rare that she wanted to act like a baby.

And when the Madman Chu heard the words, he also looked at Qinghua Shaoyu, "Who am I supposed to be, old acquaintance."

"Madman Chu, you are not dead yet!!"

Qinghua Shaoyu clenched his fists, his eyes changed, revealing a little jealousy.

And Ji De and others next to him looked at him, remembering what Qinghua Shaoyu had just said.

If Madman Chu is not dead, I must fight with him and raise my power in the fairy garden...

it's good now.

People are really not dead, but you did.

Hey, you said you are nothing to pretend.

"I'm not dead, did I disappoint you?"

Madman Chu said lightly, standing with his hand in his hand, stepping forward, and coming to the front of several enchanting evildoers.

And looking at Madman Chu who suddenly approached, several enchanting evildoers subconsciously turned pale with fright, and their figures couldn't help but retreat directly, and their expressions were extremely frightened.

But then, after they reacted, a sense of humiliation surged in their hearts.

how so.

Just getting closer, they were scared into this ghostly look. Is the shadow of Dao Xin left by the other party really that big? !

"Kuangren Chu, what if you are still alive, do you think it is still twenty years ago?"

"The times are different. In the twenty years you have been trapped in the gossip furnace, we have been catching up and have already surpassed you. You reappear, just giving us a chance to defeat you!"

Qinghua Shaoyu said coldly, the aura on his body was rising steadily.

The cyan long sword in his hand also bloomed with endless celestial splendor.

"I look forward to what you call transcendence can bring me some interest."

Madman Chu stood on the spot, standing with his hands in his hands, his expression was indifferent, and he did not take the other party's words to heart.

Twenty years later, he reappeared, as always... arrogant!

"Madman Chu!!"

In order to confirm what he said just now, Qing Hua Shaoyu made a bold move.

The fairy sword in his hand was raised, and in an instant, the fairy yuan rose into the sky, and the power of endless wind and thunder spread out!

"Wind and thunder endless robbery!!"

Wind thunder is matched with sword aura, and a sword aura composed of thunder and storm bursts out instantly, sweeping towards Madman Chu from all directions!

Almost in the blink of an eye, thousands of sword energy swallowed him completely!

Boom, boom...

A series of shocking sounds resounded, endless energy turbulence echoed fiercely in the void.

Under such an attack, even a third-grade golden immortal would definitely not be better off.

But Qinghua Shaoyu knew that Madman Chu was not easy. After releasing the first round of attacks, the fairy sword in his hand did not stop. On the contrary, the fairy yuan became more turbulent and continuously injected into the fairy sword.

The endless wind and thunder, almost completely shattered the world where the madman Chu lived, turning into a desperate wind and thunder!

Qinghua Shaoyu exerted his full power, and saw many Tianjiao faces in shock.

"It's so terrifying, right now, even Madman Chu can't stand it."

"Indeed, this kind of power is too powerful."

"He has been trapped in the gossip furnace for so many years, and he has been burned by the sky fire. He must have no time to improve his cultivation skills. No, it is not bad if he is not damaged."

Many Tianjiao talked about it.

There is still a trace of hope in my heart.

I hope someone can stand up and fight against the Madman Chu.

Rather than, like twenty years ago, the entire young generation of the fairy world was crushed to death by one person, and everyone was alive under the shadow of one person.

That feeling is really too aggrieved.

Many Tianjiao are unwilling to try again.

"Chu madman, you are as arrogant as you always have been. In the face of my full-strength attack, you did not retreat in the slightest. Now, if you don't die, you will be seriously injured!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Qinghua Shaoyu's mouth.

"This is what you call transcendence?"

At this time, a slightly disappointed voice came from the endless wind and thunder.

I saw endless wind and thunder being torn apart by a surging fairy.

A white figure stood in the air, surrounded by Xianhui, the space and earth around him had long been destroyed by wind and thunder.

But he still stood in place, motionless, unscathed! !

Qinghua Shaoyu's pupils shrank fiercely, and his full shot did not hurt Chu Madman even a single bit!

How is this possible? ! !

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