Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : The origin of the immortal list, the son of the East Emperor, the King of the Demon

"Starting ten consecutive draws and then invincible (

After the madman of Chu returned to the academy, Lu Zi of the academy, as well as a group of teachers, all the students came to hear the news.

"The chief is really back."

"It's great, I know that the chief Ji Ren has his own vision, and he will be fine."

"Oh, it's great that the chief is okay..."

Many students looked at Madman Chu with excitement, and some female sisters even had the urge to cry.

"Just come back, just come back..."

Lu Zi looked at Chu Madman with a lot of emotion.

He really regarded Madman Chu as the pillar of the academy's future. When he heard the news about Madman Chu's accident, his whole body was dumbfounded.

Fortunately, now Madman Chu is back, like a nightmare, it's time to wake up.

Madman Chu has seen everyone.

Soon after, Wang Shentian and other scholars from the academy came to hear the news.

"Haha, Chief, you finally came back, this is the immortal world without you, but it's really boring."

Wang Shentian laughed.

"Heh, haven't you made a fairy list recently? I don't know how many Tianjiao fights for this fairy list, how can it be boring."

Madman Chu chuckled lightly.

"It's just a broken celestial list. Now that the chief comes back, this celestial list is just a piece of waste paper."

Wang Chentian said, just like Lan Yu, in his opinion, the arrogance of this world is not worthy of Chu Madman alone.

The students in the academy are almost fanatical in their worship of the madman of Chu.

After meeting with everyone in the academy, he then successively received a lot of people's summons to confirm his news.

This included Chu Hong, Yuzhi, Absolute Wushen, Ye Zhu, and even Quartz sent greetings.

Everyone who has a close relationship with him greets him and welcomes his return.

As for the rest, it is uncertain whether they are preparing for war or something.

The return of Madman Chu is of great importance, and many evildoers have to make preparations early.

"How will you welcome my return?"

Madman Chu looked at the sky and muttered.

at this time.

A figure appeared behind him. It was a young man dressed in white, who looked exactly like him.

This is his clone!

No one knows that although Madman Chu has been trapped in the gossip stove for the past twenty years, his clone has been hidden from the outside world.

Therefore, although he hasn't appeared in 20 years, he knows the pattern in the fairy world well.

Even made a lot of preparations secretly.

"My deity, welcome back."

Madman Chu's clone said lightly.

"Well, I have been working hard for you in the past twenty years."

"You know, I don't like doing these things the least, but now that you have come back, these things can be put aside for now."

Madman Chu avatar said.

"Have you found out the origin of Xianbang?"

"Well, Xian Bang is related to Xian Ting."

"It's Xian Ting again, their methods are really many."

Madman Chu curled his lips.

In the past twenty years, his clone and Ziwei Xingfeng's family have established a huge intelligence network in the immortal world, and the appearance of the immortal list is a bit strange, so he investigated it.

Facts have proved that this immortal ranking is indeed strange.

First of all, this fairy list is not comprehensive. The members recorded in it are all known Tianjiao evildoers on the table. In addition, the appearance of its ranking is not very fair. Some rankings seem to be ranked only for rankings. The most important thing is , The appearance of the immortal list has made the battle of the world of immortals even more vigorous.

All the enchanting Tianjiao fight each other in order to compete for the ranking of the immortal list, which is extremely fierce.

Someone is passing the fairy list to kill the existing Tianjiao evildoers.

"Does the guy who ranks the immortal list in the fairy garden intend to kill the existing world members of the immortal world before he is born?"

Who is the most beneficial to the consumption of the world?

Naturally, they are both the masters of the immortal world.

The other party made a fairy list, just want to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and take advantage of the fishermen's profit!

"A list covers all the Tianjiao on the table, treating them as chess pieces and manipulating them at will. There are such cunning people in the fairy garden, it's interesting."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

"By the way, Yuan Zhan, who is the tenth on the immortal list recently, appeared in Wuxing Mountain and sent an invitation to the Tianjiao who are also on the immortal list, hoping to make friends with Wu."

"Yuan Zhan? That fighting saint ape?"


"Well, I will check it out. I also want to know how much progress has been made in this world after twenty years."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle, showing some interest.


In the fairy court of the East Emperor.

A figure hidden in the endless fairy radiance looked at the jade slip in his hand, with a strange color in his eyes.

"The Madman Chu has actually reappeared."

The figure murmured, with a surprised tone.

"Kuangren Chu shows up, I'm afraid your plan will be disrupted."

Beside this figure, there was a man dressed in white with an ethereal temperament. This man was the **** son of the Yunzhongjun of the Eastern Emperor's Fairy Court.

And when he looked at the figure in the endless fairy, his attitude was faintly respectful.

There is only one person in the entire Eastern Emperor's Immortal Court who can make him behave like this, and that is the one who is known as the Chief Secretary Jiuge...The Eastern Emperor's son! !

The most noble deity in the rumors of Jiuge!

"Yes, I originally wanted to arrange the seats of Tianjiao through the Immortal List. One way, these Tianjiao can conquer each other and consume strength. Secondly, it will pave the way for me in the future. The first seat, you can get supreme prestige. UU Reading"

"The premise is... Madman Chu is not here!"

The Eastern Prince said lightly.

Only when the Mad Chu is absent, the Tianjiao evildoers who are not absolutely suppressed will be chaotic, will attack each other, and will consume their strength!

As long as the Madman Chu is absent, he can win the top spot on the immortal list to gain supreme prestige.

However, with such absolute suppression by Madman Chu, no matter what actions he wants to take against the Tianjiao, Madman Chu is a barrier that cannot be crossed.

No matter what he does, he will be subconsciously compared with Madman Chu. Once he loses, his supreme reputation will be ruined.

The most eye-catching thing in the world will always be the first, the strongest existence!

"Qinghua Shaoyu, the ninth man on the immortal list, cannot take a few tricks in front of the Madman Chu. The strength of this person is indeed far beyond imagination."

"His strength is something the world does not allow."

The Eastern Prince said lightly.

It is not a problem for a person to be stronger, but if it is too strong, if it exceeds the others, it will be targeted by all the people.

Madman Chu, that's the case.

"Do you need me to test him?"

"No, this person has disappeared for twenty years, and now he has reappeared. There are many people who are more interested than us. I think someone will come to test him soon."

the other side.

Hundreds of colleges.

A figure flew over, and an extremely majestic breath poured out.

The entire college was shocked.

"I am the Heavenly King of the Devil Kingdom, a madman of Chu, dare to come out for a fight!!"

That was a tall and strong man with a pitch-black halberd in his hand. The fluctuations of the immortal yuan contained goldenness, stirring all directions, and came to challenge the madman Chu!

Many college students met, looked at each other, looking like an idiot.

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