Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Randomly increase 1 ability, Soul Flower, Legend of Ape Ancestor

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After leaving the academy, Madman Chu followed Lan Yu straight to the Wuxing Mountain.

He went to the Five Elements Mountain this time out of pure interest, wanting to see if Yuan Zhan could invite some good Tianjiao.

In addition, some people he knows may also be there.

On the way there, he didn't miss the lottery.

In the twenty years of being trapped in the gossip stove, he occasionally draws prizes, but at his level, there are very few things that can be useful to him.

In addition to some top **** level, super **** level rewards.

The rest of the rewards are dispensable to him, and he has been thrown in the universe space in his sleeve.

After coming out of the gossip stove, he gave those rewards to the clone, part of which was used as a resource to form an underground organization, and part of it was sent back to the sky star.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing a god-level reward random promotion card."

Madman Chu was quite surprised by the reward he drew this time.

Random promotion card.

As the name suggests, it is a card that can immediately improve an ability of Madman Chu.

It can be the realm of cultivation, it can be physique, it can also be supernatural power...

This is a very useful reward.

If you can randomly increase your cultivation realm, I don't know if you can randomly raise yourself to the Daluo realm?

Madman Chu thought to himself.

Now he is already the Golden Immortal Ninth-Rank Cultivator, and he is not far from the threshold of Da Luo.

Even his physical body has already condensed Da Luo Yi, even in the face of some Da Luo monks, he can fight!


Madman Chu took out the random promotion card and used it immediately.

In an instant, he felt a mass of energy rushing around in his body, as if he was looking for some goal.

In the end, this energy rushed directly into his own spiritual sea and merged into the three golden souls.

"The random ability card is used successfully, and the soul ability is improved!"

boom! !

Madman Chu felt as if his mind had exploded, and the three golden souls in the spirit sea bloomed with incomparably bright golden brilliance!

The eighteenth-turn three-element soul refining art also started to operate independently.

Fourteenth turn, fifteenth turn...

The golden brilliance became stronger and stronger, until it enveloped the entire spiritual sea.

But when the eighteenth rank soul training reached the sixteenth rank, Madman Chu felt that his soul had undergone a certain transformation!

It seems that between one thought, one's own thoughts can get out of the body, wander the void, and enter the infinite.

This feeling is incredibly wonderful.

"Void Realm!!"

"My soul realm has broken away from the golden soul realm, and has reached the too virtual realm!!"

"With one thought, you can travel around Taixu, and see the realm of Taixu in the universe!"

There was a touch of joy on Chu Kuangren's face.

It is difficult to improve the soul realm, and the more difficult it becomes as you go back, even in the Da Luo realm, it is not a simple matter for the soul realm to reach the Taixu realm.

Madman Chu's thoughts moved, and a magnificent lotus bud suddenly appeared on the top of his head.

The bud slowly unfolded, revealing seven petals.

If someone saw this scene, it would definitely be shocked.

On top of the three flowers, this is the symbol of the realm of Da Luo!

After the soul realm was improved, Madman Chu had half-footed into the Great Luo Realm.

"The first state of Daluo, the three-flower state, the three flowers are the flower of immortal yuan, the flower of longevity, the flower of soul, logically speaking, the realm of Daluo first condenses the immortal yuan flower, and finally condenses the longevity yuan flower. This is the soul flower, but I did the opposite and took the lead in condensing this soul flower."

Madman Chu shook his head and smiled, but he didn't care much.

Anyway, his path of practice was very different from that of ordinary people a long time ago.

It's just pediatrics to condense the flower of the soul first.

After the soul was upgraded, the Madman Chu was satisfied and looked forward to this trip to the Five Elements Mountains.


Five Elements Mountain.

In the ancient fairy world rumors, this place is the self-sealed place of the ape ancestor.

It is said that the ape ancestor is blessed and possesses the supreme aptitude at birth. It can be said that all the way to practice is to advance forward without hindrance, but because of his unhealthy temperament, he has caused a lot of troubles.

One of the biggest troubles was when an ape and a stick hit Kunlun Fairy Garden.

In that battle, it was fought dimly, and the entire Xian Ting was damaged, but the ape ancestor was also injured. Although he saved his life, he also recuperated for a long time.

And the place where he recuperated was the Five Elements Mountain.

"I heard that the ape ancestor felt his temperament flaws, irritable and irritable after making a big mess in the fairy garden. Although he was extremely talented, he never got the right path. Therefore, he sealed himself in the Five Elements Mountain for five hundred years, and his mind was meditation. After exiting the customs, he has attained He Dao, and it is passed on as a momentary story. It is for the heart-squeezing ape under the Five Elements Mountain, and he will realize He Dao in one go!"

At the foot of the Five Elements Mountain, a monk was talking about the rumors of the ancient times.

The monks all around were utterly intoxicated.

"Oh my God, Ape Ancestor Niubi, he didn't proclaim himself in front of the Five Elements Mountain, and he could make trouble in Xian Ting without being in the realm of Hedao? That was Xian Ting in the ancient times, and Kunlun Xian Ting with six imperial palaces was extremely powerful. , Is the overlord of this world, he is a big Luo, and he has made trouble, and he hasn't died yet?!"

"Of course, the Ape Ancestor is good at fighting, and the battle is so powerful, it is not impossible to challenge across the border."

"It’s not just that. It’s said that the ape ancestor made a big trouble in Xian Ting, and he stole a lot of precious medicines from Xian Ting, and was later thrown into the gossip furnace by the old man. He trained a pair of divine pupils and vajra. The bad body, because of this encounter, made his combat power even higher, and Ronaldo can join forces with the enemy!"

"That said, it reminds me of Madman Chu. He has also been thrown into the gossip furnace for training, and his strength has risen greatly."

"This gossip furnace is really a pit. Xian Ting has used it to deal with enemies twice, and these enemies have become even more powerful because of this."

Many monks talked.

When talking about Madman Chu who had recently reappeared, everyone inevitably felt a little bit emotional.

"I don't know if Yuan Zhan invites Tianjiao this time, will Chu Madman come?"

Someone looked towards the top of Wuxing Mountain.

I saw a stalwart figure standing on the top of the mountain holding a golden long stick.

This is a great ape.

Hundreds of feet tall, wearing a golden hoop, his body is filled with monstrous anger and war, his muscles bulge like a hill, like molten iron, giving people an indestructible feeling.

This great ape standing on the top of the mountain is a hundred thousand mountains, Yuan Zhan of the fighting clan!

It is said that UU Reading Yuan Zhan was originally just a supreme arrogant, he could not reach the level of evildoers, but later in the starry sky arena, he obtained the magical iron and the practice left by the old ape ancestors. This is only a step by step. Rise, and after returning from the starry sky arena, he retreats in the Five Elements Mountain.

After leaving the customs, his combat power skyrocketed, and he climbed directly to the tenth place on the immortal list.

It was not much worse than the Golden Crow Young Master who was seventh on the immortal list, and was hailed as one of the most outstanding future demon kings in the hundred thousand mountains.

"somebody is coming!"

At this moment, the ancestor of the monkey looked into the distance with a solemn expression.

I saw a golden light flying by, turning into a golden figure with a long knife on his back.

"It's the twenty-seventh ancient sword on the immortal list!"

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